>Remember when we used to make real games?: The Console.
Remember when we used to make real games?: The Console
>Paying $69 for an emulator with 30 games on it, instead of paying $30 for a raspberry pi with every game ever made on it: The Console
Literally for fanboys
Most normies don't know how to pi.
There are people in [current year] who don't know how to google?
You posted this in another thread about the NES mini
Why did you make a new thread?
why have people suddenly forgotten the existance of emulators for the past 5 years?
too much effort fampai
>Pic related
T-thank you Swedecucks!
Because no major non-Nintendo breakthroughs have happened. Still no Saturn, Xbox, 360 or PS3.
$60 for a neat 'lil machine with Castlevania I and II, Mega Man 2 and Star Tropics
lol w/e I have disposable income :)))
That's pretty god damn stupid but considering you think that's a console i'm not surprised.
Stating the fucking obvious aren't we? Literally the main selling point of this thing is nostalgia and novelty. No one is gonna buy it for the fucking games. No one.
I mean fuck, I didn't even think $60-ish was all that insane, until I found out it only had 30 games and that's only MSRP, with prices already being hiked up.
This is for people who don't even know what a raspberry pi is.
What if Nintendo just forgot how to make hardware? I mean, Wii is an overclocked Gamecube, and WiiU is basically and overclocked Wii. N3DS is an overclocked 3DS. This mini NES is literally a Raspberry Pi or something similar with an emulator and preloaded ROMs. Remember when Nintendo gave a shit about hardware?
>still nothing about the Game & Watch series
NES was fucking small time when it came to actual video games. Now it's all about TTL and bright color "babby's first x" Remember Bobby's World?
Nigga what
PS2 emulation was shit up until a few months ago, when they made some kind of breakthrough. PS3 only recently got trumped by PS4.
Xbox consoles don't have emulators because there's borderline 0 interest in them. What was the last -good- xbox exclusive that you can remember?
It's a clever way to cover for their abysmal holiday lineup.
OG Xbox not having any games is probably the worst meme on Sup Forums. I'd kill to play Metal Wolf Chaos in an emulator. Hell, Xbox had a lot of great Jap/mech games. Jet Set Radio Future as well. Imagine Steel Battalion in an emulator, you could customize the controls and even make your own dashboard if you were creative enough.
There are a lot of very low-quality rips floating around the web, Saturn emulation isn't perfect but it's fine, it isn't bad. And there was recently a major breakthrough, so within a couple of years it get even better.
The phrase "It's okay when Nintendo does it" exists for a reason.
Did the PCSX2 nightly builds do some crazy shit or what? I don't think I've updated mine for a year or so.
I heard Dolphin 5.0 and Cemu were doing really fucking well though.
It's ok when Nintendo does it.
you do realize that most of the games on that system are not developed by Nintendo.
who am I kidding you did zero research,and just want to get replies.
so enjoy buddy.
>good games
>The gen with more games that wouldn't even boot
I have a RPi3 and I'm gonna buy one
Why you ask?
Because I think it looks comfy
no armadillo no buy
>shit selection of games with a ton of classics just missing for no reason
>HDMI output
No thanks fampai, gonna get one of those controllers for emulating NES games on my Wii though.
>using nerd gadgets
NES era games were pretty trash.
Only about 10% of all the games released were worth anything.
I mean, similarly only about 10% of games are actually worthwhile in the current era of gaymen, but that still makes for more good games across the board because of sheer quantity.
NES games were truly a product of its industry's time.
It still juxtaposes the reality of the Wii U's current lack of support, and the former flourishing of the NES.
I'm not sure what happened but it's doing pretty well now. Still requires some plugin tweaking but that happens with every emu.
I've been playing Fatal Frame, dark cloud, ffxii inter, and a few others for the first time in years. I was actually going to look around for a copy of Siren tonight.
>Xbox consoles don't have emulators because there's borderline 0 interest in them.
Kill yourself. There's no xbox emulator because it's the hardest console to emulate
Remember when you weren't a faggot? Neither do I.
It's somewhat better and OGL is somewhat less shit than before. They're still retards for sticking with OGL and not wanting to support Vulkan/DX12 on purpose just so AMD performance keeps being shit, since the PCSX2 devs are huge Intel and Nvidia shills.
Hopefully they will add more games via download because its missing a lot. Like where's Castlevania 3 and Megaman 1, 3-6?
There are 20 Xbox games that sold 1M copies. Of these, only two were exclusives: Dead or Alive 3 and Project Gotham Racing.
Never heard of this before.
>google game list
>literally have original copies of 29 of the 30 games
>won't be supported in the future
Welp, no reason for me to own this.
Thankfully I'm not a drone so I'm not obligated to buy it.
Sales don't mean shit to people who actually like video games.
>no Saturn emulation
But that's a lie. Saturn has been emulated for ages. Started off shitty but it's pretty decent at this point.