Nintendo Won
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Enough fucking #zelda
5 hours is fucking long enough! Where are the other games?
reminder that E3 2016 was shit and Zelda actually looked really retarded and the game probably wont be out til late holiday 2017 if not 2018 cause they very clearly didn't have anything indicative of a full "game" to show outside of 'gameplay' concepts.
>zelda beat out a bunch of triple A shooters and movies
>meanwhile, indie games have utterly dominated actual video games
Like pottery.
Remember when you guys kept saying e3 was irrelevant and dying?
What happened to that?
this E3 happened and proved them right.
what world are you living in? E3 happened over a month ago. People have had more than enough time to put things into perspective.
Sonyggers get triggered so easily it's pathetic.
Only Sonyggers were saying that because they were BTFO. Last year people were proclaiming E3 as the second coming of Jesus.
>that jpg quality
>that fanboyism
>Sonyggers wer saying e3 was dying
What fucking world do you live in?
>E3 2015
>Shenmue 3
>Final Fantasy 7 remake
>resurgence of The Last Guardian
>everything was going right
>E3 2016
>most noteworthy thing was an early beta for a Zelda game that has every inkling of being some garbage 2004-era havok physics tech bullshit.
>most noteworthy thing was a physics demo
>E3 2017
>$15 bottles of water will be the most tweeted thing
>E3 2018
>arin from gamegrumps will fart during one of their episodes of some ancient sega genesis game and it will be the most retweeted thing during E3
>E3 2019
>most tweeted thing will be about how great E3 2018 was and why couldn't this years E3 be as good
>E3 2020
>you die
Lurk more faggot.
Nintendo fans were saying E3 didn't matter for at least a month leading up to e3
God of War trailer = 11million
Zelda Breath of the wild = 9 million
this just proves that all those tweets were retards saying that the new Link was a girl
Pretty much
>inb4 FURIOUS damage control
Yeah, that'll happen when you devote hours on end to one autistically beloved game and fucking nothing else.
I'm still disappointed this new Zelda game looks to be nothing but a giant fujoshitter bait game.
>that jpg compression
>fifa 17 over all those actually interesting games
Fucking casual degenerates
>giant fujoshitter bait game.
They have been that way ever since OoT.
Breath of the Wild has many other gameplay videos to watch.
But regardless, this its a thread about winning E3. Not eventually getting more youtube views on a trailer AFTER E3.