How could it have been saved, Sup Forums?

How could it have been saved, Sup Forums?

>only one screen
>make it 720p
>bottom half is just buttons
>2 joysticks

So a phone?

lower price on launch
two analog sticks
better hardware, the display in particular
more games

Does your phone have joysticks?

With an attachment obviously.
My understanding is your saying Nintendo should give up on gimmicks.

>>only one screen
Why would Nintendo go backwards?

Tell me why one screen is better than two screens.


They should have kept going, three screens at 240p would help.

it's fucking common sense


You realize the 3DS has ass resolution because the screen is 3D. Being dual screen had nothing to do with it.

Yeah and tell me why two screens are bad?
It's a handheld game. I don't want HUD shit all over the tiny screen blocking the view

>You realize the 3DS has ass resolution because the screen is 3D. Being dual screen had nothing to do with it.
So not one without the other? Was it really needed?

>Yeah and tell me why two screens

lets see
>increased battery use
>need to look at two things at once
>higher chance of one of them breaking

fuck you

While I have no idea if this applies to the 3DS, the DS also had a fault to where it could only feasibly render 3D on a single screen at a time.

There was a disparity between the two screens a majority of the time with one being relegated to seemingly "quality of life" design choices.



>tiny screen
have you even tried a vita? you look so uneducated

how can we save it from being successful?

Also this behavior seems to have become standard practice regardless of if this limitation still exists.

As per >I don't want HUD shit all over the tiny screen blocking the view
This is a design choice given the variables they work with, not an actual advantage of the two screens.

I've seen people rag on Virtue's Last Reward on the Vita for being "cluttered" despite not actually being.

>With an attachment obviously.
wat a massive fucking cop out

We're getting there, maybe one day.



How can single screen faggots compete?

Jesus, no wonder they never share games. How embarrassing.

>Giant retard button taking up a majority of the bottom screen
Guess Phoenix Wright was unplayable in the GBA iterations too.


OHH.... WAIT...

Or similar to the Vita version, tuck them away in a menu.


>Wait, why is the Dreamcast missing?

Wtf are people even playing on PS4? 2 games?


Watching youtube LPs of Mario games.

really makes you think


It's only placed that low because of all the casual shooters like Payday 2

They aren't playing with it.

>mario on wheels
>new super duper mario ultra wii own u(r) wallet
>the other half of the new smash bros
>hyper ultra wiffle waffle mega mario cat edition
>fuck it, we're too lazy, do it yourself mario
>mario dlc
>post-4 mario party
>yoshi's gimmick world
>please be our season pass guinea pig
>minigame we cashed in on
>worst pikmin by far
>*also on PS4, XBone, and Windows

what a rich library

>Top and bottom screen same resolution
>No 3D
>Dual analogs

Would have helped it a lot in its early days.

>A majority of a consoles top sellers are from the same company supporting it
Surprise, surprise.

Dunno, Sony gets away with not doing it and you don't see anybody complaining.

The 2ds is a single screen device
Putting covering part of it with the shell doesn't make it better

They still felt the need to emulate the two screen idea

nope, just nintendo
only one of the three that actively drives away third parties, unless it's capcom fellating them with system sellers

More good games. It's been pretty successful otherwise. Better resolution would have been nice, and I think the 3D effect was largely pointless, but I find it difficult to care about hardware wankery. Good games are what matter.

I'm satisfied with mine, but I've mostly used it for GBA games and NES games. My favorite 3DS game is probably Shinobi.

how do I play GBA games on mine without being a degenerate

yeah imagine a world where every consumer supported yearly iterations with subtle differences and thought it was worthwhile

>pretty successful
>worst selling nintendo handheld by far
>least respected
>only defense is maliciously insulting the only other competitor for daring to have third party support

Implying the Vita would have sold if it had even one game

>worst selling nintendo handheld by far
>least respected
Worst selling maybe, but not poorly sold.
>only defense is maliciously insulting the only other competitor
Not sure what you're talking about here.

Why should Nintendo give a fuck about 3rd parties? All 3rd parties do is bitch about how Nintendo's games are the big sellers. So what does Nintendo do for the Wii U? They let 3rd parties take center stage for months after launch and the Wii U went nowhere.

>been saved

How did it fail? Sure, it may not look the best compared to Vita but it had a fuckload of games I liked, enough that I've sunk hundreds of hours into it. Lots of people I know have one too so there's never lack of multiplayer. eShop support was surprisingly good, especially when compared to Wii U. I've been completely happy with it enough to upgrade when New 3DS came out and my old one was kind broke.

>Wii U went nowhere.
>due to 3rd parties

you mean you bought a device intended to break after several years only to repeat your mistake
you're a retard caught in a cycle and you don't even realize it
every single O3DS will lose L/R functionality eventually, unless you pay for repairs or void the warranty and fix it yourself, risking permanent damage

So you support companies not getting hardware right the first time by buying current-generation revisions?

>3rd parties whine and whine about Nintendo games overshadowing their releases
>Nintendo releases a console and gives 3rd parties more than enough time to establish themselves
>3rd parties don't take advantage of this

Even Nintendo couldn't save the deficit.

I have a 3DS XL and haven't noticed anything with the buttons.

Enjoy it while it lasts. There are multiple dust entry points.

No, some nephew broke into my room while hosting a party once and it was never quite the same since. No idea how they got in there, I locked the damn door.

All 3 companies have done revisions of every single console they've made, always. Only reason it hasn't happened to Wii U is it's dead as shit. They fucked up.

That fractured the userbase though?

>N3DS exclusive
The only saving grace is they didn't take off with it.

What? It doesn't need saving. It's the #1 handheld in pretty much everything except power.

It can hardly be called fracturing the userbase when there's literally one game that's N3DS exclusive, or at least I think it's just Xenoblade. Binding of Isaac barely counts, even with the extra power it still runs like shit so no one should buy it.

Well it didn't help that Nintendo decided to make the games for the Wii U effectively Gamecube games in HD.

Sure, why not put the same type of games that appeared on a flop of a console on your new flop of a console? What could possibly go wrong?

And what about the addition of additional controls (nipple and extra triggers) and processing power (given, for those exclusives)?

>A Flop

am I getting memed on


>not a flop

Prior to the Wii U, the Gamecube was Nitnendo's worst-selling home console. It was unequivocally a flop.

Almost nothing uses the extra triggers and more or less the only game worth using the nipple for is Monster Hunter. Maybe MM3D. No one bought RE: Revelations on 3DS.

MH generations is still 30 fps
pokemon can't stay stable
the processing power does fucking nothing

>shit Sup Forums says


How many games did you own, my brother?

I got my prized Naruto Clash of Ninja 1 and 2 sitting in their boxes on my shelf.

By adding some sort of PSTV/Super Gameboy/etc. ability to the WiiU so I could play a good library of games on a screen larger than 3 inches with ergonomics worse than a Gameboy.

I can't imagine ever playing monster hunter on a single screen again.
2 screens is so fucking great, I can put my map, health, lock on, and quick items all on the bottom screen while the top has no shitty UI on it.
And since the screens are right next to each other it takes literally no effort unless you're retarded to look between them, it's not like it's the Wii U.

N3DS specs at launch.

When I see posts like this, it makes me glad people as fucking incompetent and retarded as you are confined to wasting your income and life on video games

too bad you can't put your loading screens on the bottom :^)
>lock on
behold MH players, your new fellow audience

>2 screens is so great
yeah I sure am fucking glad there's no button for Arts and the 3DS can barely register a finger press
utter moron


not an argument


>the 3DS can barely register a finger press
Use the stylus, retard!

>have 3 hands
Bravo, retard!

Sorry, I don't play shit games. Was just suggesting what the stylus was for.

If you remove your left hand, you lose the ability to move
If you remove your right hand, you lose the ability to attack, evade, and run
There's no feasible way to pull out a stylus mid-fight. Holding it as you play is both uncomfortable and critically slow.

A single screen would fix that.

This thread is a piece of work.

No, but a capacitive screen would.

still not an argument

You know what has that? The Vita and shitty phones.

Fuck those, cheap plastic resistive for life.

who the fuck uses the stylus to use hunter arts or any other touch screen action in MH

literally just slide your thumb over real quick and touch the gigantic icons that take up large chunks of the screen

If you can't do that and keep pressing buttons you might actually be retarded

>You know what has that? The Vita

What are you talking about?

>he admits it

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Can 3DSfags discuss the shortcomings of their system without leaning on their Monster Hunter crutch?

All the games, actually

I did, the claim that the 3DS can barely register a finger press is moronic

This whole thread is shitty bait

>It's not hailing Nintendo as God waaaahhhh
The 3DS is just perfect ain't it?

Oh, you think I'm the uragaan post. Nice assumption.