What are some games where I can overthrow a corrupt government?

What are some games where I can overthrow a corrupt government?

Game of life.

Jagged Alliance

Game of life, turkey edition.

Coup failed, bruh

That's a big explosion

Half Life 2

The Mercenaries games come to mind.

Why is turkey so useless? Cant do anything right.

It really was a minority doing it

The just cause series. I liked 2 the most

Go to Sup Forums.

Red Faction: Guerrilla
Very much a diamond in the rough.

the person who said both of those is the other head of government

the coup is still actually ongoing for a reason, and that reason is not because it's over

Naw, dude. Erdo is back in Instanbul and people are tearing the military out of their vehicles and their helis are getting shot down

It's done son, might be a few soldiers still coup'in but it's over.

For you

what's so corrupt about turkeys government? it's a three bodied representative government like the usa. it's just that half the people doing the voting are jihadists

you say this, and yet the military is claiming control

that was like an hour ago. Are you actually watching live?

both the government claiming control and the military claiming control have been regular things since the beginning

the military has again, claimed control

You're a little behind.

when do you think the statement of the government being in control was issued?

Half Life 2, actually.

It's not over yet. Turkey's army is fucking huge.
Need to see how erdogan moves once hes on istanbul.

Ages ago but depending what news you are watching, gov was in control then military was doing good, then not so good. Now gov are back in control, due to civilians mobbing the soldiers.

>civilians overpowered the tanks with their willpower!

why would you believe this?

because of one picture of civilians standing on a tank?

only a small portion of the army is coup'n

Not failed yet, don't listen to this Jew

dat picture quality

live coverage of many different sources

>Successfully stopped coup
>can't do anything right

I think ARMA 3's campaign is about that or some shit.

Which? All the ones I'm watching have not claimed victory for either side.

CNN has live footage of soldiers standing around, tanks rolling by, shots being fired, and witness footage of jets being flown. These things go to say it's not over.

Any arma game

It ain't over but...it is really. Small portion of turk army, civilians on gov side. Not going to last much longer....or will it ? let us find out based user.

What are some games where I can BE a corrupt government


jet's btw are gov controlled



JA1 and JA2. Both good, even the first.

Fucking great, guess we're getting more "refugees".

Turks ain't so bad. At least not compared to their neighbours.

agreed, turks are the last defence against the hoard.

Turks are already trying to get into Sweden because of this. They ARE the horde.

Why is there a coup? What are both sides' reasons for clashing?

The government fighting to stay in power is pro-Islamist and has supported ISIS

Turkey has this super fun rule that when the government gets too islamic, the almost independent military has the duty to oust them.

The coup has failed, the Turkish government has took power, again.

The military were too passive, unwilling in the majority of instances to attack. Pro-Erdogan civilians were out in the thousands willing to die. The military struggled with the police which fight for Erdogan. A Pro-Erdogan army came in, fighter jets and all. They've failed, don't listen to whatever people are saying.

Members of the military are going to be slaughtered for this.

you can't say a coup has failed until there isn't any fighting going on

people are still getting shot

they are the last defence/buffer

Has it happened before?


>yfw that explosion's power is 12 times smaller than the Hiroshima bomb which is about 24 times smaller than the power of the weakest strategic nuclear warhead in the armories of the US, Russia, UK, China and France

Does The Guild let you hold office?

Yeah, a bunch of times

every 10 years since the 50's

A few times. The army are the defenders of Ataturk's legacy and protectors of the secular state.

yea but we have facebook now

Am I the only one who sees it?

Red faction guerrilla.

Why would that be a thing? Does the government want to battle its own military whenever they get into Islam? Who the fuck came up with that?

Not anymore. Thanks user

this is why I keep getting banned?

I fucking can't even get it to install on Win7x64 (GoG installer). I'm upset.