I have been playing it lately, I have 63 hours so far.
I have no idea why this game exists. Enemies of grey difficulty just oneshotting my dumb party AI while other purple/blue difficulty enemies just stand there to get stomped. A million effects like tossing and flinch that are never explained in-game, not like it matters because you just watch the game play itself.
The UI is dog shit and it doesn't let you hover bonuses to know what they fuck they do.
Oh cool, I got a piece of gear with aura surge IX, let me go to the main city, open the crafting menu, and 15 clicks later I actually get a list of what the effects are, because that's the only way to see them. Oh wait, there's 300 of them, I forgot which one I was looking for.
Oh, for this gem, I need this item. Does the game tell me who drops it? Yes, after 10 minutes of clicking. Does the game tell me where the monster I killed is? Fuck no, enjoy running around a fuckhuge map to find that one monster you've killed 30 hours ago because the game won't fucking tell you where they are. Or just google it instead.
Let me choose between a dozen pointless clans in the beginning of the game, that serves as absolutely nothing but making it a more tedious and longer tutorial.
Want to talk to an npc? You have to readjust your character 7 times, oh and you can't interact with anything on the mecha, enjoy seeing that in and out animation 25 times a minute.
You want to use the helicopter to change district? There are literally 4 cutscenes of the same thing for no reason. Or just press one button to fast travel. Why did they even bother?
Want to get a particular NPC in your party? Too bad, there is no different icon on the minimap, you now have to play wack-a-mole on every hexagon until you find their name.
On top of this, the combat is simple, sterile and dumb as fuck.
There are all the nuances of a difficult game but none of the depth in the gameplay. It's like, intentionally trying to make a game the wrong way.