[Something seems to be bothering Carth. Maybe you should speak to him and see if you can get him to open up about it]
[Something seems to be bothering Carth. Maybe you should speak to him and see if you can get him to open up about it]
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>finally reached the point of no return as a dark sider
>kill those party members who choose not to follow me anymore
>this fucker gets away
What's the superior class?
Scout or Soldier?
no matter what build i decide to play, i always end up drifting back to the same light side master speed spamming dual lightsaber on every character and party member.
are there.any wild playstyles that will keep me away from that or am i just weak and boring?
Try dual blasters.
Carth is a whiny bitch.
>tfw you make bastila return to the light side with your dick
feels good
>What's the superior class? Scout or Soldier?
Soldier. It has faster Feat Progression for the class.
That's what I thought.
Shame you don't get free implant feats though, scout gets those.
Soldier also gets more vitality points and attack points per level.
I went soldier -> guardian my first playthrough and became a master of lightsaber dueling.
I just used force resist and those dark jedi were forced to fight me in close quarters and get rekt.
>Shame you don't get free implant feats though, scout gets those.
You shouldn't lower yourself for augmentations friend. Organic/Meatbug Master-Race all the way.
>I went soldier -> guardian my first playthrough and became a master of lightsaber dueling.
>I just used force resist and those dark jedi were forced to fight me in close quarters and get rekt.
I just focused on mastering Force Speed and Valor for my Jedi Guardian. 3x Attacks and boosting my Attributes temporarily made him completely over-powered.
Fuck off Carth, you're literally the worst character and should commit sudoku
Oh I'm sorry, Ex-Cop.
>have to either be Lawful Stupid or Evi L. McEdge
>no bonuses for neutrality
shit game
Fixed that firewall yet?
You don't fix a firewall, you find the loophole and plug it.
>[Something seems to be bothering Carth. Maybe you should speak to him and see if you can get him to open up about it]
what happens if you talk to him?
t. someone who has never and will never play KOTOR
You don't """"""""""fix"""""""""" a firewall.
Bastilla is way, way worse than Carth. Carth actually opens up by the time you reach the Jedi academy and his bitching makes some sense.
Bastilla is just a straight up cunt.
>hates Carth
Only edgelords hate Carth or think he is a shitty character. Why? Because he is the only decent human bean. Take a look at most of your companions in both games: They are all morally bankrupt, inmature and sociopaths. But Carth is different, he is like a beacon of light, always there with you, guiding you into making the right choices.
Lost his wife and son, got betrayed countless times. Did he turn evil? Fuck no, he stayed true to his principles like a real man would do.
You just don't understand Carth, you never did.
t. Carth
Carth is the true hero of KOTOR. None of the "I secretly hate you, the Jedi, and myself" drama from Atton. Even if I did sympathize with the guy.
Jolee Bindo and Canderus Ordo were best companions
Hey fuck you!
Fucking this.
Jolee was a based partner, especially as a light side character, which I played for my first runthrough. Took him and Juhani to the Starforge.
Canderous wasn't really evil either, and ends up becoming a big softie near the end of the light side playthrough.
some dev streaming creating Dantooine for his UT4 engine Kotor remake, get the fuck in here lads
twitch tv/thedigitalcowboy
>Pre EA Bioware
>people that take dual or double-bladed lightsaber
>not just styling it on with a single
this desu
>lost his wife and son
>betrayed by the military guy, forgot his name
>people are surprised when he doesn't instantly trust a random person he found on a ship
meanwhile everyone else instantly trust you like a dog
carth was the true hero
>what happens if you talk to him?
you learn more about him and it unlocks more of his story arc.
>KOTOR II gives a narrative reason for why your party members always go along with what you do and follow you no matter what
I gotta admit, that was pretty cool.
Fuck off, Carth. You're an annoyingly whiny little shit.
Well you could if you romanced him as a chick.
Was he some kind of cage fighter or something?
Alright I brought this out last thread, what did the mmo do right? Throw your hats in people!
>not being spacegay with juhani
sad you can't make her fall again to the dark side
is there a mod for that?
you got it.
>Revan gets down on all fours and gives him a BJ
anyone got that vocaroo of canderous giving revan a bj? it was fucking gold
>Why does everything have to be an argument with you? You... you're, ugh, you act like a child having a tantrum. I'm not trying to fight with you, in fact, I'm trying to help and you don't seem to appreciate that. Bastilla, the entire Republic, hell maybe the whole galaxy is riding on us, can't you put aside your pettiness for once? Forget it. Let's get back to what we were doing. I don't want to talk about it anymore.
"Shut up Carth Onasi"
>don't get involved in a fight with some bandits and they kill some guy
Carth almost makes going to the dark side worth it.
almost .... ;(
>not getting into every fight possible just for the loot and XP and then extorting the victims you just "rescued" for more stuff before killing them too
you have much to learn
I think I can manage a no level up blaster build but, how do I beat this guy Sup Forums?
spam grenades?
>spam grenades?
obvious answer
Why would I be mad? Are you feeling okay Alenko?
I like both Carth and Atton and fucked them both because they both have tragic backstories, particularly Carth, which is always a requirement of a husbando.
someone said they abused his weapon swapping
shoot him than run up to him and back
I bought KOTOR off steam, hard to make it work on win 10. I wouldn't recomend buying it unless you know how to make it work.
Concussion grenade+power attack till he wakes up
throw another concussion and repeat when he wakes
It's broken on Win7 too, I just replayed it a few months ago. It was almost unplayable.
>windows 10 having compatability issues with an old game
gee, what a shocker. Kotor is a tough pickle sometimes on 7 or 8 too without the widescreenhack
and yet KOTOR 2 has native 4K support via that big ass random patch from nowhere last year
I'm not saying anyone should be shocked, just consider it. It runs perfectly if you disable movies and run in compatability mode with XP, but the outside areas are borken and laggy as fuck.
Nice, does it work on win10?
no idea, 8.1 faggot here
>guiding you into making the right choices.
Explain why Carth doesn't bother to defend Largo's life or a slave's life (who was sold in exchange for her father's gambling debts to the Black Vulkars) or some drunks on Taris? In some cases, Carth doesn't care about the welfare of other people and kills them along with you, even though he disagrees with your choices over the various ethical issues.
Anyone else playing this on Android?
>mobile gaming
>that part in Kotor II where you have to solo atton vs two assassins
Woah this stock guy looks just like carth in that picture
anybody have a soundclip of the twi'lek saying something like " KEE POONA BWANNA MA TEECHU" or maybe it was the girl that was hidden in your ship.. pls help
Why indeed... He plays the hero, fights for the salvation of his glorious and noble republic, murder in its name. I wonder, is it all he has left? Is he an empty shell of a man trapped in the grief of the disaster which robbed him of his family? But a vase is put to a kiln, the outside is scorched and Carth has tasted the fires of betrayal. He knows well the pain that can only come from trusting your life and the lives of those you love to other men, especially those you know as your closest friends and allies. Treachery is a pill one may never fully swallow and it will rot in your throat and soul forever. But I make no judgements. He is useful to us and so we will use him.
But will you trust him? There is the true test...
The single player storys. Noticably the inquisitor, the trooper, and the... I want to say jedi consular but that does not sound right.
yeah and now i bet your backstory is looking a little tragic too eh
KEK Good one kazoku
I can imagine this "passage" being written by Avallone himself since it fits well with his writing style. Good work user.
Every playthough I want to actually use carth but every time I go back to canderous. Guy is literally better in every way.
why not both? Their banter is fun. What are you, some kind of coward who needs a party with force heal? Personally I rotate party the whole game. Only ones I ever really end up leaving out are mission and zalbaar. Sorry blue tits but you're boring and useless.
No, but I prefer canderous and jolee's banter far more
>at the sith academy when canderous compliments his sarcasm
Did you free me Sup Forums?
>tfw still using vista and KOTOR and most pre-2010 games work like a charm
I went full Canderous and HK47
install SWAMP
hah! no! Dark side powers bruh.
Absolutely not
I only got joy out of the sith ones. And even then the light-side ones as that had a sense of humor as everyone assumed I was just a mass murderer and didn't know what to do when I just say I want to talk.
yeah i actually somehow managed to use the minimum amount of evidence while not pissing off the judge or revealing the hidden base,
also i accidentally did the infiltrate the sith embassy base before hand so i couldnt get the hard evidence.
what's that?
a meme that I think only I remember
Those and being an irredeemable piece of shit smuggler are the only ones that didn't feel like a chore to work through.
>the true hero of KOTOR
That's not how you spell Canderous Ordo
It was somewhat enjoyable, as a friend started it with me about a year ago.
Then, just as we were really starting to get into it, we hit the point where we got gimped exp.
We could both deal with getting less rewards as standard for not subscribing, but holding back exp was some fucking bullshit.
He quit the game at that point, but I felt there was more I could do.
So I travelled to a planet recommended for players 5 levels higher than me and made a friend with a random guy, fifty levels higher, who was just there to help people new to the game.
We partied up so that he could deal with most of the enemies so that I could catch up to the point where my character would have been, was I not forced into getting far less experience than someone paying for the game.
We soon found out that I got literally zero experience because I was too LOW a level.
After 3 hours of trying everything we could think of, the high ranking sith lord and I parted ways and I stopped playing.
>Bioware makes the only non-bitchy woman in the game underage.
Why must they be so cruel?
>following Earth laws in a galaxy far, far away
I convict Sunry every playthrough to death through the Manaanite High Court.
>mfw he has sex with an attractive female Dark Jedi or Sith
>who is 40 years younger than he is
>multiple times behind his wife's back
>kills her when she steals his Hero's Cross in her sleep
>still tries to excuse his actions in behalf of the Republic
He deserved to die.
Eh in her species she may be underage but when it comes to other species she is fair game
>No option to mind-wipe her to be your love-slave as a dark side character
But it isn't the jedi way to kill people, even if they are criminal scum.
Fuckin moralfags lol
I turn him in even as darkside. I could have gotten a piece of that dark jedi girl.
>kills her when she steals his Hero's Cross in her sleep
wait what?
that was never mentioned
It was, you just ignored all the evidence.
Can I just bring up how annoying the manaan court was. Hell manaan in general.
>Hell manaan in general.
too far it was the comfiest planet
>that weird ass shadow company guy telling you to kill certain people for mad loot
Most of the planet can get fucked, but that quest line was ace.
That was the point though.
They were jew fish who remained neutral despite the fact that the sith were obviously going to wipe them out after they dealt with the republic.
All they see is money and laws, they're like robots.
I liked it, second favorite planet after Korriban. I'd go back to Manaan before trudging through Tatooine or mucking around in the Shadowlands again.