No man's sky

Are you ready for procedural plant life?

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since shit is procedural what are the chances of finding a bipedal humanoid creature?


That's not how it works.

You can't procedurally generate high quality models. They've made like 30-40 small variations ranging from size to color to each plant/animal etc.

probably pretty high. There's a lot of conflicting info, and its hard to talk about the game without it derailing. I've also heard that only like 1 in 12 planets will have life, most will just be barren wastelands. Personally gonna wait and see some REAL gameplay before I decide on this one. Will play now or wait for price drop just because I love exploration games.

>I've also heard that only like 1 in 12 planets will have life, most will just be barren wastelands

That's pretty cool actually. Finding life should be a special event.

I heard the devs haven't shown a lot of shit on purpose.

It depends on how sophisticated your procedural generation is, but yeah it'll most likely be a checkbox of different variables mashed together. But you could end up with humanoids simply from swapping parts around.

Why did discussion about this game suddenly get turned up to 11 over the last couple weeks when there hadn't been threads in months?

Yeah, which is why I'm feeling pretty iffy on pre ordering. I just don't pre order games any more as rule because of this hype engine shit.

>how sophisticated your procedural generation is
This is an indie studio we are talking about.
>but yeah it'll most likely be a checkbox of different variables mashed together.
No, it's just a dozen different model variations of each species. There was a video where the creator explained how it works. Plants and animals are not procedurally generated, only their placement on planets etc.

Why anyone would preorder a fucking indie game from a dev who's only made mobile games for 60 goddamn dollars is beyond me.

because the game comes out in a few weeks and there was a new trailer you fucking idiot.

Because its close to coming out, and it was pushed back a month.

>plants and animals are not procedurally generated
That's disappointing as fuck.

going to need to see that video. If that's true I'm dropping this shit off my radar.

Procedural generation is extremely difficult to get right. It basically needs a very large budget (read: lots of people working on it), something which indie studios just don't have.
It's on youtube on their official channel, can't be fucked to find it

Why is Sony so fucking stupid? They are by far the most Jewish video game company. They fund stupid shit like David cage games but won't throw their full manpower behind something like no mans sky which had an insane amount of hype 1-2 years ago. They should have secured it and throw unlimited funding at it.

it's coming out soon user

found this

because everytime you mention procgen investors get spooked.

Fairly certain he's lying, this game draws some autistic faggots

On the contrary they are actually extremely smart. They only threw money at the marketing budget because they know the game will sell regardless of its quality

>>how sophisticated your procedural generation is
>This is an indie studio we are talking about.
So we should trust AAA developers to create sophisticated mechanics?

it just recently went gold and comes out in like 3 weeks

I'm not saying we should but we definitely shouldn't trust a dozen Nu Males to get it done.

At least big companies can hire two dozen Nu Males

>dat fractal generator
I used to fuck with these for hours back in HS for fun.

what the fuck is that

and more importantly can i fuck it?

You can do anything!!!!

dear god this will be the disaster of the decade
Watchdogs or WarZ won't even come close
people have way too high expectations

Will I be able to benis?

Well thats a Sup Forums meme and not what was actually advertised so i dont believe you

imma fuck you instead

No, they made 30-40 basic "base" models for plants, animals, and ships each and then has a program that procedural makes variants of them.

there are plenty of videos of them showing off the program used

So we agree it's proc gen then?

Why will those space-sim numales learn? Elite Dangerous is shit, Star Citizen is shit, Numale's sky is shit

spore was able to procedurally create models with animations and that was like 20 years ago.

SC is shaping up to be the ultimate space game

>Elite Dangerous is shit
u take tht back!!

>Additionally, these random beasts can be scaled, colorized and manipulated to fit whatever kind of ecosystem that Hello Games desires.
Technically yes. But as I said earlier, it's just those 40 base models with different size and colors etc.

not him but hes right, ED is absolute dogshit

No it wasn't
It was able to procedurally create walking animations (sort of) but every creature in the games is predesigned.

It's funny that you would bring that up....

this user is right in that you can't procedurally generate animation
"add penis bit here on head and move it about a bit" isn't procedural animation

I wanted Elite Dangerous to be good so badly. They came close but fucked it up in the end. I just want to fly around space... guess I'll stick to KSP

>you can ships underwater


i read you need certain upgrades to be able to do that, and to leave the ship you need a special suit

Benis bo bannis butts


>procedural ships
>they actually look pretty gud
How do they do it

How is it that I know you're underage.


Well you're wrong so well done. You just got fucked.


the gameplay looks utterly shit, too bad



Why is there only one word in English ?

>Tardo Erect

which one Sup Forums?

>literally spore

second row last one


Because you have to learn each alien language

Hes only learned 1 word of the alien language so far

>First column fourth row

Fucking badass

>constant NMShit threads in the last few days, all reaching at least 200+ replies
>sony/devs this desperate because they know their game is empty shit and broken promises^18quintillion
>shilling this hard

Holy shit, you need to learn ALL these words or even more ? Sounds pretty cool.

If it were like 20 dollars I'd consider getting it

What about now?

It's kind of genius how they market this game. Even a little shuffle of the models makes it look like they have tons of different variations, while in reality....

i didn't know majin buu was in no man's sky.

Well you can figure it out by their tone and other methods, you dont just have to learn the words although it obviously helps the most

Glad to see they updated the UI.

Name a single instance where procedural generation created something better than man-made.

Computers can't into creativity or art, only logic.

I'm enjoying this thoroughly.
But the sonyshills seem to have given up somewhat.


Whoa, guys, can't wait for yet another walking sim!

Thats just the fighter class and doesnt include all the base models, so you kinda proved it has a shitton of ships

fucksake user I need my sides for my job

Xcom 2 maps

And what's gonna happend if I fuck up the conversation ?

>Name a single instance where procedural generation created something better than man-made.

The universe



>b-b-but they haven't shown everything
You'd think they would have more than 3 different variables for each part but they actually don't.

[citation needed]

why are you trying to start console war shit?

The problem i have with the ships is the landing animation is to stiff and the ships dont look like they accelerate properly
I hope they fix that

They might forgive you, they might stop talking to you altogether, or they might start attacking you.

Depends on the race

>the same planet in different colors

here have my 60 shekels

I don't know man, I don't watch soap opera I need some kind of entertainment

Bottom row. Second from the left.

But they havnt shown everything, well except for the other ship classes we've seen those.

But if you have a list of every single base model please do post it.

>same 5 images with different colors and slightly tilted angles
It's like pottery


>It's procedurally generated so you can play forever and never see it all!

Yeah like how there are people who have played Borderlands for over six years...

>wasting your life to make that shitpost
Holy shit my fucking sides

You're even more pathetic than NMS

>Actually learning the language
>Not finding out if someone translated the whole thing on the internet

It's like you wanna waste time figuring shit out

I learned a lot from that.


>Yeah like how there are people who have played Borderlands for over six years...
you know they exist user
just don't try to think about it