Would you smash Lucina?

Would you smash Lucina?

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Boobs too big

I would smash her cunt with my dong, if you get the gist.

Why does that face remind me of Akariot?

with a brick

Probably because its his art just with japanese text.
Proof that your average weeb can't tell the difference from the shit he eats and only has an anti-western bias.

the thighs are really nice, don't you think?

>D-did you call me, dear customer...?

>We had wild sex after this.

She's already spoken for.

>average weeb

I'll have you know I graduated at the top of my class!

I'm not weeb enough to follow japanese artists and don't mind Akariot's sameface.

I also enjoy other series with sameface syndrome like Love Live and Dragon Ball.

umayahara0130 is the artist by the way after a quick google search for the curious.


I would murder her

I'm a homosexual so no

It's not Akairiot though.

why does this karrot guy trigger you guys so much?

I'd smash that bottle on her head if you know what I mean.

Does she have a feminine penis?


Not triggered. Just the face in particular stood out to me since the artist Akairiot draws a similar face.

See as well, also me.

>Got her figma when it came out
>Still to this day debating whether or not to hot glue it

I've never had this problem before


I have it too, I'm supposed to hot glue it for a girl, but every time I try to do it I usually miss, or barely skim pass her.
I've had to clean her up and wait for next time. It's torture.

I don't see you drawing any cutie patooties, user.

Why not just do a SOP instead of hotgluing the figure?

>I'm supposed to hot glue it for a girl


she bought it just for me, just so i would hot glue it
do you know the pressure that puts on you?

Because that's cheating.

How so?

what's SOP?

Remember, you should only hot glue your waifu.


Semen On Picture.



>no reverse image search on google
>nothing on iqdb either
>now deleted
have source on that image? artist name by chance?



A thousand (you)s, though this does belong on /c/ rather than here.

the artist is dead, hasn't done anything since 2015

is this lucina?

Nope. That'd be Touwa Meme from Denpa Onna.

Judging by the chest she isn't.


No, I'd glass her.

what do lucy fags think of this pairing?


I get what she sees in him.

how doe she DICK HER?

fairynuff then.

I want Lucina to mess me up so bad I wake up covered in bruises

Tiny Duo

New Va11 hall-a looks good

i could do that for you chihiro

post the full pic faggot

are you a c-cute girl though?

there's a full pic?

Lucina is gross

Y-You take that back!

Lucina! Suck me

There's a second part that shows her on the floor getting mating pressed by a guy.

Sorry, you're just fated to be gross.

who's fatter? lucina

No thank you


Lucina is huge!

What. Disregarding that user got his source wrong, Akariot's art is clearly influenced by "weeb" stuff. I'm not sure what that chip on your shoulder is about. Did you think "weebs" don't think Western artists are good? Or just Western art? Because either way, you're being a bit of a loon with how you reacted here.

Would rather smash Robin's boypussy

>dem abs

>those faces

Spicariot confirmed for plagiarist

>palutena porn

so good, yet so rare.