What should I name this Pikachu?

What should I name this Pikachu?




>not knowing how to take a screenshot


If 5, you have to name it 'Five'


how about Nine



If 6 name him cocksleeve.


...so let me get this straight

You're following the Sup Forums hatemind so far that instead of playing Pokemon GO you're playing the worst pokemon gen game?....Just kill yourself



if 5 name him PIKACHU




Fuck you Nintendo for making us wait over a decade before giving us a damn backlight.

Valor a shit

The GB Boy Colour is a pretty good choice if you want a good screen but emulation isn't for you.

instinct is the worst tho

This nine means you close the thread and name him dogshit

Check this 5,
his name is fag,
my rhymes are fine

quit trying fuckboy

What should I name THIS pikachu?

4 for Yotsuba


my 5 means you leave forever, underage fag


Dubs for uninstall Pogo

Fuck you I'm a Piss Boi for life


>getting angry for no reason
Are you fitting in, user?

Aspect Raidou.jpg

The Super Gameboy had the same problem. It's a less than ideal tradeoff, and personally I wish they'd just given it a bigger screen and had some overscan covered up by the bezel. Still, if you really want a backlit Gameboy Color it's the only option, and for what it is it's surprisingly good quality.

The only other option is a front lit Gameboy Color. It's not the ideal solution, as even on a well done unit it makes colors look a bit washed out and has poor contrast. The end result looks comparable to the original Sega Game Gear. It's quite playable and isn't a bad option, although the colors look no-where near as vivid as the GB Boy Colour.

I have a front-lit Gameboy and I like it quite a bit, although it's a far cry from my modded backlit DMG, GBA and McWill Game Gear systems.