

It's too fucking fun

It looks bad on HDTVs and needs a remaster.

The shooting is clunky and the AI is shit.

People always compare it to an inferior game

DS sometimes make things too obscure

Sometimes I get mad when I play it.

overwatch's diversity and character lore is boring if not annoying but the gameplay is fun eough

I can't. Skyrim is fucking perfect.

The story sucks.

The release was really rocky, and there's still too much unnecessary input lag.

too much weeb shit in osu

shut the fuck up, todd


It's fun, I like fun, also, Quiet is adorable.

Came here to say this

I couldn't agree more. Same with Fallout 4

The combat is shit.
Encyclopedy NPCs.
You know the game.

Having a QTE as the last boss was some bullshit

Circle of the Moon needed a fucking bestiary or some way not involving a guide to find which monster had the DSS Cards. Also they should have a Hugh mode.

>Thief 2: The Metal Age

It wasn't great looking when it came out, let alone now. It did work for what it needed to, but yeah, it's easy to see why people can't get into it today.
That and the climbing/jumping mechanics could have used some tweaking, they could be twitchy as fuck at times.

cancer fanbase

you can guess it

The new halo is too fast and doesn't feel like the halo I know.

crissaegrim is op as fuck, along with shield rod + alucard shield. thankfully they're both late game but they still turn the game into easy mode.

It has an end.

It's pretty much required to go through all of the tutorials in Knights in the Nightmare and doing so is pretty boring.

Combat is clunky
Engine is shit
Game is rushed

Guess the game

AI is shit and so are the graphics

Post game in Soul Sac Delta is really tiresome. By the time you get there you either have or are on the verge of getting your first heart sigil. Once you get the initial one the most efficient way to carry on is to stack them on one type of sigil so you end up only using a hand full of offerings that are effected by it.

Dungeon Travelers 2 class specific doors destroy any desire to play further than the credit roll, and considering half the game is tied up in the post game that's pretty shitty.

All the characters in Ar Nosurge draw out the conflict and make things considerably worse by being anime tropes and not talking things out like human beings.
Also they let Nelo live.

phantom hits

It's a feature

Its literally a demo whose main game is universally panned/hated/disappointing

MGSV wasn't universally panned, you goof.

Game has shit graphics when it released
Game has shit combat
Worst excuse for character customization ever

Best story mechanics

It's way too grindy and there is no way to ever catch up to others.
Even once you do, something new will be released to catch back up to.

Often times the entry learning curve is a pain in the ass, and it's far too fucking easy afterwards, so no one wants to teach new players.

The base character models look like ass.

It's way TOO balanced. There's no interesting aspect of any competition. No timing or strategy, as one way works objectively best for the situation and no one will ever fight at a disadvantage.

