You hanging in there Sup Forums ?

You hanging in there Sup Forums ?

Dude, family abandoned me in 2013. I'm done with them.

>Still continues to freeload.

Past that stage and now just at a stage where I'm happier but also not motivated to actually do anything except workout, play games, think about how im not doing anything, stop playing games, and then sleep

/r9k/ please.

todays the fuckin day man

Games can't distract me anymore, I'm just alive for the ride. With the turkey happening its quite worth it right now
If shit would get worse I would just jump from my apartment


>Want to start work
>None of the jobs in my area worth a damn are up my alley.

>Been 4 years now
>Going stir crazy just sitting in the house staring at my TV/PC monitor

>Keep looking at my Weider weight bar and lamenting about my lack of plates to lift.
>Am sad constantly to some degree or another. Or just ambivalent.
>Listen to a lot of music along the lines of Blade Runner Blues songs.

>got dumped about 2 weeks ago

basically it's just been long periods of indifference pockmarked by sessions of intense grief

I haven't been outside in almost a year. I have my groceries delivered and I work from home. The only times I go outside are to pick up deliveries and check the mail. I lie awake at night imagining I'm happy. I also beat Salt and Sanctuary recently. It was a pretty alright game.

You are meming us. Is it actually possible to live inside whole time? Ive seen those japs doing it, but I don't think it's possible.

Same dude.

I'm happy doing absolutely nothing with my life but lifting, drinking, and consuming media.

The problem is funding that life though. I really wish basic income were a thing already.

I used to think that way too, but grew out of it, you probably will too with time. The second you actually start to think about starting a family or the next time friends or family ask "what else" you're gonna do with your life you'll regret having settled for the bare minimum

Reading what happened in france today legitimately made me upset.

Why do you measure success and happiness based on what others have accomplished? There's always someone who has done more with his or her life than you.

>trying to pay off overdraft
>trying to find an arts job
>trying to achieve something of note in my life
>acutely aware of my own mortality

Nearly done with the overdraft, the rest is a crapshoot

If I don't have an arts job within a year I'm just going to move to Japan, can't spell cuck without UK

I just signed up to join the military

I'll still be a freeloader but at least all the idiots in this country will think im a hero for it

pathetic. just fucking do it you fuck.

Played pokemon Go intensely, got to 18 but got annoyed at how repetitive but part of me feels like I need to do a normie thing to be a normie, its awful.

Yeah just got qt 7.5 Italian GF and I have all summer to fuck about with her and my friends.
I'm playing games less and less tho, and find myself waiting for two or three triple A games to play at the end of each year

what happened in france?

An Islamic terrorist drove a truck through a crowd of people killing over 80 people including 10 children.

>haven't heard
>Googled it
>"the gunman was named Mohammed..."
It's all fucked user
Muslims are the de facto enemy of the first world but our kneejerk political correctness disallows anyone from admitting it
They're going to destroy us

I'm matter but I don't matter.

The third world war will effectively be another crusade, I'm calling it right now.

My only contact to the outside world is the delivery person, and sometimes family members coming over on the weekends. I have a lot of nightmares and everything feels wrong all the time, but my job is easy and pays well so I've got that going for me.


I'm depressed and I've been sick for fucking too long. Please help.

How did you guys not hear about the biggest happening today?

Are you aware that the Turkish government is being taken over by its military?

Overall things are okay I guess. Love of my life left over a year ago, but it still stings on occasion. I'm fucking this Mexican MILF coworker who's in love with me, but no matter what I do, I just can't develop feelings back. We have lots of fun together, not just sex, but somethings blocking me.

I feel changed somehow. I've had breakups before, and after a couple of months I knew I'd find something better. This one was my perfect match, though. The only one that understood me. Over a year later and still thinking I'll never love again. Or I've realized that I won't find a person better suited for me than she was. Really puts a damper on dating.

I use my free time doing pills, fucking my fuck buddy, listening to depressing songs, and playing New Vegas over and over again.

It's a roller-coaster existence; my own soap opera. And yet, I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel like I'm my own Max Payne. I think I idolize myself some.

I wish, but it won't happen. Seriously, there is so much hatred for the white male now; white women hate white men and the rest of western ethnicities are hung up on their own problems. The moment anyone raises a finger against Islam they'll get shot down. If there is any crusade it will be the jihad that ends the west.

I'm seriously starting to think that old prophet lady was for real.

>stuck living out in the middle of nowhere with no job, no car, and not even any friends for god knows how long
How do I handle this feeling of my youth being drained down the toilet, Sup Forums

The USA military is mostly white men who I believe are very conservative. I don't see why its so hard for the US military to do something similar to what the Turkish military is doing at the moment. I mean, we really don't need martial law or anything, but I'd like to have it before some ISIS-aligned refugees bombs the fuck out of me.

It was a failed coup, people won't even care by the end of the weekend

I'm slipping and sliding out of depression, not sure if I live my gf and I'm talking to another girl plus I'm out of work, things are kinda fucked up

I'm fine. I just wish the FFXIV server I play on wasn't shitting the bed.

Barely. I lack insurance currently and cannot afford to have my prescription filled, of which that medication is the only thing that allows me to reliably stay awake throughout an average day due to conditioned severe sleeping issues. I am trying to study a bit daily to refresh myself on academic material as I'm starting my Master's next month but with the aforementioned problem, this will become more difficult than it should be.

And as always, a lifetime of poverty has eaten an irreparable hole inside of me.

>not letting her make you food and fatten you
She has to be useful to you to keep you.

Relative to everyone else in the world, I'm pretty good I guess.

I feel like shit though I'd rather be dead.

Not much.
Just got dumped by my gf after 2 years of living together [her name on lease]
Two days after dumping me, she bought her ex there. I didnt even have time to move out.
Im still moving out... I am dead inside.

stop being a jerk user. either dump your girlfriend for the other or girl or stop seeing the other girl.

I gotta re-learn how to do flash animation and finish a minute long project in 4 weeks for a class. Doing pic related.

Medication for depression actually works or is just a meme?

>being depressed

kek, kys scrub. i bet you're a fucking white male. you have literally nothing to be depressed about.

I'm still young so I'm not too worried about fucking myself over but at the same time right now is probably the best time to do the things I want to do. I just kind of sit here.

You'd be surprised. While the military is fairly right, its not hard right everywhere. It does depend on where you end up and what jobs you do.

Eh, every day I wonder if I'll make it to 20 years and 'retire'. I'm on 11/20 and I don't think I can make it another 9. Good job and people stay out of my way. I only have 2 people under me and basically everyone ignores me and my team (unless theres a problem).

>tfw I have a productive and busy life but still feel empty on the inside

Man she's pretty good wife material. She's petite and fucks good, and can cook like you wouldn't believe. Though I've adapted a low-carb lifestyle and got into shape since ex left, so I don't get to enjoy all of her cooking.

She's really sweet and loyal, and if I could, I would fall in love with her in an instant. But maybe her being in her forties scares me a little. I don't want to be 40 one day and she'll be into her 60's

I've been doing nothing but watching livestreams for the past week and it's hitting me how empty my life is.