Is this the best modern translation of the old school RPG playstyle?

Is this the best modern translation of the old school RPG playstyle?

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No its shit kys

Not really.

new vegas thred

I liked 3 better than New Vegas because of its setting but I didn't like any of the old games anyway

Absolutely not

It's a good game story-wise. The gunplay is terrible though. The map is also ugly and too small.

Obsidian really shouldn't have used an engine from a 2007-2008 game

>inb4 some Obsidrone saying it wasn't their choice

Could they have used a different engine?

Wasn't the entire game developed in under a year anyway?

This is one of the things that bothered me

They really should've spent a bit more time working on it and perhaps used Skyrim's engine

They should also have performed some actual motion capture so that the animations weren't so fucking shitty

Vegas should've been much bigger and more memorable

There's nothing old school about it, retard.

We have no idea how much time they actually had

Either way they could have used any engine they wanted, they went with gamebryo

reminder that House is the best final option and hope for mankind

it wasn't their choice. Bethesda waited to see how popular Fallout 3 would be, it was really popular, so they wanted a sequel ASAP while they finished up Skyrim. so they enlisted Obsidian. and Skyrim is also the reason they had such a short deadline, wouldn't want to overshadow the Elder Scrolls by building up hype for another Fallout game for a whole extra year.

Do you ever wake up in the morning, stare at the ceiling, and remember that Fallout 3 had some of the worst writing in video games history?

Thread ended right here, Obsidrones have invaded the thread, Fallout NV can no longer be discussed fairly without drones denying everything

>People passionate about a game they enjoy means they're drones

I wish this stupid fucking meme would die already

They were given 18 months which is still a rather short amount of time for a game and without using pre-existing assets they definitely wouldn't have made the deadline. They hardly made it anyway.

Not even fucking close. Witcher 1, maybe.

Yes. A good showcase of how you can include dialogue and still keep RPG elements and SPECIAL checks and the like.

Story-wise it was pretty flimsy imo, with plenty of plot holes and "lol it was just luck" nonsense.

I thought the gunplay was good, at least better than FO3

Agreed that the map was shit, also the environment.

The music was also pretty bad.

>the music was also pretty bad


well no not really.

There were some catchy tunes, but the problem was that most of the songs would all play all over all the radio stations. Just Johnny Guitar everywhere.

With FO3 at least all the radio stations were unique and well-defined.

Anyone else feel like when you start getting quests in the strip the game kind of loses alot of momentum and is over way too quickly?

niggas try an act cool, boy i got da uzi tool......

Does charisma literally do anything besides affect speech and barter? Every other special does something besides just change your starting skill points

Playing Fallout 1 and 2 right now for the first time. What the fuck happened? The new games sucks.

>I like metro terminals and green cluttered cities

Yeah I know what you mean. Once you pick a faction and start doing the main storyline, side quests are less intriguing and you can finish up in Just a couple hours.

Bethesda milked the series for every cent it's worth. Nothing more to it.
>Inb4 ur n obsididiot

That's why you take care of side quests before you finish the game. Why would the main story be less interesting than side quests?

I wasn't really complaining, just acknowledging that what was said is true. I've always got 90% of the side quests done before I start the final bit.

New Vegas is great but it's only the best "modern translation of the old school RPG playstyle" because no other game dev has attempted to out do them. Same thing with Kotor 2. It was so good, both bioware and Lucas arts stole the ideas for their games/media from Kotor 2

>obsidrones invaded the thread
>thread is about NV
Who the fuck do you think made the thread?

I... what? There is absolutely nothing "oldschool rpg" about NV's playstyle. What the fuck are you smoking, OP?

I'm pretty sure this was meant to be a bait thread where OP the massive faggot says stupid shit and gets (You)s

>House is the best choice for VEGAS
It affects companions

>"with plenty of plot holes and "lol it was just luck" nonsense"
>Doesn't name any instances

>pick House ending for the first time ever after years and years of playing the game, only because I want the trophies
>do all the things
>Mr House says something about making the monorail finally being on schedule and hates how it was never on time


>A world over-run by bandits and drug addicts and criminals and roman LARPers and giant monsters and all sorts of dangers at every corner
>couriers walk around with pea-shooting pistols and regular clothes

>Mr House hires a bunch of extra couriers to hide which one has the real package
>has the real courier followed by securibots

>a universe where point-blank shotgun blasts to the unarmored head often results in the person going "huh? who's there?" and getting a chip of health taken off
>Benny barely shoots you a bit and doesn't check to see if you're actually dead.

>le ambiguous morally-grey endings regardless of your choices.

That's actually kinda funny, cmon

I don't see what the issue is for your 1st, 2nd, and 4th point. As for the 3rd, download realistic weapon damage mod.

The best modern transition would be a game like Divinity Original Sin or Neverwinter Nights. New Vegas is just a mediocre FPS with some RPG mechanics slapped on.

No not really because there wasn't anything really fascist about Mr House, Mussolini was closer to being socialist in comparison to Mr House's libertarianism.

not him, but you're flat out ignoring everything

What am I ignoring? All those things are perfectly plausible in the fallout universe, except the getting shot in the head with a shotgun and saying "huh, who's there?".

doesn't matter how "plausible" they are, they're retarded

Yeah, but whats up with those terrible plot holes that makes NV writing worst thing ever. Sounds like you just want to play as Scruffy the janitor and simply don't like things, which doesn't make them bad.

>NV writing worst thing ever

I didn't say it was the worst thing ever, just that it was pretty flimsy

any companion mods I should check out?

Am I the only one that plays with the radio off?

By far the best music to go with the game is the ambient stuff
>dat slide guitar

yes because it is an actual RPG.

Neverwinter Nights is trash compared to Vegas, though.

The ambient, though.

No. All companion mods are shit.

Russell is p good

>map was bad
>music was bad
Fuck you both, I like roaming around Nevada and I love the music. Don't get the Johnny Guitar maymay, it never plays a shit ton in my game. I mean it played a lot but never overstayed its welcome. I'll admit Vegas itself could've been a lot better, tho
