I'm so fucking tired of feeling down these past few weeks, Sup Forums...

I'm so fucking tired of feeling down these past few weeks, Sup Forums. Recommend me any fucking video game that you liked and gives you a good time.

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I like Doorkickers

it's satisfying doing things smoothly, and incredibly frustrating planning out a whole attack and accidentally erasing it

Alright anons, will check them out.

Any more recs?

Come on Sup Forums this can't be the only games you can recommend

Super Meat Boy
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
DoDonPachi DaiOuJou
100% Orange Juice
Ninja Gaiden Black
Monster Rancher, 1 and 2
Dragon Quest 8

Those are the games I play when I'm depressed, they usually help. Get better, user.

Thanks user, these games sound pretty good

Darkest Dungeon

Crypt of the necrodancer. Fucking great game. You can use your own music.

I aways play Sanic 3 when I am feeling like shit.

Ok I'll try these two

I played Sonic 3 a bunch but I no longer desire to play it anymore

I know what you mean, OP
These nuBerserk episodes are really depressing the fuck out of me too

resident evil 4
pic related
monster hunter

any of those always make me feel better and have lots of fun and laughs

It's impossible to be sad while playing Katamari.


Persona 3 :^)

Kirby is always a good option

/r9k/ pls go

watch the freelance astronauts on youtube

The world ends with you

Sorry about your last few weeks being shitty, man. I've been feeling down for a bit too. Yoshi's Wolly World is comfy and gives you good feels, and is a fun game but isn't crazy hard. Also Persona 4 is comfy.

Sounds like a James Bond film.

Dynasty warriors 8 .. I prefer 3 but I don't want to whip out anything before a ps3 so fuck it. Great series to just kick back to, kill some fags, enjoy some bantz, and listen to some rockin tunes.

just be like me and smoke weed so you dont get the bad feels as bad

Katamari and kirby are great

finished it already

Noted about these games, thanks anons

If you're sad, sad games often cheer me up and make me think.
Mother 3
Dead space series
These happen to be some of my favourites, hope you enjoy them op.