Why couldn't they have done it with the SNES?

Why couldn't they have done it with the SNES?

They'll do it next gen, can't milk the nostalgia cow too hard now.

If this sells, you know they will.

Why would they do it with two systems instead of test the water?

Also, fuck all you 16-bit fanboys, NES had a fantastic library. And it wasn't even 90% JRPG's.

What makes you think they won't do it if this turns out to be successful?

I will buy both NES & SNES remakes day 1, I don't give a fuck

JRPGs are garbage tho

Why should I buy this instead of a Raspberry Pi 3 that I install RetroPie on?

Same here, especially if the selected games are half as good as this one's.

I hope they do this with ps2.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.


>Super Mario World
>Yoshi's Island
>Super Mario RPG
>Final Fantasy 4
>Final Fantasy 6
>Chrono Trigger
>Super Metroid
>Link to the Past
>Kirby Super Star
>Kirby's Dream Land 3
>Megaman X
>Megaman X2
>Megaman 7
>Earthworm Jim
>Illusion of Gaia
>Super Ghouls and Ghosts
>Contra 3
>Super Castlevania 4
>Breath of Fire

What are 10 more realistic games to put on this that I forgot about

I might actually pick one of these up when I move...


Any idea where NES shells can be found (like the console itself, without any internals)? Reproduction would be fine too. Thinking of getting a RasPi and making a little NES-themed emulator box.

Metal Warriors.

just the first megaman x is good enough


>no FF5

is this another mini-NES hate thread?

>be sony
>pour millions into failed game IPs
>millions into gimmicks
>all of them fail

>be nintendo
>rehash some shit they designed in the 80's
>costs them 5 dollars to produce
>literally fucking print money from all the sales this piece of shit will surely make


fuck off back to neogaf

>mfw yall faggots buying that shit which is the equivalent of an emulator.

FF5 is my favorite game user, but it never came out in english on the SNES, so it's unrealistic.
I really just put more Megaman games on there because I needed more shit and at least X2 is good

user, that's clearly an NES cart.

Star Fox, F-Zero, Mario Kart, Earthbound, Castlevania 4, Contra 3

Nah, fuck you. X2 is great. I'm fine with no X3 though.


I don't even know what side you're on but god damn you need to kill yourself.

Because the NES is the system that made them famous. The NES was a phenomenon, the SNES wasn't.

I already have CV4 and Contra 3 on there
Don't know how I forgot about those other 4 tho

So you do. I'm not sure why I thought it was alphabetical.

I'd buy a SNES. NES had mostly garbage games

>Yoshi's Island
>Super Mario RPG
>Kirby Super Star
>Kirby's Dream Land 3
>Mega Man X2

Any game that uses an enhancement chip is unlikely.

Mario Kart
Super Street Fighter 2
Star Fox
Super Mario Allstars
Final Fight
Tetris Attack

How about this?
1. Super Mario World
2. Super Mario Kart
3-5. Donkey Kong Country 1-3 (They own these games again, right?)
6. Link to the Past
7. Super Metroid
8. Kirby Super Star
9. Star Fox
10. Yoshi's Island
11. F-Zero
12. Wrecking Crew '98
13. Super Punch-Out!
14. EarthBound
15. Super Castlevania 4
16. Super Mario RPG
17. Chrono Trigger
18. Final Fantasy 6
19. Secret of Mana
20. Earthworm Jim
21. SimCity
22-24. Mega Man X, X2, and 7
25. Kirby's Dream Land 3
26. Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
27. Illusion of Gaia
28. Plok
29. Mario Paint
30. Mario's Super Picross

Not really. It's not as if technology hasn't progressed to a point where it couldn't be fit into that small package.

It's not like they're using an actual SNES to run that shit, it's using the same emulator as a Wii/U VC. All of those games are on the VC.

Why? All of those games besides Yoshis Island are already on Virtual Console

JUST use super mario all stars + world

>(They own these games again, right?)
Pretty sure the GBA versions came out after they lost Rare, so yeah I'm sure it's fine.

>Sega did something like this through a third party, At Games
>Micro-console about the size of the controller, 40 original Sega Genesis, 40 other games developed by At Games onboard
>Still has a cartridge slot to play real Sega game cartridges
>Comes with two controllers

Now Nintendo does this and they just make /really/ cute mini-NES that is just an emulator box, no functional cartridge slot, only 30 games, and only one controller.

And it doesn't even have the USB Adapter for the power cable.

How did Nintendo ever manage to beat out Sega if this is what they are offering?

The third party games have to be from franchises that no longer exist. Final Fantasy must go, since there's new entries not on Nintendo's consoles.

>13. Super Punch-Out!
Fuck yes. I forgot to add that to my list.

Only buying a SNES if it comes with soul blazer

>All of those games are on the VC.
The GBA version of Yoshi's Island is, the SNES version of Yoshi's Island isn't.

Because we don't know what hardware the NES Classic is running on, so they may not even be Virtual Console releases of games.

What are you talking about. The mini-NES has Megaman 2 and Contra 2 on it

It's ok when Nintendo does it.

No problem.
Thanks for Illusion of Gaia and Plok

What about the Mini 64? What 30 games do we put on there? Keep in mind, none of Rares games besides DK64 can be used because Microsoft sure as hell won't let them put their games on it after releasing Rare Replay.

mah nigga
nobody's fucking played 3 or 5
they're so fucking good

I was the user who made the original list, and I'm not the guy you responded to.
You're welcome for IoG and Plok tho

I did a different list, sorry I shoulda been more clear.

Secret of Mana
Joe and Mac
Demon's Crest
Panel de- Tetris Attack

Lufia 1 and 2

Harvest moon.

Sonic Plug N' Play when?

>Keep in mind, none of Rares games besides DK64 can be used
They're fucked then. It would be hard enough to make 30 WITH Rare.

Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Star Fox 64

...and that's the whole console's library?

It got released on the PS2

>mfw i cant lie and say i wouldnt buy a prepackaged box with all the actual good snes games on it already

You know there's probably dozens upon dozens of those in existence, right? The Genesis is a really popular console to make those plug-n-play systems out of. Some even have ports for original carts and controllers.

Not that they're any good, because they're pretty poor quality in both graphics and sound. I heard some can't even save data.

>third party games and Nintendo's games

>third party games and Nintendo's games

>nothing but Mario and Mario's brother featuring Mario's pet

SNES will be a smart phone.

You can buy 60 Genesis games, from Sega, for Steam, for like 12 bucks.

Think Nintendo would ever offer something like that?

Not really a plug n' play if it's not built into the console

>Super Mario 64
>Super Smash. Bros
>Donkey Kong 64
>Kirby 64
>Mega Man 64
>Mario Kart 64
>Mario Golf
>Paper Mario
>Mario Tennis
>Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>Zelda: Majora's Mask
>Mario Party
>Mario Party 2
>Mario Party 3
>Pokemon Stadium
>Pokemon Stadium 2
>Star Fox 64
>F-Zero X
>Dr. Mario 64
>Paperboy 64
>Superman 64
>Yoshi's Story
>Wave Race 64

Have fun filling in the missing spots.

>Kirby 64
>F-Zero X
>Pokemon Stadium 1-2
Gotta go obscure for the rest of them tho
>Mischief Makers
>Mystical Ninja
>Ogre Battle 64
>Quest 64 (kek)
>Wave Race 64

I really can't think of any others off the top of my head damn

Tetris Attack

Based SEGA
one problem though
no lock on for sonic and knuckles so i can't play S3&K or Knuckles in Sonic 2

F Zero X is a GameCube game though...

>look it up
>it's an N64 game


Kirby 64
Yoshi's Story
Mario Tennis
Mario Golf
Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2
Pokemon Puzzle League
Mario Party 1-3
F-Zero X
Wave Race 64
Pilotwings 64
Rocket: Robot on Wheels
Bomberman 64
Mystical Ninja
Rayman 2
Mischief Makers
Well, that makes 25. Who's got five more?


>No Doom 64
>No Ogre Battle 64
>Pokemon Stadium without transfer pak

Your taste is fucking shit

You're a fucking idiot.

GX is the gamecube game dumbo

>only 30 games for $60

I remember buying this cheap little chinese penguin thing at my local mall for like $20 that had like 130 functional NES games all loaded on it.

The fuck is this shit

I'd rather they make new cartridges, but that will never happen.

Does Microsoft now own the rights to all of Rare's good games?

Would limit the selection of good games the 64 can have if so.

Bomberman 64
Bomberman 64 2 TSA
Mischief Makers
Diddy Kong Racing
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Goemon's Great Adventure
Harvest Moon 64
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil
Resident Evil 2
Spoilers wouldn't make it but great games none the less

(This user)

Oh, here we go:
Dr. Mario 64
Ogre Battle 64
Quest 64
Paperboy 64
And one more I thought of: Glover

>Superman 64

>Implying these are my tastes and not just me naming games off the top of my head

Thanks for the contribution, based user.

Oh shit forgot about glover, haven't played that in years

Pretty much. If it's not a DK game, it's owned by Microsoft.

Though apparently Microsoft was more than willing to let Nintendo use Banjo for Smash if they wanted.

Sin and Punishment

What a fucking dismal library the N64 had in contrast to the PS1.

Of course it's going to be VC. They use for everything when they stick an old hame on something.

GX = GameCube
AX = Arcade

Gotta have it for meme appeal.

I know, right? Tekken 3, Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil, Gran Turismo, Omega Boost,
Bloody Roar, X-Files, All over the World, Ridge Racer, Odd world, Winning Eleven...

my giga nigga

>Pretty much. If it's not a DK game, it's owned by Microsoft.

Damn, so an N64 couldn't have Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, either Banjo, Conker, Blast Corps or Jet Force Gemini? That's most of the consoles top tier.

How about Diddy Kong Racing -- does that count as a DK game?

You've gotta be shitting me. It looks like a $15 novelty item.
Of course it will sell like hotcakes anyway.

You know what the real never EVER is? Nintendo consoles will never see a mainline Final Fantasy game past 6. Not even FF7R with the delusional rumor of it showing up on the NX. It will come to PC way before it shows up on a Nintendo branded system.

this too much

you can literally emulate nes games on any fucking electronic device now. people paying cash money for this need to be rallied up and put down via firing squad

Look at all of you people who will buy that piece of shit lmao just because it's Nintendo

goldeneye would also get caught up in copyright hell so it would never happen
probably why it hasn't been on either virtual console

Which is why Nintendo gets all the best FF spinoffs like Crystal Chronicles and Tactics Advance

I am pretty sure Microsoft will let them license it out.

I felt like such an idiot when I finally realized this last year.

>Mischief Makers
>Mystic Ninja Starring Goemon
>Goemon's Great Adventure
>Bomberman 64
>Bomberman 64 2
>Bomberman Hero
>Harvest Moon 64

Mega Man 64
Turok Dinosaur Hunter
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil
Orge Battle 64
Castlevania 64 sequel

Why do you have to illicit shitpost? it has zero purpose on this comfy thread, please go somewhere else

Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Demon's Crest
DKC games would probably be on there but it would be difficult because Nintendo has had problems with porting those games before.

>yfw WiiU mini

ITT = poor people

I'll be getting one, I never had a real NES and had to play with shitty polystations, those fucking pieces of shit breaks in one week.
I'll be ok with the price as long as is quality shit.

Alright! Time to name the potential games it will have:
