Does your pet Bearded Dragon ever watch you play video games, Sup Forums?

Does your pet Bearded Dragon ever watch you play video games, Sup Forums?

>lizard that doesn't fly or breathe fire
>call it a dragon

i wonder who made this thread

>had bearded dragon
>uncle and cousin watch house while we go to NYC for vacation
>Nephew gets bright idea to put bright toad in bearded dragon's cage

To make it vidya related, when we went to DC after NYC my cousins let me keep their copy of MM Kart Racing. I actually beat that thing just to be able to say I did.

he's dead

Don't talk shit about actual dragons.

Why do you like reptiles? Are you aware that reptiles cannot love anything and will eat their children randomly and have no concept of most mammalian emotions? Trying to bond with one is a waste of time as it cannot comprehend what you are trying to do to it beyond feeding it so this is ultimately a waste of time on your part as the creature doesnt give a flying fuck about you.

He's not your buddy. It lacks the ability to think or feel. Get a fucking dog or other mammal like a normal person.

>Call it a dragon
>The only thing dangerous about it's breath is its bacteria inside it's mouth.

Holy fuck. That's my copypasta. I remember writing it up months ago in another stupid bearded dragon thread.

I'm going to a reptile show tomorrow. Hoping to pick up a beardie for cheap.

I miss mine so much.

I don't keep reptiles for companionship I keep them because they're interesting to watch, sort of like fish.

actually this is a myth
and also a pasta

Which one survived?

Only the non-violent ones. Don't want to upset the little guy.


It's a poison dragon you fag.

Bacteria is only half of it. It's been discovered within the last decade that they're highly venomous, and the poison works in tandem with the bacteria to make most bites lethal.

Also, video games.



my shy as fuck gourami will eyeball me while I play sometimes, but if I turn my head she swims away.

Fuck off haddock

she died 3 years ago


He'll usually nudge me for pats or sleep on the blanket near me.

My beardy is an alpha who won that right in his tank where he was kept WAY too long with his
eggmates. The person I got him from practically gave him away because of his aggression. He Hogged the food, lost some toes for it, but became way bigger and faster than the others.

When he's out this time of year he usually just has breeding or feeding on the mind and won't sit still. Luckily my dogs don't try to eat him so he's free to run around now and then.

my 5 year old daughter decided one day to put a leopard gecko in with the beardie so they could hang out. He ate the bastard, got him to vomit it up though as it was way too big for him.

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