
It's finally that time.
EU is the 20th


>He still cares about WoW

>It won't be the 19th!
>It's always exactly one month before the expansion!
>It's going to be a week after the season ends at least!
t. retards in every thread leading up until now


Can't decide between unholy dk or enhance shaman for my main come legion. Both look like fun but I can't bring myself to pick one over the other. Thinking dk will win out since I can always tank if need be.

WoD was so boring that I ended up with a lot of characters at max level. I'll have a lot of new spec testing to do before the expansion is out.

Can't wait to play based DK op

>people still play WoW
The thought actually depresses me. I feel bad for you guys.

Is fucking everyone considering Enhance now? Fuck off my spec, band-wagoners.

I feel bad for retarded normalfag frogposters

I've been playing enhance since I started back in BC. Believe me when I say I'm excited to see shaman not get the shit stick for once. At least until the development that's mining enhance switches classes, that is.

I'm also just interested in unholy because the rework looks like it could be really cool, and I'm a sucker for most anything dk related.

>main Enh, Fury, and Frost DK
>Everyone is shitting their pants over the specs' changes in Legion
>Only new info I've looked up are Enh's animations and how charge has a voice snippet

Maining I mean. Damned auto correct.

b8 but whatever

>game is alright
>literally don't need to pay for it anyway because wow tokens

It's something to play when bored, damn frogs

Oh. This game still exists? Even Warframe is more relevant.

>demo is shit
>destro is boring as fuck
>affliction is always boring as fuck

Are the class changes going live or is it just that demon shit?

It's all the Legion mechanics changes + the prelaunch demon invasions.

So all the classes are updated and stuff, then?

I found WoD too boring to finish main quest line.
Might come back for legion anyway

I believe people who've pre-bought Legion also can make DHs but I'm not 100% sure on that.

>20gb download
>22gb of free space

cutting it close.

It overwrites a lot of files.

Can't spend wow tokens on new expansions, so you do literally need to spend real money on it.

cool to hear. i was hoping that was the case

Class updates and new transmog system are available on Tuesday. The invasion and Demon Hunters are staggered in the weeks following. Everything will be available no later than the 17th.

Who the fuck cares, it's world of warcraft.

Wait, what?

Cancerous blizzdrone shit eater... sad.

Plus the pre-launch quests that lead up to Legion. The events of Ulduar, the moving of Dalaran, just to name a few.

Looks fun, looking forward to doing my bi-annual meetup with my Vanilla guild.

Cool. Just came back to WoW a week ago after not playing since Cata. The game actually is still pretty fun, although it's a different kind of fun than it was in the old days.

What else is there to play?

123 Monk
456 Warrior
789 Shaman
0 I go to bed early



Everyone on the enhance train

>3.35 for FFXIV releases on the 19th as well,
Blizzard once again showing their desperation.

Blizzard panics every time XIV sneezes.

>FF14 fags with an unwarranted sense of self-importance
FF14 is primarily Japanese, and Blizzard doesn't give a shit about the Japanese market.

Yeah that's why Blizzard delayed 6.2 by almost 2 weeks so they could release on the same day that Heavensward released.
They did the same thing with the GW2 expansion as well.

>have 2 months of summer off
>new semester starts the day after release

talk about killing that urge to resub

Aff is always the most fun, even if demo feels more warlock-y

They did it with other MMOs that've died over the years too. It's not desperation, it's marketing. Why play [X] when WoW has all this new stuff?

And for the most part it works, since a lot of people peel off WoW to play other games in content draughts but come back to check out the goods.

So should I just keep playing my warrior or should I level a fire mage.

I heard fire mage was fun, and I like fun things. Warlock fucking sucks by the way.

i have almost everything at 100, i'll mostly be interested in checking out Outlaw, Disc, WW, and Balance.

what happens if you dont own legion yet? do you still get all the wardrobe and shit?

Y-you can wait for the next MMOs to release.

Try out something new and see if you want to go back to the Warrior. It keeps the game fresh imo.

>game is alright
fuckign blizzardrones

>tfw schools in Washington start late September
feels good man

I thought demo was posting decent numbers in Legion?

I don't like the Aff artifact bonuses, it's too dependent on chaining kills.

This to be desu


I started playing again and I was trying to remember what made ma sto-

>5k gold to upgrade Town Hall to get to endgame stuff
>suck shit at making money

oh yea, that's why.

Delaying content because you're scared that another MMO is stealing the subs that your game is haemorrhaging shouldn't be described as marketing.
How long to you think this one was delayed by? Two maybe even three weeks just because Blizzard doesn't want you to know that another game is releasing better content.

> Only subbed for the first month of WoD
> Never did CM
> Or the ring questline
> Not even upset about it

I'm finally free?

You made the mistake of buying WoD.
You're a massive cuck but you're not as big a cuck as the people who are actually going to play Legion.

>pay 5k gold upgrade it
>another 2k to fully build an inn
>casually make 2 million gold from follower treasure missions over the course of the expansion
yeah dude what a scam, fuck blizzard

>tfw warlock main
>tfw i love my warlock too much to simply drop it

I'm feeling like shit.
i have 4 days to enjoy my main before it fades away, forever.

I felt for the Sup Forums shills

> WoD will finally fix WoW! For real this time

Never again

123 DK
456 Mage
789 Druid
0 I go to bed early

>tfw forever buttblasted I can never do the MoP legendary questline

Fuck you Blizzard you should encourage players to return and do what they missed not pull shit like this.
I can't believe they didn't learn after the major playerbase disapproval and are doing it again.

sleep tight anonymous

1,2 DK
3,4 Paladin
5,6 Druid
7,8 Mage
9,0 Shaman

What are they doing this time?

The Blizzard shills are coming back In full force this month. Do your part user and make sure people know these are paid shills so they don't make the same mistake you did.

that i'd have to play through WoD or give blizzard $60 to level an alt makes me hesitant about legion

gn lad


what is best tank in legion?
what is worst tank?


Everything I've seen has warlock pulling average numbers.

why do you even want it though? i mean the mop cape has visuals, but the wod ring is just a trashy afterthought. the CM armors are pretty much back, in the form of class hall armor or something.

They all play like trash so why bother.

>tease us with magetanking in gruul's lair
>never do it again
blizzard killed my trust in them as a company in 2007
kill yourselves for still trusting them

I think Warrior/DK are best but desu all the tanks are pretty good desu. There's hardly a difference.

>>literally don't need to pay for it anyway because wow tokens
well you better get out and start looking for a job again because Legion's gonna kill every way of making a decent profit

You're goddamn right I will


>better content
Casual content done in less than a day and the worst raid content to ever grace an MMO besides maybe Tera. By the way this pre-patch is releasing earlier relative to the release of an expansion than they usually do, so if anything it's the opposite of delayed.

Killed destro completely.
turned affliction into shit, you don't even have a filler spell anymore

demo lost meta and feels clunky as fuck too.

I don't give a fuck about numbers, they killed our playstyles.

Destro is already a fucking snooze as is. Sucks about Aff tho.

I'm glad I played warlock only for MoP. Seems like it's just a shit class outside that expansion. I'm convinced none of the developers even play the class.

I'll just stick to playing warrior instead.

>16 months since last content update.

Current destro isn't as fun as the MoP one.
but it still has a pretty high skill ceiling with those havok / SB cleaves and shit.

Plus, the spec has 100% controllable resources and zero RNG aside from the 4set and trinket procs.

On legion?
lol.. even our mastery became RNG...

>but it still has a pretty high skill ceiling
But does it have fun?

It does, i like knowing when im gonna unload my chaosbolts.

i love shadowburn sniping stuff, sure you are a hard caster, but still fun.

Hitting shit for 550k with buffs is fun.

Unlike the piece of shit legion rework.

>announced it 5 days before it hits
nice . now i can waste 3 weeks of a monthly fee because i wont make gold from garrisons

>Mfw Ret is fucking ruined

this looks fun

123 monk
456 rogue
789 mage

>tfw didn't sub during WoD since Orcs are cancer
>mfw seeing what it did to people
>can't even talk about WoW anymore on Sup Forums without people screeching SHILL SHILL SHILL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

It's like the expac raped them.

I've been waiting for TBC 2 and Demon Hunters since Wrath though so I'll give them a second chance. I have a feeling after WoD if Blizz fucks up with Legion it really will be fucking over though.

>no more sub from easy garrison gold
Oh well, I'm sure after enough shit happens there will be some easy way to make bank again in legion.

>less poor people playing

thank fucking god

>can't even talk about WoW anymore on Sup Forums without people screeching SHILL SHILL SHILL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I remember when you couldn't talk about WoW here at all and most WoW threads happened on Sup Forums

>game's economy is permanently fucked due to garrisons
>if you didn't do the 10 character treasure mission shuffle you will never afford anything
>world drop legendaries in Legion
>blizzard is keeping garrisons in Legion

Good to know I won't be buying this shitshow


is it still $40 for xpack + $15 for sub or is it included in the expansion?

$60 + $15 for the sub.

what's is up with the sudden surge of poster with both IMG filenames and just image.jpg ?

you can still talk about WoW though. Had plenty of good threads without circlejerk from both sides and just discussion the game overall.
The last threads yesterday hit 500+ mark.

how is demo shit?