>$25 for three new costumes, a stage and color palettes
>while also killing cosmetics PC mods
>while also ignoring the massive issues the game is still plagued with six months after launch

Is Capcom the most incompetent fighting game publisher of the decade?

Other urls found in this thread:


>while also killing cosmetics PC mods
Yeah, no, that's going to forever go down as a Capcom pipe dream.
>while also ignoring the massive issues the game is still plagued with six months after launch
I'm sure they have people working on those, it probably takes time and hard thinking to fix.


>Yeah, no
Check the Reddit SFV mod page. Capcom introduced shit with the new patch that purposely fucks with cosmetic mods.

>I'm sure they have people working on those
It's been six month since launch. How hard is it to implement flag display of lobbies or matchmaking that doesn't take years or shitty lag every second game? This should've been there day 1. We're six months down the line and essential features are still missing while Capcom is selling costumes for rip-off price.

>Check the Reddit SFV mod page. Capcom introduced shit with the new patch that purposely fucks with cosmetic mods.
And it will be circumvented by autumn at most.

>How hard is it to implement flag display of lobbies or matchmaking that doesn't take years or shitty lag every second game? This should've been there day 1.
I have faith that Capcom considers Street Fighter an important brand. If it takes this long then it must obviously be difficult, what with everything else they have to work on in order to fullfill the promises they made in the lead-up to the game.

I'm genuinly glad I won't meet you online in this game.

After playing this UNIEL this week I don't really wanna go back to SFV. It feels so good to play and I have so much fun just playing.

>while also killing cosmetics PC mods

>I have faith that Capcom considers Street Fighter an important brand
If they did, they would've released it in complete form without outsourcing half of it to western tumblr artists. Capcom gives no shit anymore. SFV has less features than kusoge fighters. It's basically as barebones as a fighting game can be.

It's a disgrace when we have fighting games like Xrd, KoF14 and Tekken 7 all offering great value for what you pay for and then there is SFV that gives you half a game and urges you to play the cruelest mode in any fighting game ever so you can unlock a few more characters and stages.

Nothing about this game makes sense. Capcom shat it out hoping people would be sucked in by the esports hype and when that failed they just went back to selling overpriced DLC.

>outsourcing half of it to western tumblr artists
How did they do that?

They made an art design and then hired western freelance artists to model those characters. It's why SFV looks so inconsistent. Some parts look great, other parts look worse than PS2 games.

That's explains ken's awful model and urien's on spot model. Should of at least tested the artists out and kept the good ones.

>while also killing cosmetics PC mods

lol who cares?

You should know better than to play fighting games on PC anyway

dead in a week

Ibukis face is the worst thing in the game though

I don't doubt it but I still love it.

>lol who cares?
People who care about modding community and freedom of visuals, you fucking asswipe.

Infrastructure and Online

>Ranked matchmaking takes too long
>Rollback netcode isn't properly implemented. There are often lag spikes and needless rollback that aren't present in other fighting games tested.
>Loading into online match takes too long
>Finishing an online match takes too long, it should jump straight to training afterwards without loadings
>The lag isn't displayed in numbers like Xrd does
>You can't filter lobbies after region
>You can't set unique comment for lobbies
>You can't set unique invite ID for lobbies
>You can't text or voice chat in lobbies
>Only king of the hill in lobbies, room-based structure with queue is superior
>Not enough FM reward for winning games online. You get measly 50 FM per win when one character costs 100k
>Not enough customization and personalization like Tekken
>No point really in SFV having a unique service. Should've just been implemented in PSN/Steam instead
>No tutorial online mode


>Models are inconsistent. Ken looks like a banana. Ryu looks like a hedgehog. Alex looks like Happy Meals toys
>Awkward win and loading poses
>Ugly and few stages. Want to improve them? Pay Capcom more FM
>Ugly low-poly background characters that run at 30 fps. Looks worse than just static backgrounds
>Some hit stun effects are too flashy, making almost for a blinding effect
>Very few costumes in-game. You must pay $4 per new costume. And Capcom might censor them in future updates considering their previous actions making your purchase a risky one.

Single Player
>Story mode was unfulfilling. No proper closure. Loose plot ends. Plot holes everywhere. Bad writing. Forced fights.
>Lacking of many modes standard in fighting games
>Only way to earn FM and unlock colors is Survival Mode
>Survival Mode is the worst mode in human history and downright sadistic, AI cheats and you have to win a great number of fights in a row to get your reward
>Not enough FM reward for beating story mode

Capcom just released this shit year in advance.

This game has fucking nothing on games like Xrd, KoF14 and T7 except brand power.

> freedom of visuals

I'd be more sympathetic if freedom of visuals didn't boil down to 'kek make her nekkid' each and every time.

If you don't like it, make your own mods or ask modders if they can do something to your liking. That's what makes modding great. It's all optional and completely up to preference. So stop being a retard defending Capcom removing this optional content.

>tfw cant play bald necalli anymore

Why. The hair is too distracting

Where's the reddit thread about costume mods being broken OP?

>I'm sure they have people working on those, it probably takes time and hard thinking to fix.
I agree with this, they probably collect all those for a big update after EVO. If they release any of the fixes before EVO people will just complain about being used to something else, especially with the 8 frame issue

BUT, I also think none of these issues should have been present in the first place

>except beginner ffrendlyness

>cruelest mode in any fighting game ever

1. You're an 09er for sure who has not played many games.
2. You're a storyfag who just wants arcade mode and winquotes.
3. You're more Bronze than Urien's skin.

What other fighting game forces you to play a survival mode to 30-50 wins so you can acquire currency to unlock more characters?

Just fuck my shit up

>all for 24.99
That's a dollar more than what all of UNIEL costs on PC.

A stage and three costumes.

Well, KoF Neowave requires you to beat something like 60 characters in survival mode to unlock a good chunk of the roster.

Unlocking Athena/Firebrand in SvC Chaos is also harder than SFV survival mode, as is doing some of the shit in Soul Calibur 3 like fighting Night Terror.

SFV's survival mode is a boring and unsatisfying slog, and that's a good thing. It's an unsubtle hint that you're wasting your time slapping the computer and you should man up and face some other players, which is the entire intent of the game.

Why don't you want to support Tokido or Infiltration?

It's fucking ridiculous, all of that should be free and included with the base game.

Costume DLC really marked the end of gaming.
Why not just let "modders" take care of costumes and let people share them as they wish. All they need is to provide an official hub for people to upload their costumes.

Beginner here.

Guilty Gear Xrd seems far more beginner friendly to me than Street Fighter V. Especially Signs fantastic tutorial.

Both those games you listed were D-grade trash fighgers, nowhere near SF V's level.

And how is figjting a difficult computer opponnent worse than fighting a difficult human opponnent?

Because then publishers couldn't make money off of them.

Costume DLC is the reason fighting games that aren't all-poplkar can turn a profit.

Why am I getting buyer's remorse? Is it because I suck dick at fighting games despite liking them?

>Because then publishers couldn't make money off of them.
It feels like with the current pricing, even if they only sell a single costume they make an overall profit

If the game wants you to ignore survival mode, why then hide most of the FM and colors behind that mode? Why not allow us to gain decent amount of FM playing online instead of measly 50 FM per win? Why not allow us to win colors through online play?

No, Capcpcom most definitely expects you to play and enjoy Survival mode. Because this company is defunct.


What? You want single píayer content don't you? Unlocking survival mode should take you a while.

>They just really want us to pay 4 usd for each one of these and they ended up breaking most of the mods in the process,
I sure as hell am not paying just to get a recolor for costumes I already purchased $4 each. I regret giving Capcom any money at all, I won't add more to the pool if they keep this business model.
For reference, I put $120 in this game.

Fuck me.

In KOF games where you have to play through survival mode to unlock shit grinding is irrelevant because they let you use the bosses, and most of them let you unlock only broken bosses anyway. Even in KOF Neowave where you had to unlock the balanced characters they let you use the boss Geese in that game

Ah, but that doesn't give the scrub his precious win quotes!

He is left forever unsatisfied, unable to compete against real players in two round matches and not quite sad enough to hook up a second controller for those morsels of banter.

It's okay! Injustice will have all of the fluff you want :^)

I want good content. Survival is nothing but shitty filler. Fuck that mode.

All the remaining faith I had left in Capcom is now successfully broken.
Will never buy a single Capcom game again.

>say more FM should be rewarded for online play
>make post implying I want more SP content

Learn to read you fucking nigger.

like what?

No, but they sure have managed to expose all the baby bitches in the fgc.

I'm not defending crapcom for their stupid shit but DLC and bug fixes aren't made by the same people.

yfw they got away with DLCs again
fighting game nu-males confrimed for cuckoldry

There is a reason I haven't given a fuck about SFV and just watching EVO for Guilty.

Considering sheep are actually buying them I say they know what they are doing

Who gives a fuck if it earns them money, in their mind it is alright even if it makes people mad, just look how succesful blizzard is at the moment and they make a lot of people mad on a daily basis

Where the fuck did the $500,000 Sony added in for the pot go already?

That or Sony's completely dropping sponsorship for CPT 2017 so this jewery is because there's no pot bonus for next year and they have to fund one. I'd kek if Capcom moved it to PC and got a sponsorship from Nvidia in response.

yfw you didn't buy the season pass that's completely useless and doesn't include any of this

Hookers and blow.

Let the people that want it buy it. Maybe that money will give them the kick in the ass to overhaul the game once CPT ends.

My mods still work after the update? What are ya'll talking about? I still have 3rd stride Alex, Doll Cammy, and Q Balrog. Not toentire all the premiums I switched to default. One round Survival still works too...

Capcom has not broken this promise yet.

Content includes new characters, not cosmetic costumes or backdrops that do absolutely nothing but provide something shiny to look at.

All content means all content.
The new stage can only be bought with real money as well.

It doesn't matter if it's not real content to you, everything that comes with future updates was promised to be attainable with fight money.

>premier DLC designed and priced to support fighting game event
>retards go REEEEEE

ibuki worst character in the game CONFIRMED

they made balrog so braindead fucking easy with retarded dmg that even he can have a rather high win% despite being as new as ibuki

buff plox

>All content means all content.
Except they didn't even say "all content".

Maybe that was originally the idea, but they probably thought twice about it as soon as people started cheesing the survival modes for basically free fight money.

>those winrates
But they said SFV was unbalanced?!

>unlock all content for free
can you read?

At this rate I'm more worried that Capcom will let SF and fighting games in general die again. and this is just a last ditch money grab. Capcom has ditched entire franchises on whims.

Oh really?
>a format in which you'll be able to unlock ALL content for free

>A STAGE is worth ten fucking dollars to these people



Can YOU? This was taken straight from their panel they did.

Honestly, with all the disinfo going on in these threads, you'd think it is Sup Forums.

It's more of a donation for CPT that gets you exclusive in-game shit.

Why is it so fucking hard to grasp that concept? It's not regulard DLC.

Who did? All I've heard about the game is that it's balanced at the expense of having homogenized characters.

Also 56% winrate on Bison. Must be so many shitters online.

yeah it is pretty good with one obvious outlier

>Capcom deciphers that Bison is top tier from these numbers and nerfs him even further

Pls no

So it's kinda like what Valve did with Dota.

Except Dota is free and SF5 was a $60 kickstarter.


>Game that has one of the biggest pots on the FGC including a $500,000 pot bonus across the year kicked in by Sony

Riddle me this
Why does the new stage not fall into this criteria when all previous stages have?

I'd argue that all cosmetic content falls into this definition as well

I'm not even arguing in favor of the CPT Pack as it's way to pricey for my taste. It's just that you retards blow your top over nothing. Don't want to donate? That's fine. But all those posts screaming BETRAYAL over being unable to read basically and do maybe five seconds of processing suggests you fags are all chimps with downs.

Because they chose to sell it and it's not gameplay so it still fits with their definition of "free post-launch GAMEPLAY content"

Oh my fucking god, it's like talking to a broken record with you people.

Who else preferred SF4 business model? $15 for a yearly update with new characters and stages doesn't seem so bad in hindsight.

>wanting to go back to this shit because DLC costumes for your waifu are too expensive for your mom to buy them for you
Nah, nigga. Fuck you. You'd have to be fucking retarded to think like this.

Another plus: the game wasn't shit.

Guilty Gear already had two versions this gen so far.


Let's not forget the 30 dorrar season pass that only unlocks shit you could earn ingame for free~

>le greentext implication text
Eat shit. $15 for a 4-5 new characters and a couple of new stages and gameplay mechanics was fair. $10 for just one stage isn't.

>Shit game with no fundamentals
>Playing a new Capcom fighter
>Thinking Capcom will be fixing anything
>Not playing Guilty Gear, KOF, Tekken or any other fighter on the market that does more than a bare-bones fighter with fuck all content and online features that any other game would have on Day-1

Glad I got my £40 back for this shit. I would rather spend it on 40 £1 cans of Pepsi.

Which one shall it be?

pretty sure I'm solely responsible for Ibuki being that low

ever since I switched to her from cammy I've been fucking up tremendously

The season pass was the biggest rip off ever. I feel like with every new thing they release they make up new arbitrary rules to get more money.

Chill out NoizyChild.

I pity the poor fuckers that bought the Season Pass.

>buy a new game every year or you won't be able to play the latest content with everyone else
Do you happen to be a Call of Duty fan?

>$15 for a 4-5 new characters and a couple of new stages and gameplay mechanics was fair.
Except those upgrades were never 15 bucks and pretty much mandatory since if you wanted to play. In SFV you get the balance patches and compatibility for free, but pay for the cosmetic stuff. Not even for most of it. That's fair.

The fact that you care way more about cosmetics than gameplay-related stuff strongly suggests you're just another shitter who barely even plays fighting games.

>suggests you're just another shitter who barely even plays fighting games.

I pity the poor fuckers who cry about 25 bucks.

>green text implying you don't play fighting games
There, I can also do it.

i know that feel bro

with ibuki you need to be ON POINT at every single second of the match, even against shitters that you know you would body with a different character

when i play ibuki i transform into a saltmine

The problem child is that the season pass offers no premium content to justify its existence. Everything it gives you can be unlocked ingame for free, and everything Capcom consider premium still costs additional money.