Name a worse MMO expansion

Name a worse MMO expansion



Did you honestly think that was hard?

Well that wasn't hard

I don't play FFXIV, but this can't be worse than Warlords of Draenor.

It really isn't. It's already gotten more content patches than Warlords did, with at least a couple more planned as well.

Estinien is my husbando

Is Legion going to be good?

The correct answer for the next 20 years will be Warlords of Draenor.

Legion can't be considered a bigger flop unless literally 15 people are left playing it by the end.

I dont know why they call them expansions when they're not expanding on anything. All they're doing is replacing fucking content not expanding upon it. This is why I quit the game btw. Literally never gave us anything more to do. Spent 40 dollars on an expansion pack just to have the same amount of garbage to do each week. Fuck this game.

>modern Blizzard

Probably not. People thought Warlords was going to be an amazing expansion based on how front-loaded the expansion was. After only a month people realized the truth of things and began leaving en masse. It might be good, but I certainly don't have enough faith in Blizzard to give them my money until at least three months after launch to gauge how it really is.

No. Legion will suffer the same problems. Content droughts, bugged encounters, batshit stupid story plots, ect. I will say that it'll be better than warlords

Anything post-WOTLK WoW

Ha. No.

World of Warcraft fans who arent brainwashed to got into the beta said its more or less worst or better then Legion with a Diablo 3 twist

Overwatch was shit. Except no less from this.

>every boss is some form of sandbag
>gear requires triple the amount of grinding needed previously
>ridiculously high stat requirements
>bug that autobans 60% of the playerbase
but hey WoD is super bad amirite Sup Forumslizzard?

diablo 3 twist? what do you mean? like item drops?

No more loot tables, bounty system like D3.

>more or less worst or better then Legion

These words make no sense to me

>not Red Alert 3: Uprising

WoD* was a typo

Females still have boy butts, no buy

GW2 HoT. Like it's not even a fucking contest despite WoD's existence.