Fuck this bitch

Fuck this bitch.

Fuck this bitch.

Fuck this bitch.


Fuck this bitch.

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so why is she blue again?


cold blood

Because edgy

Anyone have that Winston circling that Bastion killing it?

blame Eiffel 65

yes I would

Scrub detected.

Hell yeah brother

Honestly needs to be removed from the game.

Stay mad


she's fine

Mei is the one who needs to be removed. Her mechanics make the game unfun for all involved. Ally or enemy

aw man cmon, lets keep it pg folks

>tfw you so well as widowmaker the enemy team accuses you of hacking
Is there any better feeling?

Why is she blue?

that happened to me once in tf2, was very flattering

I want to lick her pussy but I think she only lets Tracer do that.

Stop bullying my waifu, creep.

her blood is really cold


someone is

Ok, thanks.

>dominating enemy on tf2
>it's the admin or one of his buttbuddies
>accused of hacking and banned from the server

>tfw want to be good with Widow but have shit aim

Happened regularly in tf2, and now in this

Mained scout/sniper in tf2 and in OW I main Widow

>Widow is 90% of my playtime
>"There's other heroes dude"

I don't have as much fun playing as any other heroes tbqh

everlasting gobstopper goes a bit funny on dessert

>Her mission complete, Amélie returned to Talon, and they completed the process of turning her into a living weapon. She was given extensive training in the covert arts, and then her physiology was altered, drastically slowing her heart, which turned her skin cold and blue and numbed her ability to experience human emotion. Amélie was gone.


i want to fuck that bitch

I like this pairing the most. It must be some kind of hater fucking.

>looks like were working together
>dont think am happy bout that

>It's another 'Blizzard writes an awful "corrupted" woman who will never get comeuppance because of her vagina' episode
not that Overwatch lore is worth a shit but do they really have to have one in every game? Fucking Metzen

Does anyone else find the design choices in overwatch to be nonsensical? Bastion's Ultimate is one. You have a primarily defensive hero whose ultimate turns him into into a tank(which can one-shot 200 health heroes). Who the fuck thought of that one?

t. genji main

>who will never get comeuppance

Why do you feel that she should?
The problem is with you thinking that things have to follow whatever path you think is "correct"



That's right, susan.

Maybe joining Talon was her comeuppance.

I want to come up her fence.

dumb blueberryposter

She's French.

pants not fence

I don't get it. Genjis is effective at fighting bastion. Why would a Genji main complain about Bastion? IT should be T. Winston main.

Comic when?

I want more smug Widowmaker.

>Genjis is effective at fighting bastion
normally yes, unless bast is in tank mode
then it's one direct shot or two splash shots and sayonara

All the rape.

Why is Tracer always drawn with a fat ass in fan art when she has the ass of a 14 year old boy in the actual game?

Why is her face so inconsistent?
>left smug parody face
>right badass hot slut face

>play sniper
>spawnrape the enemy team for over twenty minutes
>they start accusing me of cheating
>can't seem to miss
>hit every shot
>vast majority of shots are headshots
>everyone just dies as soon as they enter my sights
>tfw I've never done that well ever again

why are you lying
why are you always lying

>Why is fanart different?
Also she has a nice ass in game.

Shitty camera angles and awkward lighting.


I agree that Mei is horribly unfun and being a cutesy, awkward Chinese girl makes it significantly more infuriating when you get frozen or when your own Mei ice walls your spawn/ult, but removing or nerfing her is reaching a tad bit


Look at 14 year old boy asses a lot do you?

I am a 14 year old boy


>somebody on the other team picks torbjorn
>nobody on our team is allowed to do anything until we deal with his fucking instant locking turret that will kill any of us individually before we can do the damage to get rid of it

he directly counters genji, i can't fucking do anything on the point if his stupid turret is anywhere near it

Speaking of Widowmaker, how many of you have unlocked her cheevos?

>get the venom mine achievement no problem, just spam it in high traffic areas
>having trouble with the air shot one because of shitty aim
>finally give up and just enjoy the gameplay
>few days later on Hanamura
>above B point to fuck up an annoying genji and pharah who are giving my team trouble
>spot the Pharah as she boosts up to get into position to ruin my day
>pops my feet with a rocket just as I fire
>achievement unlocked

We lost, but I got a good chuckle out of it.


Blizzard needed a Sylvanas/Nova character in their game.

>not peeking out from a wall to flick stars at it

Shitter git gud

>torb counters genji
And on today's episode of "BAIT or BADDIE?": this fucking guy

>you'll never fuck widowmaker

I need to snipe a Pharah still.

>that Lucio wallriding achievement
>on console

>her face so inconsistent
That's called a facial expression



Sounds like you need to learn how to flank

or just get D.Va and ram into the turret
or just get Widow to snipe it to death
or just fucking do better, come on

No, it literally looks different.

>I am a 14 year old boy

She has a hard counter. Literally "I can't figure out rock paper scissors" the post

>playing as genji
>enemy pharah mentions that they have never had a genji capable of killing pharah before
Am I finally becoming Pelican?


she's sad

>playing tracer
>Enemy team has a torb
>Think "Oh, my team will handle this turret
>turret stays up forever
>Finally get sick of it and switch to s76/Pharah/whatever
>Destroy it without trouble, Kill torb

I can never understand the mind set of other players

every character's bio reads like it was copy pasted from the middle of some fanfiction

It looks different because her face is expressing different emotions.

Because quick play is littered with trash

Just tonight, I've had to deal with situations like ONE FUCKING BASTION taking the point 10 seconds before we win and having to go through another 5 minutes of fuckery.

On a positive note, I found out that a team of Reapers gets decimated by a team of half bastion half tracer

>Quick play

I'm talking competitive, with like level 55s. Lost my last 2 games because my team went double tracer or hanzo+widow on defense

its not that bad on console. although i did switch my buttons around.

Why yes, it is

dumb hazelnutposter

>not wanting peanut butter and jelly


Well then, post me some.
Convince me how good they're together.

Where do you live that of 14 year old boys look like they do?

>windowmaker's theme song

Oh you meant shipping them. I had something else in mind, but nah they wouldn't ship well.

How to spot actual autism.

>Still being mad over smug berry

>Sup Forums is full of nothing but this bitch
>spider-alien hybrid who shame others who like anything else but monster girls

>Spider alien bitch is fucking everywhere and invades other places
Of course

Sure, no problem.

How do we save her from Talon?
Why is her ass so shiny?

Bad bitches can always be redeemed through the power of the dick.

But it was all the Talon dick that broke her.

And it can be undone through more dick and cuddling and handholding.

Is she the sexiest slut ever created in a videogame?

fuck overwatch
literally just tf2 but unbalanced and with waifus