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Collection thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying physical
get a load of this faggot
>Owning a Wii U
like take his load or what?
>People still buying physical media.
I got a 2TB in my PS4 and a 500GB external hdd hooked up to my Wii U.
Almost 98% of my games are digital except for a few Wii U games and a couple imported PS4 games.
Fuck physical games these days. I'm an adult and I don't need "gaming" shit cluttering up shelves and desks.
I love being able to just pick up the controller and having access to my complete library without fumbling around with discs all the time.
And if I ever get my shit stolen or my place burns down, then I can redownload all my games once I get another PS4/Wii U. Simple as that.
And I got really fast connection so downloading anything over 50GB isn't really a big deal. Besides you still have to install discs to the hdd anyways with most PS4 games which usually range from 20-40gb without a download.
I have a 2TB hard drive in my PS4 as well but that doesn't mean digital is a superior way to buy games. You don't own shit and your license is not transferable.
I buy tons of digital games but only when they're on sale, if it's full priced physical is a better deal through Amazon Prime.
>Buying physical in 2016
Who would want the freedom of not being locked to a single account for the rest of their life?
I mean, who doesn't trust Sony to maintain their servers for decades, and honor past purchases?
here's my modest physical collection, I've got another 30 digital games on PS4 and like 5 on Xbox One
screwed up the image
Look at this LOSER who is unable to take PART in this FUN thread! Why don't you GO make a new thread and TAKE a picture of your ONLINE library so you CLODS can be contained! Freak! lol! lmaoooooooooo!!!
How is Grand Kingdom? The combat system seemed interesting from the JP demo, but the focus on online mechanics makes me afraid it'll be either grindy or dead soon.
also here's my collection
>two thousand, sixteen, year of our lord
>owning an xbox one
you have failed as a man
>the focus on online mechanics makes me afraid it'll be either grindy or dead soon
The physical release was held back a week, and the people that received it digitally, went nuts with leveling and gearing.
There is a lot of grinding/save-scumming required. Even then, you will see very little progress overall. I beat the short main campaigns, then moved on to Star Ocean.
Why? I mean, I agree the Xbone is kinda shit but I don't really regret it. I most use it to play RDR now.
I'm not seeing a problem. Xbone and PS4 largely have the same games and there's only a scant few exclusive games for either platform to sway someone toward one or another.
No sense in saying someone has failed by purchasing one system over another since there hasn't been any need for a "console war" in a very long time.
some people just can't help themselves
If you even look at my picture it's pretty clear I prefer the PS4 based on the number of games I've purchased on both.
I have one bookcase full of random shit.
>original Guild Wars and expansions in boxes
So fucking jealous. I miss that game, and my old copy of it.
Unless you're buying your shit off GOG on PC, you don't "Own" your digital games. Good job spending hundreds of dollars on rentals, but if it helps you with your insecurities about being an "adult" good for you I guess.
Guild Wars 1 is my jam. Guild Wars 2 not so much sadly.
I have 290 games on Steam I wish I had boxed copies of.
>still buying digital
How much of a blind cuck do you have to be?
>Collections are only PS3 years old
I fucking shutter...
I don't know if I'd want that many boxed copies for PC games as they take on average 3-4x as much space. Plus, most of those would be basically worthless now as new PC games sadly have to be activated on services like Steam.
I miss the old day where keys could be re-used again and again
rate my collection Sup Forums
>youtube collector
Pretty outdated, but too lazy to make a new one
Post a picture of your collection so we can rate it
Here's mine atm, I bought ratchet and clank and a couple of other games digitally though
>Duck Dynasty
every fucking time
you buy your games digitally, right?
>digital copies
yeah, I much prefer physical, but game sharing is just too good.
Nice set up holy crap. I really want to have mine looking like this
Here is my over priced and slightly regretful CE collection.
pls tell me you're actually japanese cause this weebism is sickening
so weeb that its actually cool as fuk
Collector's editions are your thing huh?
i don't understand
>multiplats on the xbone
why would you do that to yourself?
They were. Odin Sphere, Bravely Second, Overwatch, and DOAX3 are the only 4 I've gotten in years. I'm a sucker for collectable stuff.
I'm not a fan of it either but at least they got the RARE collection.
>all these shit games
>buying a special edition system to not use it
This is so fucking accurate. Shitty fucking millenials
I dont think you know what millenials means, because you most likely are one yourself.
Of course I am. Why does that mean I can't shit on my own generation? I'm 29, I'm pretty sure it starts in the 80s.
yup, i bought four.
what's your motivation?
yes, I'm posting it again
i collect
>not owning a console with games
>Doesn't have the golden DSi
your collection is an uncompleted shit
You know you can actually save some PS4 hard drive space by buying physical, right?
have Silent Hill 2, GTA 3, Vice City, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus PS2 copies elsewhere as well. Most of my Ps3 library is digital.
That's an NA exclusive. I'm in the UK. I collect only things i can use.
>I collect only things I can use and not use them
if you can't import you aren't a true fan senpai
aye that persona q collectors edition
keep worshiping Nintendo
i could get one easily, i probably will at some point, just never made it a priority.
i can use anything in there at any time user. It's just one door.
It's a waste of money for a CD with 5 fucking songs, some shitty cards, and a XL case.
Atlus needs to take look at Marvelous' CE
>I can use anything in there at any time
But you won't because then it won't be mint condition
>keep worshiping Good Games
Y-you too.
Can't be arsed to take pictures due to the frequency at which I buy or switch out games, so here's my profile on vgcollect instead
I have a big focus on getting DS games but you can scarcely find them locally
nah I take good care of my things.
Where's your copy of Triforce Heroes then
heres my fightans and my ps4
OK. 1/4
Where's SFV and Revelator?
How long are the main campains?
SFV is trash and Revelator's not out yet.
I haven't updated this pic since September 2014. I've gotten a ton of shit since then.
Revelator came out last month
ah shit you're right
well i need more practice anyway before i pick it up
In the trash where it belongs
it's not bad it's just too reliant on having friends to play it with.
I bet you think Four Swords was bad too
>Making the games that people want to break into your house and steal as visible as possible
I will never understand this. Yes, it's awesome to own rare, expensive shit, but putting them in the open like that is just asking for someone in your neighborhood to break in.
too rich for me, gfy
u srs? get a load of this guy is a common expression that means to direct your attention at whoever this guy is in an attempt to demean someone for some reason
>And if I ever get my shit stolen or my place burns down, then I can redownload all my games once I get another PS4/Wii U.
There will come a day when the old PS4/Wii U networks no longer exist, and when Sony and Nintendo no longer allow you to redownload the old content that you paid for. This already happened to the PS2, it's happening to the DS and the Wii, and it will happen to the PS3, PS4, and Wii U. Enjoy those rentals m8, might as well pirate everything desu
I have more but most of the other system stuff are in storage.
can you post a closeup of that space channel case above the nes games?
all PS4 games have to be installed. I buy physical because most of the times it is cheaper and I can trade the games when I am finished with them.
I do buy digital games too though, mainly only ones I want to keep. PC games mostly.
i'm not much of a physical owner..
>all that shit
How has the PS4 managed to sell so much?
My entire current gen collection
FUN FACT: My house did get broken into, but all the shit heads stole was my PS3 and a bunch of loose change. The stupid druggies left the PS4 which was in close proximity to the PS3 as well as all the high dollar games. I doubt they even knew the value of the rest of my collection. I also highly doubt they would have the patients to ebay the shit even if they did know the value. Crackheads want money now not a few weeks from now.
Nah I actually enjoyed Tri force heroes, a shame the online died quite quick. The PVP was fun as fuck too if you used the boomerang to throw people constantly