Will it flop?

Will it flop?

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no way, doesnt even mater how the game will turn out to be

No, but Sup Forums will act like it did anyway if it sells less than CoD-tier numbers.

It's going to be shit and it's going to sell anyway because it's a Final Fantasy.


I think it won't flop, but it won't do great either.

It will sell a ton, but people will be disappointed.

FFXIII was proof that a game can rely entirely on hype and the brandname to sell millions no matter how shit the game itself is.

I suspect it will turn a large profit, but won't be a return to form or anything silly like that for the franchise. Critically I am expecting shit tier story and characters, with impressive visuals, maybe music and I'm expecting the scope of the game world wise to be similar to FF12 or slightly larger.

That being said, fuck this overhyped decade long turd. I was hyped in 2007, but I really couldn't give less of a shit now.

Persona 5 B O I S

Hard to care about P5 with all the delays and usual bullshit.

It'll be like what happened MGSV with a somewhat smaller backlash because this game hasn't been hyped up as the big "missing link" people have waited years for and hopefully won't be unfinished.

>stars visible in the middle of the day
But that doesn't make any sense!

*happened to

Will it pop?
Will it slop?
Will it glop?
Will it trop?
Will it cop?
Will it shop?
Will it Will it Wil it
Wil d

>5 month delay and no dual audio

dead on arrival




Its not going to hit that 8 bajillion mark they said they were aiming for though.

If it was on Nintendo, yes. Thankfully PS consumers recognize a good game when they see it, and buy it without having to ask mommy for permission like nintenshitters.


4-5M top.

Can we summon him?

It will sell 4-6 million. But SquareEnix will cry and claim it should have outsold FFVII. And rightfully so, given the ridiculous amounts of money they put into one game.

In other words, its the next Duke Nukem Forever.

Where is bazztek when you need him? I wanna see him defend this.

I doubt it will even outsell FFXIII, which sold 7 million. Square are no longer the kings of JRPGs they were years ago, and for an entire generation they've done nothing but piss off their fans.

>only 44 theaters
>had barely any marketing
>originally wasn't even gonna be in theaters at all
It'll make most of it's money from BDs anyway.

I doubt it will sell that much.

holy shit

Won't hit their expectations but it will sell well enough to profit

It'll sell millions but no game can live up to this amount of hype.

Didn't it sell 5 million?

It will do well sales wise and will get 10/10s from reviewers but will be seen as mediocre by fans and Sup Forums alike

Acording to Wikipedia it sold 7.1 million including the PC version.

what hype?

Sup Forums alike since when has anything this shit board think's mattered?

How do you do this? i wanna explore pretty cool they attempted to render the city even part's we can not see in the demo.

That wasn't an out of bounds area.

Oh guess i never looked around. pretty cool they added hills and bridge's and some unique building's all for a city we can't explore


I'm actually encouraged.


Yes, all of the gameplay videos have been shitty.

Only if you can convince yourself that it did.

Damm this might out sell 13.

Basically what said, consumers are prone to make the same mistakes when hype is involved. But who knows, maybe it'll actually be fun this time.

what website is this

It will be like the Tomb Raider reboot, which was funded and published by Square as the parent company.

Sold a shit ton of copies, but cost SO much in development that even with the sales they still lost money.

With a development cycle like it has had, they'll never make the money back, they can only hope to break even.

Clearly it's made up, it even says so in the file name.


Nah i just checked the site it's legit.



This bullshit bait was addressed in the last thread.

Why are you posting the headline and not even reading the comments of that which already call that faggot out? That shitcunt even uses Neogaf as his source.


Look at the comments which all wreck that faggot Pramath who can't even do math.

Warcraft opening in Japan was 270k on 2 days from 47 screens being $5792 per screen, Warcraft also had lots of marketing globally and was announced ages ago with a ton of lead up and attention to it.


Kingsglaive opening in Japan was 345k 2 days from 44 screens being $7852 per screen, the movie was only announced 3 months ago, wasn't planned originally for theatre release, had next to no marketting and was going to be a straight to DVD/Stream download release.


ID2 had 963 screens on its first 2 days and only got $5784 per screen. And ID2 was a blockbuster holywood film with shitton of advertising and also announced over a year ago.

Kingsglaive made more than ID2 did perscreen in Japan.

Defend what? Kingsglaive did well, made top 10 in Japan, was only announced 3 months ago, made more than Warcraft did and more than ID2 did per screen in Japan, despite only having 44 screens, not even being planned for a cinema release.

How about you stop defending shitty clickbait headlines that was already debunked as bullshit?

Calm down, kid.

>Those waterfalls
kek. its like we're back at ps3

Bazztek please stop you fucking idiot everyone was ignoring him. dont feed his his ass for once we almost had a civil thread.

Look who showed up.

Take a break from the Internet and phone, think about what they're doing to your life.

Why are you lying? The movie fucking tanked.

Still posting this weak ass bait? Fuck off NeithOF I know that is you, you posted those same exact images on gamefags the other day then pretended you found them on Sup Forums, even though you had the direct original images and not the smaller resized ones in that pic.

Who the fuck is neithof? Why are you posting bullshots? The game was downgraded.

Still trying with your bullshit lies again?

That image is bait. Stop falling for it.

Yes it was. Everything outside of the Citadel area in plat demo was out of bounds and had no high LOD data because it was a 3GB demo with 4 different mocked up locations in it.

Fixing his face is one of the only positive changes we've had, he looked like an idiot before.

Thread over everyone bazztek/kun is attacking anti kun

I know it's you you fucking cunt. You literally posted the original screenshots in your bullshit comparision that exact fucking image on gamefags the other day.

So will you get to drive around said city or is it just backdrop dressing?

>Left side game CGI
>Right side Kingsglaive CGI which uses actual motion capture actor

Both were led by the same person too so not sure what you are trying to get at here. One is from the game the other is from the movie.

>exact same shit graphics just a different time of day
contain your autism, shill.

Do you visit "gamefags" often?

What the hell happens at the beginning, they all do this little shuffle. Some kind of animation glitch

Insomnia is a large battlefield.

The city isn't playable so it's just for show.

Yes, it's an ordinary thing in the unpolished mess of a game.


So you are literally blind and can't see that there is a massive difference in graphics, lighting, res, textures etc.

Your image doesn't even make any sense because it still shows the newer one looks objectively better.

>The city isn't playable so it's just for show.
Yes it is.

Insomnia is a large battlefield for gameplay where it functions as a battlefield instead of as a town.

>But it is a field for battle. It’s not just the area in front of city hall that we’ve been showing—it’s actually a wider, wider area.

Nah man even im not blind building density is almost 3 time's that then the demo

That image proves the only different is lighting.

>the density of a completely different angle
The graphics are the same.

No. It will disapoint nostalgia fags, please the loyal casuals and sell a lot based on brand loyalty or sheer curiosity that surrounds the franchise.

t. XV-kun.

>Insomnia is a large battlefield for gameplay where it functions as a battlefield instead of as a town.
Exactly. It's not playable, just a giant QTE with garbage graphics.

I wanna say it's a black chocobo, not a Cockatrice.

We saw black Chocobos in the Duscae demo didn't we?

>bazztek going full damage control

Does this same shitposter have autism or something? It's one thing to defend a game but it's a whole other level of autism when you post the same exact images to shitpost with every thread. How triggered does this guy even have to be?

Danage control for what? More like you going on damage control for your clickbait.


Why are you trying so hard? See

>Why are you trying so hard?

So are you denying that it's the same person every time despite it beingthe same exact images with the same filenames and image MD5s in every XV thread with the same responses each time?

I mean there's already proof it's the same person each time because of the same filename+MD5 all in the same threads each time, yet you have no proof that it isn't.

Literally can't talk about this game.

I wish the mods will actually do their jobs, but no it's apparently okay for these thread to be a shit fest.

Might as well start posting gore.


Answer my question.

I remember like 2 weeks ago we had ok XV threads for about 3 days without him posting, seems to me that he got banned for those three days. Mods need to start cracking down on this shit or just put IDs on Sup Forums.

Whats the name tho


Who is this again? Educate me user.

why are they walking beside the car tho

the collector editions sold out fast when they first released it
this game is gonna do fine
but it's not gonna meet Square's expectations and Sup Forums will say it bombed

>only in 44 theaters
>little to no marketing
>before the actual game came out
this was probably meant to be a DVD release but they decided to do a special release for marketing

why does Sup Forums want this game to bomb so hard?

Game has fuel.

Its Final Fantasy. It was announced a decade ago, and its on consoles only.

But they're still driving the car