Sold out everywhere


Other urls found in this thread:

>paying for a rom box with incompatible save types and wired controllers that can only play NES
what is the fucking point?

>people still pretend games made before 2000 are in any way fun or playable

>sold out
Oh my god, I need a source.
Nintendo can't be this fucking pathetic.

Minimalism and aesthetics

But don't worry underage faggots like you wouldn't get that

Companies preying on the nostalgia factor to make massive piles of cash.
Anything that will trigger nostalgia in someone will sell out in seconds.

Thankfully I didn't have a computer until 2006 and any form of console or gaming device until 2007 so these mind tricks don't work on me or my wallet.

Eh, not really. NES games are pretty mediocre though, especially compared to SNES games.

> having taste this shit

Jesus senpai you're fucking garbage

The point is sharing a picture of the new piece of shit you bought so you can be such a nerd while Nintendo is really popular right now.
That's the entire reason it exists.

>I'm underaged because I don't want to pay money for something that already comes with every modern TV but better
okay buddy.

Emulation and gtfo.


even in 1985 the nes looked like a piece of shit

Is that true? That's dumb as fuck

Is this a terrible lure or are you just a contrarian?

Is it even on sale yet?

>show everyone what a cool, retro gamer you are with this piece of stupid bullshit

only real O.Gs (original gamers(lol)) understand cool and neat gadgets like this

lol who's up for some retro mario?! lol!

I liked it

>ugly subhuman plastic surgery asian whores

It's not minimalist or aesthetically pleasing. At all.

The Vita TV is small, compact, and works with wireless controllers. There's no reason Nintendo couldn't have produced a slimmer, more stylized box that's compatible with the fucking WiiMotes.

Wait, I don't get it.

Why would Nintendo be pathetic if they released a shitty expensive emulator box and it sold out? That sounds like the opposite of pathetic to me.

I like playing Superman 64 multiplayer.

Doesn't mean it isn't shit.


If these keep selling Nintendo do an entire series of them with different games

I just don't understand the appeal.
It's like $40 right? That's nuts. I could get a PSP for that much.

I know it's for normies but still.
So what games are on it, anyway? Probably the generic shit like SMB1/2/3, zelda 1/2, kirby, metroid, maybe megaman 1/2, then what?

What is your fucking point?

Balloon Fight
Bubble Bobble
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Dr. Mario
Final Fantasy
Ghosts N' Goblins
Ice Climber
Kid Icarus
Kirby’s Adventure
Mario Bros.
Mega Man 2
Ninja Gaiden
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
Super C
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Tecmo Bowl
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Damn I called it.
>not CV1/3
Pretty good otherwise though I guess. Didn't think square would be in the FF train, wonder if it's really gonna be the original FF with broken thieves and shit.
Thanks user.
oh and
>mr dream

Full list:

Balloon Fight

Bubble Bobble


Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr.

Double Dragon II: The Revenge

Dr. Mario


Final Fantasy


Ghosts'N Goblins


Ice Climber

Kid Icarus

Kirby's Adventure

Mario Bros.

Mega Man 2


Ninja Gaiden


Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream


Super C

Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros. 2

Super Mario Bros. 3

Tecmo Bowl

The Legend of Zelda

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

So yeah, pretty much all the basics + Zelda 2.

When it sells out (we can't kid ourselves, this'll fly off the fucking shelves), Nintendo will probably release 1-2 more a year, and then after a year or so they'll move on to SNES or Gameboy releases.

I still don't understand why they just don't do a subscription service though.
>$5 a month = access to all NES games
>$10 a month = access to all SNES games
>etc. Etc.

The fact CV 3 is missing might indicate it can't emulate MMC5.

What was your point?

You said people would buy it for being minimalist and aesthetically pleasing, but it's neither of those at all.

Good point. There's only a couple games that use MMC5 anyway to my knowledge and I doubt we'd be getting RoTK in the west on an emu box, lel.

Still, a little sad that there's no cv3, maybe they'll release an updated box sometime soon.

>You said people
No i didn't
>being minimalist and aesthetically pleasing
Yes it fucking is
>but it's neither of those at all
You just have autism

NES got decent but people forget it's first few years were literal garbage. That and jrpgs on it were garbage Dragon Quest clones and not worth playing besides Crystalis.

I just want the controller
it's perfect for SMS vc

>its small so it's minimalism
How retarded can you be?

I really hope the controller is well-made. Has Nintendo ever released a bad controller? I guess the N64 stick was bad but quite accurate as long as it worked.

the world is full of retards

>subscription service

Can it go online?

>wired controllers
What? Why?

Sold out where? It's not up for pre-order in NA yet. Are you in the UK?

>implying that games made after 2008 are fun

the original 3DS was pretty bad, buttons were sticky, nub was just mediocre, worse than the PSP somehow. But I guess it wasn't totally terrible.

>Are you in the UK

Is this going to be a glorified nes emulator or, will it have actual hardware in it?

>people actually bought this

Some sort of emulator based on the fact its going to be 1080p (hopefully with the option to maintain the original aspect ratio).

The mass market appeal of this box is undeniable. It also perfectly coincides with the increase of brand awareness thanks to Pokemon Go.
And here I was thinking 2016 would be the worst Nintendo year ever. Boy was I wrong

>caring about some ahitty overpriced 30-in-1 shit you'd find in Walmart just because it's licensed.
You can download the entire NES catalog in 5 minutes and play it with a USB NES controller, save money and not have some ugly piece of plastic laying around your house

Damn, I see. Well, hopefully Nintendo will make more available there to fulfill demand.

I'll make sure I'm all over it the moment it comes here.

Great argument there. The NES is a cluttered ugly design and always has been, making it small does not make it minimalist. You're an idiot


I've read that the controllers can be bought separately and that they also function as Wii/Wii U classic controllers. If that's the case, I'll gladly pick one up.


It is for traditional gamers. All the games they released this year were shit, and the fact that Go seems to be making more money than the wiiu will make Nintendo completely change

looks like shit desu

No it isn't. The PS4 is minimalist.


Just make one yourself faggot

>people still eat up ninty's shitty hardware
boy, am i laffin


Why shouldn't i buy this?


how much did these cost?

holy fuck, they just made a killing

with a stupid gimmick box

nintendo is the new konimi, hopefully with better leadership this time around

because higan probably performs better

Because it's mainstream to hate on old stuff

you can make your own cute little emulator box that emulates three dozen more systems complete with lookalike controllers for cheaper and you can actually add games to it.

No Battletoads

Where exactly is it sold out? Gamestop hasn't set up pre orders yet

Amazon and other big websites in the UK

>buy it, open it up, throw out guts
>slap a Raspberry Pi or equivalent in there
>enjoy an actual useful device in a neat case
>post it on reddit gaming because I'M SUCH A RETRO GAMER XD, LOOK A NES

Fuck off and die, A Plastic shitter.

About 50$ per console

Wait for a broken unit to appear on ebay and do

>nintendo profits off nostalgia retards
Woah that's new.

I honestly would buy this if it could play cartridges or could be modded to play more games. But alas.

What's the best emulator for NES?
Where do I find ROMs?
Can you please hold my hand?

Go to Shopto

third post after op

Kill yourself.

Thank you user.

I actually want one and will probably get it when they're released.

>Featuring Mr. Dream

just get a raspberry pi 3 and get a 3d printed NES case

you can put retro pi on it and have all the games

this so much, how could they leave out that gem

I know right like what the fuck and where the fuck is Castlevania 3?

Hipsters, everyone

Anyone buying into this consumersim and not emulating is a cuck


Doom was released mid 90's and still is fun as hell. Same for good old Duke 3D and quake. I bet you're a "press a to win", QTE loving type faggot.

or buy a rgb modded NES and use that with an everdrive
done, you have the best way of playing NES games without resorting to emulation

Because the computer you made this post on is able to comfortably emulate any NES game you want for free.

>press a to win

or "pay to win "



>you still pretend tyrone wasn't pounding your mom on the side

I managed to preorder from game

How good is the n64 emulation on it? I really want to play the Goemon games.

Just autistic nintoddlers being completely ripped off, happens every time they buy a Nintendo console

Because the overwhelming majority of Sup Forums has autism, they will never understand why anyone would want this. Autists cannot comprehend the abstract therefore nostalgia is lost on them. They don't understand why anyone would want NES controllers with Wii classic controller connectors. They will never get it and that's fine. When Trump is president we will euthanize autists anyways.

>Balloon Fight
Fun for 30 seconds

>Bubble Bobble


>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Even more shit

>Donkey Kong

>Donkey Kong Jr.

>Double Dragon II: The Revenge

>Dr. Mario

Fun for maybe 15-30 minutes depending on how much you enjoy building your own tracks

>Final Fantasy

Fun for the first level then you realize its the same shit over and over

>Ghosts'N Goblins
Probably the only good game on the list

Same with Galaga

>Ice Climber
Shit game, no one cares about them anyway, removed from Tr4sh as proof

>Kid Icarus
complete garbage

>Kirby's Adventure
Okay, maybe 2 good games

>Mario Bros.
Fun for 30 seconds

>Mega Man 2
Why not any of the later megamans? This one even has fucking lag when you play it

Enjoy mazes without having a map

>Ninja Gaiden
enjoy never beating it

literally no reason for this to be on the list, you can play it literally anywhere at any time

>Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
No Mike Tyson

Never heard of this one

>Super C
>not just Contra

>Super Mario Bros.

>Super Mario Bros. 2
False advertisement. Doki Doki Panic

>Super Mario Bros. 3
Infested with fursuit bullshit

>Tecmo Bowl
Go play football outside you faggot

>The Legend of Zelda

>Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

There is literally no audience for this. I could also download all of these games in less than 5 seconds and play them on a fucking Tiger Electronic Wrist game watch

It is- but retards on Sup Forums are that retarded.

>company does well

>perfect opportunity to rerelease mr gimmick
>they don't

>There is literally no audience for this.
>sold out

how dumb do you look