ITT: Games that were forgotten almost immediately

I will start with Quantum Break

Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't help that it was available on systems no one uses



i had no idea the new mirror's edge was out

Mirror's Edge Catalyst?

wasnt there supposed to be a new bayonetta at some point

I didn't even know they were making the fucking thing


>implying quantum break wasn't a goldmine of meme potential

Uh you don't get to bring clones

I'm willing to bet that under 30 people on Sup Forums actually played this game

Uncharted 4

>quantum break

I don't even know what Quantum Break was

Is it a FPS? TPS? RTS? RPG? movie? Point and click?

CIA-senpai is so moe

>shitting on GOTY and the best looking game to come out in a while because it isn't on your platform

Holy shit Pcucks are so delusional.

just don't concern yourself with it at all.

The game with the very ironic title.

The hell dude? I just named the game and you come wiht that?


Seriously as shitty as a game can be, i've seen gameplay or discussions around

That one made a quantum leap and faded out of existence day 1.

I know about Uncharted 4 shitty no lose scenarios and what's it about without even caring for them. But that one? beats me.

I don't know, user. I really don't.




>ztd came out like 2 weeks ago

>le cuck meme


>Everyone has forgotten the game because I have as a defense mechanism to reduce my rage

Nice projecting

Nice buzzword, that's the only thing you can do to try defile such a great game.

i was going to post this one but i couldn't even remember its name

Remember le pump-a-rum bird girl?

Me neither.

Funny that you would be talking about rage


This is actually the only game I've genuinely, 100% regretted buying.

Ha same, I had to type in bethesda shooters

Overwatch before Overwatch

I paid $60 for this

Guy on the cover even looks like Reaper.

>the return of 3D platformers!
>omg guys mark fucking cerny is working on it!
>day 0 purchase even if nothing else ever comes out for the ps4 it will be worth it just to play this!

Then it came out and everyone did their best to forget it ever existed.


Anyone who saw this and didn't get an immediate redflag deserved to be burned.

I played it. I'd definitely recommend it.

TPS with time powers

This game, and for a good reason, what a fucking personality-less turd.

For all the obsession around here about Reddit, it's weird not even Sup Forums remembers the Official Reddit Videogame.

I didnt even know that game came out
Im guessing was bad?



As badly optimized as Arkham Knight, and barley even a game. It's clear that Sam lake is a wannabe TV writer, I wish he would try to get into that buiness instead of being involved in shitty videogames. Remedy's Max Payne days are long since gone.

An easier thread would be "Games that WEREN'T forgotten almost immediately"

Seriously, how many games more than a few months old still regularly get talked about by lots of people? It's not many.


Clearly, if he was writing for quantum break, it was because hee couldn't make it in the tv industry

I forgot it even existed until I saw it on psn.

>multiple threads everyday for ten months
>multiple threads a week even still

I think you're confused user.

Is the story at least good?

How was it? I never played it.
Is actually somewhat good?

why does every thread have to turn into an ebin meme thread? This place sucks.

Arkham Knight runs fine now.
I managed to play it at 40-60 FPS maxed out with a i3 6100 and a GTX 960 4GB, thing is, I have 16GB of RAM, which helped getting rid of the memory leak issues, plus, graphically it's beautiful.
Dead Rising 3 is still the worst PC port ever.

It's a story revolving around time travel. What do you think?

The only thing I know about Quantum Break is that this song does a really fucking good job of getting me pumped.

Many games aren't continually talked about, but most don't completely dissapear like battleborn or evolve did.

Alan Wake was great though

Give it 6 more months.

>tfw i unironically enjoyed this too
was I the only one?

aka Oh yeah that was a thing they made for some reason

Such a shame for Remedy.. Can't believe these guys used to make gold like Max Payne or Alan Wake..

>even if nothing else ever comes out for the ps4 it will be worth it just to play this!

Okay, the rest of the stuff you said was true, but no one ever said that.

>Doesn't help that Sup Forums is s Sonypony and Nintoddler land.

Is there even any song by Poets of the Fall? Then it wouldn't be a proper Remedy game

Fallout 4 still gets talked about. Hell, fucking Mario Maker on the Wii U is still popular.

Apparently not, since nobody ever talked about it. The only thing that was ever said of it was that it dropped frames hard and often, because everyone wanted to bust the SUPERCHARGED PC marketing Sony used.

Should have made it a $20 expansion like Blood Dragon, not a $60 release.

I can't find a single person who has played Mirror's Edge Catalyst

I see Evolve talked about constantly, on Sup Forums and other boards.

Everyone talks about how awful it is.

It was a great movie game, something that's very rare to come by
It's just that it's a ps4 exclusive with not very much replay value besides trying to save everyone.
also since it is was a movie game and a good one most people "played" it by just watching lps

Shouldve made Alan Wake 2 and not that piece of shit exclusive nobody cared about you fucking faggots

Almost all games here are forgotten if they aren't memeshit or waifufag pandering weebshit

Xbronies tried so hard to make it their Bloodborne but nobody bought it.

The worst part is that because it had no guns we didn't even get an IMFDB page outta that.

Does CIA guy knows about baneposting?

I always thought it was just that. Especially with the gimped guns.

It gets brought up by Overwimps here and there.

My cousin is the only person I know who played it. He said he finished the campaign in two hours.

>Arkham Knight runs fine now.

I obviously meant initially, Knight's initial release infamy will always be iconic.



I liked it. I knocked it out in one afternoon and enjoyed my results. If I didn't have to sit through 3/4ths of the game again just to see what the end game was like with Jessica and matt, I'd have messed around with the chapter options. Mike and Chris were best characters though

>CIA, I am CIA

Is this any good? Seems like it's on sale all the time.

According to google, no, but they did apparently use a bit of Children of the Elder God again.

wtf I hate Sup Forums now

how could he not? reddit is always stealing our memes and spamming them everywhere illegally

>Now neither of us will be in charge

No it wasn't. The gamplay was incredibly repetitive. I loved the story and atmosphere, but those two things don't matter for shit when the game isn't fun to play. Once again, Remedy is run by people who wish they were in TV/movies.

I played it last week and I'm surprised I didn't get spoiled or anything. I don't watch LPs at all though.

people didn't forget about this game at all
it has been the most memed game since fallout 4

It was even blander than the reboot

>guy mentions it because people simply forgot it and discussion died down, was probably just a fan who is dissapointed noone else talks about it
>immediately resort to consolewar shit
Outstanding IQ.

It's by Splash Damage retard. (Enemy Territory games, Dirty Bomb, now owned by a chicken company)

We know Tom Hardy does, at least.

I watched somebody stream it and I enjoyed it.