Evo 2016

Pools: evo2016.s3.amazonaws.com/brackets/index.html

watching streams: multitwitch DOT tv

srkevo1 (SFV)
srkevo2 (Sm4sh)
srkevo3 (melee)
srkevo4 (pokken)
capcomfighters (SFV)
tekken (take a wild guess)




Other urls found in this thread:



that poor venom


hit me with the schedule senpai

She's coming


He didn't attend


on screen right now

What's everyone gonna watch tomorrow?

Its a really momentum based game, also strong okizeme checked by system mechanics. You see back and forth as a result of both player's familiarity on doing setups/comverts and getting out of those setups and running it back. People like to point out the discrepancies in health, never realizing the knockdowns are a result of player's victory in neutral.

Also characters have different health modifiers.

Who's excited for Killer Instinct tomorrow?

top 8s and SFV

>multiple streams

how do people keep up with this shit

Tekken finals for sure

Everything except Pokken and Smfoursh

pretty much this, if you get your soul stolen GG's brutal oki will make sure the match ends quick.

I am.
That top 32 world cup was pretty cool and got me into the game.


Why the hell did SFV end so fucking early?

Tekken top 8, SFV

Man, Sato really folded at the end there. But still blocking a full barrag of Ogawa is crazy.

All the finals for sure. Cmon m8

they removed setups and chairs to give sfv more setups

Will there be a USFIV side stream?

this speedrunning event shit is still going on?

>srkevo3: stream station being assaulted by ants atm :/
>srkevo3: they're all over my mixer :/


Winner predictions for each game?

Wait you can change characters if you win in Melee?

I normally don't watch smash but that seems not normal?


too many 0-2s.

You gotta try harder than that.

From what I understand, you counterpick with stages, not characters.

post more juri feet

Anyone remember a fighting game where you fight on these blocks and you're supposed to push people off the side? I think it was an unofficial game at last year's evo and people were streaming it.



Winner bans a stage
Loser picks a stage
Winner picks a character
Loser picks a character

>every one of these GG sets are Top 8 level
>only get best out of 3 while smash gets Bo5 and 4 lives per round in their baby game

Everything but smash

Dogura master of choking




The fact you called it a fighting game when it's fucking Catherine just made me laugh for a minute.

so is pokken a good fighting game

it looks cool and I have been playing pokemon a lot lately

That wasn't choking, that was just getting out played. Why doesn't he play Leo?

Oh god, what the fuck.

It was fun throwing around "autism" as a joke, but this might be legit.

thanks man. we've been sitting here for half an hour trying to remember what it was

Pokken, SFV, Smash, KI, Dengeki Bunko
I'm mad as fuck that I missed Melty today.

>tournament having rules

>those are tournament rules
It's like a whole community filled with "that kid".

>LTG didn't even win his first match



Notice which games have the longer list of 'speshul roolz.'

Is Twitch sub mode going to be on the whole time? I'm hoping it'll at least be off on the srkevo1 finals stream on Saturday and Sunday.

Dogura has a notorious history of spilling his spaghetti at match point. Both in BB and GG.

>party game ruleset

i think that was a big reason google searches wasn't doing shit for us


Are professional fighting game players autistic? How could someone play Smash Bros for 15 years straight and still be mentally stable?

Saw a bit of Melty, was disappointed at the absence of Nero.

Can't get enough unreadable spam?

what anime are these smirk sluts from?

Kappa is half of the EVO experience.

>Are professional fighting game players autistic?

'The autism spectrum' was invented by American psychiatrists for maximum Jewbux.

So no.

>Final Destination OK
>Omega stages banned
Smash logic.

Can someone tell me how people watch sm4sh? Like, if there weren't Nintendo characters in it, would anyone voluntarily watch/play that game?

Is there a VOD up?

>japanese commentary

>set up 2 streams
>mute one and fcus on the one you like more
>you switch over to the other stream when A) shit scrubs are playing B) you see something cool happening on the other or C) commentators wont shut the fuck up

All finals minus Smash 4 and SF in between.

>Omito thrown in losers


Not all Omega stages are the same. Some have walls, some are different lengths, it's not as simple as saying FD = All Omegas

Many Omega stages have different blast zones and wall types, and a few even have different ground friction. Plus music copyrights on stream might still be an issue.

Licensing problems on stream.

Oh boy

>First stage is decided by (Rock Paper Scissors) best of 1. Winner strikes, then loser strikes twice, then winner. (1-2-2-1)

>Winning player is not locked to character but has to pick before the loser selects his character


a readable chat is how you end up with half of the messages being from the same fag trying to roleplay with other people during Tekken 7.

I just want my PogChamps.

>tfw even running one twitch stream puts my computer into overdrive

>Nintendo pushes for Smash at Evo
>bans the stream if you play it on stream
Smash logic.

What about it?

>This is the time we live in.

It's like, if the winner can't counterpick to Peach against an ICs without the ICs being able to change, because the matchup is horrible. The ICs could go Marth as the counter-counterpick

Get livestreamer, friend.

>GG has like 200 people in brackets
>running all night

>SF5 has 10000 participants
>done for today

>FAB vs Ogawa


Sfv players need their rest!

>GG has 5 people in brackets
>running 24 hours a day until Tuesday

>SF5 has 10 million participants
>done yesterday

Evo drinking game rules where


Did anyone else watch the UNIEL Top 8? It was insane.

I was there. I'll bump with some pics in a moment.

Stand by.

missed it and melty because they weren't listed on the schedule I have, wait for VoD after Xrd finishes to watch hopefully

lets hope

UNIEL is on a side tourney, hence why.

Sooo sloooow thread

what is its name? since all I have to go on is "evo 2016 UNIEL" for my search

Day 1 is nearly over