What's the best baseball games, Sup Forums?

what's the best baseball games, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mario Superstar Baseball

2020 Super Baseball was fucking great.

Koshien 98.

MVP Baseball 2005 is the best I've played for realism and if you get the PC copy people are still making updated rosters as recent as 2015



RBI Baseball

Every other answer including thrones in this thread are fucking wrong and the posters should be rounded up and gassed.

Fuck the haters, but I'm a big fan of The Show

Been playin' 2k15 on my Vita while being sad that there won't be a 2k16 for it

inb4 lol vita

i cant find this, sauce now!

If I found it so can you


Here I'll spoon feed you because I'm in a good mood, next time use 'sauce nao'

What is the career mode like in the Show?

This isn't on sadpanda...


>You must be an active subscriber in order to read Wild Pitch!.

You mean like Road to the Show?

Pretty fun actually

You make your character, start in a qualifier tournament, then double A and work your way up

If you're really good though, you can get drafted straight from Double-A into MLB

Get points for playing well in games, upgrade your stats, etc

You can also pick the team you want to be drafted by or just leave it up to the universe

>Give you the sauce
>Still mad
Last time I spoonfeed faggots ever again

Can I be any position?

Do I get some bullshit development points to increase stats or do they just go up the better you get at that thing? What is the level of customization like?

Is there a Dynasty like mode where I can control an entire team?

>someone asks you to pass the sauce
>you hand them an ad for a grocery store chain which features a deal on sauce

>uses fakku
>thinks he can call other people faggots

>Last time I spoonfeed faggots ever again
Good, nobody is so fucking stupid as to direct someone to Fakku of all places

Any position

If you pick 1st base, be prepared to be catching a lot of throws

If you pick 2nd/SS, prepare for actually having to field and throw into double plays and stuff

If you pick Catcher, be prepared to have to manually move your stick/glove to catch every pitch your pitcher throws

Of course, the settings for all these can be changed so you could only have to field them for non-routine plays, or letting the AI baserun for you

That's another thing, you have to actually be a baserunner yourself when you get a hit

And yeah, you just get development points that you can put towards whatever you want. There's like literally 3 pages of 15+ stats on each page

And yeah, there's Dynasty mode


Sounds neat, if I pick pitcher does it just make me a starter or could I pick a reliever or closer?


i cant find it on nhentai, ex hentai and hitomi l.a. , already type ulrich at the search bar too

Closer or Starter

No direct option for Relief, but I'm sure there's a way

When you make a pitcher in Road to the show, you get to pick 3 pitches to start with. You can add up to 2 more pitches for like 300 points or so.

Also, Knuckelball is OP as fuck

Much obliged
replace dot with dot

Here's my secret. I typed in the name and author on google and put hentai behind it. there.

What 3 pitches can I start with? Any of them?



Can I change the angle and amount of movement on my pitches? For instance can my Slider go from 3 to 9 or 12 to 6?

This image isn't from a baseball game, is it.

I don't you can customize the exact way your pitch goes

There is different types of pitches, like a regular Curveball or a 12-6 Curveball, from a Slider to a Slurve

The more points you put into upgrading the "Break" stat on your pitches, the more spin/drop/curve they'll have. But you can't customize EXACTLY how they'll go

Of course not

>The more points you put into upgrading the "Break" stat on your pitches, the more spin/drop/curve they'll have. But you can't customize EXACTLY how they'll go

Is there a Break stat for each individual pitch?

And what are some other features that could sell me on this game?

Ulrich is the armpit king.

Yes, each individual pitch has 3 stats

Control (Accuracy)

So you could throw all your points into one pitch if you wanted to, or gradually upgrade all of them over time

Generally, it's going to take at least one full season for you to get your pitches high enough

And as for individual features to sell you on, I honestly don't know as I just play Road to the Show mode. Pretty much everything I've posted so far are some pretty damn good features, but I'm certainly no expert on The Show 2k15

Can I fully customize the rosters all I want?
Can I create teams?
Can I create Stadiums?
Are there any classic teams/players?
Any fun unlockables that aren't DLC/behind a paywall?

Don't think so, but not 100% sure
I believe so, but again, not 100% sure
There don't seem to be. There's been no DLC that I've seen in the year+ since the game has been out. Pretty much the only pay stuff is pay to win stuff. You can buy points for Franchise mode or Road to the Show mode to give extra points to your player/teams. $1 for 1000 points I believe is the ratio, which in the beinning, 1000 points is a pretty good amount, but after a full season in the MLB, 1000 is nothing

Alright thanks you've been helpful my last question is, how well does it play on the Vita?

Pretty good

Just don't expect 60FPS and you're fine

But the same runs smooth otherwise with rare slowdowns, but there can be longer loading screens


have fun user!