Yo can we fucking talk about how good this game is?

Yo can we fucking talk about how good this game is?

Never played the original but this is a huge step up from Dragon's Crown and Muramasa. Currently on Chapter 4 of Mercedes book.

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It's probably got their best gameplay so far, but god damn does it get repetitive.

It felt a little repetitive in Oswald's chapter but Mercedes feels fresh enough. Just don't like the recycled bosses.

Mercedes is the sexiest


>that big chest

I don't like this

Velvet does things to my psypher.

This game is not even subtle with its fetishes
>daddy issues

Vanillaware are some sick fucks.

I do.

I like that flat chest

It's all about her cowtit mother.


Mercedes' body is sexier

I beat it recently on the PS4, and it was worth every penny holy shit. Gr8 gameplay that went crazy for characters like Oswald and Cornelius. A strong plot with real fucking boohoo moments

It's pretty obvious, but I'm glad I got the poem at the end correct on my first try

>mrw Gwendolyn's/Oswald's plots

>Called Odin Sphere
>Odin actually has a sphere

What the fuck was his problem?

Who has the best gameplay in your opinion?

Oswald killed his gay lover

They killed his friend.

I like Gwendolyn the most so far. Mercedes is fun, but I suck at juggles and I couldn't quite get the hang of Cornelius, kept wanting to play him like Gwendolyn but he's supposed to be grounded and not doing flashy aerial combos

An edgelord killed his bro to dickwave about how show off his edge-blade

Cornelius>Mercedes(Once you get comfortable with her)>Oswald>Gwendolyn>Velvet

Nothing feels better tho than going apeshit with potions at the end of every book tho on poor bosses and minibosses

Oswald a best

Worst area: Winterhorn Ridge/Netherworld
Best area: Everything else.

Oswald is shit, Cornelius is the best

Oswald is elder god tier to the point where you may as well not even be playing a video game anymore when you're using him.

Cornelius is the best while still feeling like you actually have to play the game to win.

Gwendolyn is mediocre boring and shitty in all regards.

Velvet is just terrible.

Mercedes is kinda shit but at least unique so she's better than Gwen and Velvet.

winterhorn and the volcano area were the worst in the original game. Having to craft and drink coolers and warmers every stage was repetitive as fuck and the gameplay was already pretty repetitive {spoiler]I still like the original version despite its many glaring flaws

Oswald a shit,

but I probably didn't get too deep with his mechanics since I rarely used his teleport and the counter move. His grab was some pretty good shit tho

The one place I actually used Onionnes ever

Some asshole murdering your best bro just to test out a sword and having your other friend get his soul enslaved by dickass wizards can make you kind of pissy.

The mini boss in winterhorn is so shitty. Mercedes is the only one I found that boss somewhat easy to fight, otherwise it was just a fucking nightmare to get on his horn platform shit.


call me when its on sale 50 bucks is a scam

>having to fight two of them at once in the bonus winterhorn battles

So much stunlock instant death

The skills helps to make it fresh but yea it does get tedious after a while.
Mercedes is fun to play though

At first I thought the game was actually really hard, but then I realized I had just forgotten about dodging. I never did it much in Muramasa.

>Having to fight two of them as Oswald
All my hate. Died so many times on that fight.

Same shit, different price tag. I thought they would take steps to make it less repetitive and boring. I was very wrong.

besides redone combat and visuals, what was added?

I didn't really have any problems with them as Oswald aside from the first attempt where I got so carried away going berserk I didn't pay any attention to my health, something about him just really clicked with me.

looks like you were having fun

let me fix that

I had such a hard time with that fight. Couldnt utilize his berserk mode correctly since I would only get in like 3 hits before I dashed off or got thrown off the horn.
Having two of them smacking at me wasnt helping either.
Maybe I'm just playing Oswald wrong but his playstyle doesnt mesh with me, I prefer Cornelius.

Pretty much the majority of the gameplay has been redone and revamped, there's new mini-bosses, the areas you traverse are more than just flat plains, there's new music, new mini-bosses, and a bunch of shit I'm forgetting.

redone alchemy and inventory system, a few new mini bosses

>tfw everyone gets a happy ending except Mercedes

Fuck this. Did anyone actually like it?

It's a huge pain to fight but it's also pretty original and fun to fight

All the main characters aside from Mercedes get relatively happy endings aside from all their friends and family being destroyed in an apocalypse.
It's a manageable fight with Mercedes, with anyone else it's the worst thing ever or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

>tfw using up all your potions on the final boss

>Velvet's spiral drive
Ridiculous damage and stumble buildup.
Gwendolyn having the best magic spells in the game in general make no sense.
Also half damage in berserk mode is riduculous with how much health you have as oswald, you straight up lifesteal faster than they can kill you.

Those are actually one of the few I found easiest with Oswald. Could just stay on them forever pretty much.

>tfw even dodging in Berserk mode does damage
Oswald may be edgy as fuck, but it's suh a guilty pleasure.

These were fine until the flamethrowers.


Easily my GOTY so far, absolutely love it.

>Not doing flashy aerial combos
He has the flashiest ones, though! I don't get why the game gives him a boos to grounded damage when the so many of his skills put him in the air and his air-game is so strong.

Cornelius by far, he excels in everything and has moves for any situation.

The only fight in his story I didn't handle on Hard Mode.
I just did not have the patience for that shit.

there is no fetish this game doesn't cater to, even vorefags get a mention

big fat undead tats was the best tho All she wanted was for faggots to stop stealing her fucking crystals

Delete this

I know these games are "ARPGs" but how prominent are the RPG elements? Are they basically action games + level-ups? Is there a lot of character customization?

You really just choose which skills to improve, they're mostly action games.

You have 3 equip slots for gear you find/buy. Stats are there but they are not really something you can alter, mostly for level ups.
Plenty of skills to use with each character so I guess the customization comes mostly from there.

You have two skill trees for every character.
One unlocks passive abilities and buffs and functions like a classic skill tree.
The other one features all your special abilities and a few passives. You upgrade these with points to increase their effects. (More damage or more hits for a multi-stab attack, for example.)

It's definitely mainly an action game, though.

How can you be so wrong?

Gwen is the most well rounded character in the game with a great moveset and magic.

Cornelius shits out damage and aoe, and his spiral claw is disgustingly good at straight up stunlocking entire lines of enemies and juggling minibosses for half a healthbar.

Mercedes is the spammiest of the bunch, literally just round shot lines of enemies into oblivion.

Oswald is retardedly powerful with berserk mode and great spells that build the meter back hugely.

And velvet's spiral drive is even more disgustingly powerful than cornelius' spiral claw- fast, tons of damage, stuns even elites and minibosses, can be dodge cancelled, cheap in POW, juggles minibosses into oblivion.
And the spells she get let her set up killzones to combo into it with her damage amp passives. She also gets bomb later which is a great nuke.

Some basic character build customization and basic inventory/gear management.

There's an okay alchemy system for making a good variety of potions to suit your needs

How would you rank the characters, Sup Forums?

Cornelius > Gwendolyn > Oswald > Mercedes > Velvet

Cornelius > Gwendolyn > Oswald > Velvet > Mercedes

>Mercedes with the weakest story

If you didn't think that the choice she gave Odin in her final chapter wasn't the sickest shit, you're probably pic related irl

I actually like everyone. I'd probably put Mercedes last, but even she grew on me.
I also thought Oswald and Gwendolyn's story was surprisingly touching, but maybe I'm just used to the garbage love stories we usually get from jrpgs.

I played the ordinal when it first came out. I was in college but i mustve been a shit player-i had to chat to keep oswald in his shadow form indefinitely.

Mercedes had a great story, it even made Ingway likeable for a bit.

It was a neat scene, but her entire story revolved around shit that didn't matter in the slightest
Nothing was accomplished that we didn't already know about. Nothing new was learned.
I also absolutely called the hell outta what her real name was, that shit was so obvious.
Neat, but obvious.

>Mercedes' story last
Fuck you, she had the best payoff by far.
Oswald, Velvet and Gwen all had weaker stories. Fuck, oswald probably had the weakest.

See Also everything leading up to the ending was weak as shit, she started out as an annoying brat.
Consistently good > Bad, but with great ending

>but I'm glad I got the poem at the end correct on my first try

Now go get every possible ending to get the extended version of the true ending.


I thought after six books I was finally fucking free

Comfy loli is comfy.

>Intentionally getting all the bad end scenes
>Cornelius being eaten alive by Gallon
>Oswald turning into a mindless beast
>Ingway killing Mercedes
It hurt. It hurt real bad.

Why is her sit animation so satisfying?

I absolutely adore the look and feel of Vanillaware's games.

Cornelius > Velvet > Gwendolyn > Oswald > Mercedes

Mercedes is plenty powerful, but I don't find her much fun to play as.

Cornelius > Gwendolyn > Velvet > Oswald > Mercedes

>Oswald's story
>consistently good


>Scared of playing through Mercedes's story again after the shitfest the PS2 version was
>It's way more enjoyable now

Thank god


I was really worried about the regular attacks needing power shit at first, but it ends up not being too bad.
Dunno why you have to reload a bow that shoots maguc, but hey.

Polkas don't age!!

The aftermath of the darkova-mercedes fight is still the best dub VA I've ever seen.

The dub is surprsingly solid except for Oswald's weirdly high pitched HYAAA noise he makes during battle. That single voice clip almost made me turn off voices for that section.

What about it?
>Start off being an unloved child working for your "father"
>Fall in love with someone in a similar situation
>"Father" betrays you, end up dying
>Saved from the Netherworld by former enemy
>Accept a deal to kill a dragon, outsmart Odin and keep the spoils and his daughter's hand
>Rescue your love after she's kidnapped
I don't get what about this is bad.

Her DPS is absurdly high, but she's so spammy.

Cornelius is best.

>step up from dragons crown and muramasa
It's exactly the same as those games. Only difference is you can set inputs for a lot of your moves for big combos.

It's absolutely nothing like Dragon's Crown, the fuck are you talking about?

I'd agree that it feels better than Muramasa, but the soundtrack's not as good.

Get every possible scene from Armageddon, then read the last book again to see extended ending.

Use the loli and pick up the cat. Then sit on comfy couch to see what scenes you've already seen from Armageddon.

Nigga go play as dwarf or amazon.
There's your muramasa and odin sphere right there.
Only difference is you've got more movement options.

Lots of incest.

Which enemy has the best design and why is it the Halja?

Is it true this is 1080p60 on PS3? Or is it just 720p60? Does the Vita version have frame drops?


The vita starts shitting itself when you use a Whirlwind in the middle of lots of enemies, but it's pretty rare otherwise.

Is there anything these folks can't make sexy?

I only experienced slowdown once in my 60 hour playthrough on Vita and it was during the battle blimp bullshit.

I want to fuck that mushroom

What? The mushrooms were boring looking.
