It's a "trick the boss into running into a wall three times" episode

>it's a "trick the boss into running into a wall three times" episode

>it's a "trick the wall into standing still while a boss runs into it three times" episode

>it's a "you are the boss and the wall has to keep from running into you" episode

Please tell me a game has done this.

Like the wall is actually a big creature that doesn't want something to ram into it and you have to make it stay still while the boss rams into it

>it's a dodge the bosses attacks and then attack him while he's catching his breath episode

Mario 64

>it's a wait till the bossesweapon gets stuck in the ground episode

>it's a drop three big rocks on the boss episode

>It's a dodge the same pattern but with more repetitions each time you damage the boss episode

Name literally one game that does this.

Batman Arkham Asylum
That one Spider Man 2 game

I said games, not memes.

Tomb Raider


Links Awakening.

>have an easy time dodging the boss
>chip down his health
>he suddenly starts attacking much faster
>get annihilated

Shadow of the Colossus, sorta

Witcher Blood and Wine

Gone Home

>it's a "hard boss that's made harder by thousands of enemies spawning around it that you have to deal with"
thanks serious sam TSE

I suppose you don't think that rocks, do you user?

That was great in Shadow of the Colossus because you had to shoot out his eyes in order to do it. And even then, running into a wall only stuns him for a few moments.

>it's a 4 hit boss episode

>It's a dodge and wait for the boss to reveal their weak point episode

>earlier bosses are huge and slow making them weak
>later bosses are small and lithe

The point of carlosposting is to be funny, user.


>it's a "climb the boss and hit the weak point behind it's neck 3 times" episode

the game of me fucking ur mum

it's a "the boss is a head and giant hands" episode

name LITERALLY √-π games that do this

Half Life 2

>it's a boss with no difference in attack patterns episode
>it's a boss with an attack that looks like it can be returned with a mechanic but it doesn't actually work episode

>its a "the boss is hands with eyes" episode

>you have to throw a bomb in its mouth

Asking for examples of a blatantly obvious thing is my thing you asshole.

Sonic 06

>its a "the boss has 5 easy phases but the 6th one 6th and final one is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE" episode

>it's a "cliff with a giant dude below you" boss

Sounds cool

>it's a "you have to lose to the boss no matter what" episode

>boss is only doing what he needs to do to stop a greater evil, even if it means his own actions are seen as evil
>boss warns you of greater evil when you fight him
>game makes you kill him anyway
>greater evil shows up and no one knows what to do


>There is no boss.

The Rhino boss fight in Spiderman on PS1

>It's a "you have to wait for the boss to do a huge jump" episode.

I don't recall where.

>It's a "hit the wall's weak points to get it out of the way" episode

Glad I had a digital camera at the time.

I fucking hate self-defeating bosses.

>he can't hit me in the air, better dive bomb him
>let's throw a bomb with a 30 second fuse at a guy 5 feet away
>I know, I'll spend 20 years charging this reflectable projectile
>maybe I'll just stand there and pose while he shoots me

>oh fuck he's killing me

And it's not just the retards and animals, it's the rocket scientists and military geniuses. At least try, you cunts. It's not fun when you don't.