Thanks for killing the industry and tradditional gaming Neo-mobile Nintendo fansboys. Class act

>Satoru Iwata, the president of Nintendo, said at the Game Developers Conference that video games for smartphones have undermined the economics and the quality of the gaming industry.

>Nintendo President Satoru Iwata told video game developers that smartphones were driving a trend towards lower quality and economically unsustainable video games.

Thanks for killing the industry and traditional gaming and the only CEO who was prepared to fight against it.

>smartphones were driving a trend towards lower quality and economically unsustainable video games.
Said the company that rehashes the same games over and over.

>meanwhile nintendrones are celebrating nintendo's move to mobile

do these kids even realize what they're supporting

>Mobile phones are more powerful than our shitty umtillionth DS
>But we won't actually try to compete with this, rather, we'll try to undermine it
>And we we say economically unstable, we have no fucking clue what Supercell or Candy Crush games are, because we have to remade the DS one more time for gullible parents, and release yet another pokemon/starfox/zelda game before the next phone generation can emulate our 3DS games and consoles can emulate our Wiiu flawlessly

qq more fag

To them: Nintendo rich = Nintendo good

they're supporting nintendo, which is all they care about

This is 4sony, a normalfag-only board for smartphone-obsessed teens. You won't find any sympathy for nintendoyearolds.

>Make Wii and WiiU
>Complain about degeneration of quality

Yeah I bet they're bad. Smartphones took their shiteater fanbase.

To drones, it doesn't matter how Nintendo is making money, so much as that they are.

>we have no fucking clue what Supercell or Candy Crush games are
I can tell you exactly what those games are, they are thinly veiled frewemium mobile ware games that are designed to exploit your dopamine receptors as quick as possible and train your brain into playing 1 minutes pops of games and to expect immediate rewards.

Mobile shovelware will never harbour the creative, artistic or technical talanet of any DS game form now to the end of time.

>Can we ignore the rapidly evolving mobile market long enough to squeeze out 3 more handhelds and a dozen more games?
>I think so Iwata-san, i really do
Let them release DS emulators for 20 dollars, then let nintendo die the dog's death it has been so adamantly avoiding

You only had to understandu

Puzzle & Dragons is pretty good, bro.

>I just saw that southpark episode, the post

Cool, but they've been rocking harder than a concrete and jackhammer surplus store since what, 2010 and 2012?

They are the definition of "sustainable"

>Zelda succumb to the open world meme
>Zelda Skyrim actually became a thing
>their most successful popular game in years is a mobile app game
This was not the future I envisioned in 1993

Hope they are happy when Nintendo goes third party

>pokemon GO Is a failure
Bwahahahahaha nintendo is doomed what a bunch of useless shits
>pokemon GO is a viral, unparalleled succes without even hyping it
How dare they be successful at that videogames are dead

They can't just win for some people

I've always been a Nintendrone and I'm mostly sad about this.
It's good marketing for Nintendo in general but it will affect the way they plan things. I don't see them going full mobile but still

Niantic is not Nintendo and they aren't moving straight to mobile. Besides GameFreak is second party, not Nintendo exclusive, they just get the revenue from Pokemon as well. Hell they turned down a buyout from Google.

They're still making consoles and actual video games. How hard is this to fucking understand people?

satoru iwata also died of cancer after shitting out the two turds that were the Wii U and 3DS so take that how you will. It's staggering to think about just how much low quality garbage is on the 3DS in particular.

They're saying the exact objective truth. They are no longer able to sell quality videogames and must resort to shitty mobile garbage crapware to make mass amounts of money.

For now.

This game has been out for less than two weeks. What fucking happens if mobile keeps making them money, and the NX flops?

And yet the 3DS is still the highest selling gaming platform right now.

>They're still making consoles and actual video games

Like what, starfox zero and NX: the next gimmick machine?

I love it. Port Pokemon SM to Mobile already

They'll keep making consoles and video games because Nintendo is stupid.

False. Im playing the game because I like it. Thats t, I dont care who henefits from what.

PS4 is selling way more
and if you're talking about all time sales, then it's PS2

I would hope a platform that's been out since 2011 would be doing better than ones released in 2013.

What's the Wii U's excuse?

pokemon go was iwata's idea you mong

Just because you don't like them doesn't make them not video games and consoles.

That's like fucking saying "I don't like the PS4 or One, so they aren't consoles." or "I don't like Dark Souls, so it's not a video game." It's fucking retarded.

>Go does bad


>Go does good


Sup Forums proving once again it's opinion means nothing

I personally found the fact that they supported censorship or argued against it with rehashed fallacies worse.


Literally anything Nintendo-related (even loosely related like this game made by an independant subset of google alongside The Pokemon Company [which Nintendo has less than a third stake in], with minimal if any influence from Nintendo) is always the worst thing ever nowadays. It's like people just want to hate them for some reason - Nintendo have shit the bed many times lately but this isn't one of them, at worst it's a fad but that's not going to matter given the massive profits its already raking in.

The success came out of nowhere as far as they're concerned, too (evident by a total lack of marketing and no mention of it from their recent investor meeting before PokeGo launched). I can understand people not liking this, I've always thought pokemon was some dumbass shit, but I cannot at all see how this is bad.

Why do you fear more mobile games?
Why do poeple care so much about this?
I play games regardless of their platform or publisher. I just play what I want and thats it, who the fuck gets so emotionnaly attached to a companie.

The thing is, Go just didn't do well, it did ludicrously well.

This is going to change their business. It's just a fact.

>Go does good
I think you mean does well.

I just googled that because of what you said and it said that COLLECTIVELY Nintendo,Niantic, and Google fronted $20 mil for this game. Depending on how this was split nintendo is super in the black from this game already.


because mobile games are garbage, and devs moving to mobile means less real games
enjoy playing the next smash bros on your phone


Yes, it may catch up to the 3DS and in all likelihood will, but as of right now it's still top dog, and will still be right there at the top with the PS4 by the end of this generation.
The Wii U's excuse is that it's a piece of shit that isn't bothering to compete.

>who the fuck gets so emotionnaly attached to a companie.
Given that Xbros died out thanks to the big Xbone blunder, and PC isn't stuck to one company, that only leaves Sony fanboys.

I'm not at all surprised, then.

No you double mong, it was Google's april fools joke that turned into the proto-pokemon go/ingress. The CEO and Founder of Niantic was part of Google during the creation of and part of the team of the april fools

Does the idea of Nintendo potentially focusing on phone games more not bother you?

Nintendo funded very little. It's mostly funded by Google and Niantic from the Pokemon Company. Nintendo actually doesn't even own the majority of stake when it comes to Pokemon. Only around 30% or so I believe.

They probably fear companies will all switch to mobile and stop making actual games.

>pokemon go was the idea of a guy who frequently spoke against mobile gaming until the yakuza forced him into the DeNA partnership

I think it's pretty cool that Pokemon Go is going well. Explicitly because it's not Nintendo moving to mobile as you so claim. Iwata would have never allowed that.
So unless they all trample all over Iwata's corpse now that he is dead, traditional gaming will be fine and they'll likely use the Pokemon Go profits to further invest in traditional gaming as initially planned.

Now if Pokemon Sun and Moon totally bombs however. Then we can worry. But there is no way of that happening.

There'll always be a market for console games and systems, just the same as there's always a market for PC games and hardware. Granted, the current state of that market is questionable, but one (fad) mobile phenomenon isn't suddenly going to kill console gaming. At worst, other mobile devs will shit out clones of Go.

>smash bro
The last console I had from nintendo is mt gamecube. For once Im interested in their product.

>implying I won't be making VNs exclusively for mobile
Casualfaggot mustard race reporting in.

Is not like SONY tried to actual video-games by shoving movies with button pressed every 5 minutes down everyone's throats.

>Iwata would have never allowed that.
nintendo doesnt give a shit

Did you completely ignore every poster pointing out that Go is barely a Nintendo title, it's primary producers are Google and The Pokemon Company, Nintendo own a tiny share in the game and had no known involvement on it.

There will always be a market, but does Nintendo want to try and fill the niche? They aren't doing so well with the Wii U.

If the NX fails, and phone games go well, what do you think their expected moves will be?

Zelda was always open world you fucking retard

I thought Pokemon GO wasn't made by Nintendo

Yet Nintendo's stocks have soared, and plans for more mobile releases are on their way from Nintendo.

Whether you like it or not, this is going to change Nintendo.

Guess who came up with the idea for Pokemon GO.

Contrary to popular belief, the Wii U didn't do that bad - it had low sales, but it still turned a sizable profit thanks to high margins on a low-cost production system. The games and amiibos also sold very well on the system.

>YFW Iwata had to commit sudoku because sales were abysmal under her watch

>Iwata would have never allowed that.

What does that have to do with anything? Nobody gives a shit about some dead guy. Nintendo is a company, they want money. Kimishita will go where the money is, mobile.

Yes, because excessive cheap software that makes you eyeroll when you think about it did wonders back in the 70s and early 80s.

Nintendo knows whats up, or at least they did.

Big problem is after sony and microsoft jumped into the console wars, they undermined the seal of quality trend that nintendo set up in the 80s to prevent another video game crash, and the indie craze proved that you can make it big with cheap, shitty software if you market it the right way.

Its not economically stable, many game companies are going under left right and center, only big publishers who have been around since the first crash know how to stay afloat, its why more dev studios are dying, while the big names are still raking in tons of dosh.

Mobile is going to be the atari 5600 of this generation.

video games need to hurry up and die. viva nintendo phone games

Those releases had been planned way before pokemon go was even revealed, back when Nintendo had an investor meeting with DeNA, and Iwata had to clarify that they're not abandoning the console market (this is the moment the NX was first mentions) - this fact alone should dispel the "lel they'll go full mobile" rumours.

And mobile, when done well, can completely eclipse the profits made off of a 10 million selling console.

It all rides on the NX. If it does worse than the Wii U, why continue? Why put so much energy into developing, manufacturing, and trying to sell consoles, when fucking phone apps can make you more?

I really wish Iwata was alive for at the very least a little while longer. He had a reasonable relation to the mobile market and would not allow things to get out of hand.

The Iwata Asks related to the mobile stuff and Pokemon Go would also be very interesting.
It's sad to see him gone.

>it still turned a sizable profit

That's why they're quickly trying to get rid of it and they have stopped making games for it.

>The games and amiibos also sold very well on the system.

kek. Starfox Zero

>this fact alone should dispel the "lel they'll go full mobile" rumours.
what fact?
that some dead guy said something?

Given some of the weird shit Nintendo has done, including the Wii U and supporting it as long as they did considering how dead it is, I think part of their team genuinely likes making games. I get that impression from developers like Miyamoto, Aonuma, and the late Iwata at least.

Iwata also said they weren't going to go mobile in the first place.

Iwata is also dead and not running the company.

Pokemon Go is a fucking media darling, rumored to be making over a million dollars a day, and has caused Nintendo's stocks to boom.

Are you seriously tell me with a straight face that Nintendo aren't having board meetings feverishly talking about their future moves?

>commit sudoku

Haha, that's so fucking rich coming from the man trying to reel in casual players while alienating more experienced players and old-time nintendo fans.

I find it funny how nintendo is still trying to cling to that same casual game market that is ruled by smart phones and tablets with consoles running outdated hardware.

With pokemon GO, they finally gave in the mobile shitstorm too.

>That's why they're quickly trying to get rid of it and they have stopped making games for it.
End of a console generation, only a few months shy of their usual cycle. Support was strong, all things considered, up until late 2015.

>kek. Starfox Zero
Splatoon, Mario Maker, Sm4sh, Pokken, MK8, NSMBU, Nintendoland all sold very well, though.

How fucking new are you?

'Support' for the Wii U is arguable for the past year or so. The amount of literal games being put out for it on a sheer numbers basis are all signs of it about to be taking out to the woodshed.

Those same people you mentioned have been spending the last 10 years working on hardware that foregoes traditional input and controls, with even touchscreen being a major touted feature of Nintendo's consoles. I don't think transitioning to phones would be that big of a shock to them.

They didn't support Wii U for much time at all. It's already suffering zimbabwe style droughts before it's been out for 5 years. Literally one game is going to come out in the next 9 months. One game that isn't even an exclusive. Modern nintendo "fans" are actually defending this too.

The NX already has a release date and games in development, you think 1 mobile fad will make them drop the entire project? They'd lose more money than if they'd release the bloody thing.

Shame about starfox.

Miyamoto is know for some crazy shit, but man, he should have known gameplay comes first, and bad controls is the first and foremost cause of bad gameplay.

as a suns fan living in arizona, fuck the spurs, but tim duncan is alright. he was a spur before the dirty spurs era.

Almost all of those are mario related. With the marketing and general push, SF0 should have sold more.

Same with TW101.

Did you two actually read my post or just pounce immediately?
As it doesn't look to me like you read it.

It's good to know that Iwata died and ruined Wii U and caused shitposting for NX for nothing

He did that to tell people that Nintendo is still dedicated to console development despite branching side apps to other people

Are you really that fucking stupid anons?

Pokemon Go is the 20th anniversary gift along with Sun and Moon

Calm the fuck down

>you think 1 mobile fad will make them drop the entire project?

No, but its failure to get a foothold on the market would.

It literally all comes down to whether or not the NX fails. If they pull another Wii U or worse, expect massive changes at the company.

every console is suffering style droughts

gaming is at a stand still

>So short-sighted he can't see that Go will bring new players to support the mainline games.

It's not a bad thing.

>Almost all of those are mario related.
Literally irrelevant to the context of the discussion.

Did you drones even think about the other option, which would be Nintendo not developing Pokemon GO at all?

That way they wouldn't sellout, they wouldn't commit a crime against gaming, and they wouldn't rape their classic franchise for money.

>Support was strong

are you serious right now? They pad their schedule with literal shovelware released months apart, like amiibo party and ultra trash and you're saying that their support was strong. You're fucking delusional boy

Yes I read your post. Can you address what I said?

Nintendo going mobile wouldn't be a huge leap. Half their games over the past 10+ years have utilized touch screens. Hell, that was one of the features touted the most.

>tfw was mocking his death
>tfw he was actually the only one preventing nintendo from becoming gaming's biggest enemy
>they probably legitimately poisoned him
nintenbros im so sorry you were right he was the only good thing about the company

You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.
- Nintendo c.a. 2000

They should have stopped at the GameCube.

Too far away for me to care honestly, I'm not sure why you would either if you don't like Nintendo's current state at all anyway.

Dude it's a shitposting thread. Just join in and have some good ol' Sup Forums banter

At least they were games and not passive progression bar watchers with payment options to make the treadmill spin faster.

Or kids won't want anything to do with the 3DS games now that they have Pokemon on their phone.

Well, I guess they had to justify putting those gyro sensors in the gamepad somehow.

Still, motion controls and starfox don't mix at all. Other companies have let motion controls die outside of vr shit, why can't nintendo?

But Nintendo actually didn't develop Pokemon Go, they have almost nothing to do with it. It was developed by Niantec, a subsidiary of Google from what I've gathered.

>Too far away for me to care

At most a couple of years? The Wii U barely had a five year lifespan, and that's being generous if you want to count 2016.

>implying their executives will let this huge success just pass by and won't invest more and more on it.

It was SUPPOSED to be a small side project, but after the unexpected success it had, it will completely eclipse Sun and Moon.