Have video games held you back in life? Like becoming fit or getting good at school or work?
Have video games held you back in life? Like becoming fit or getting good at school or work?
No I did
I know I could have turned my game off and studied more or gone outside for a run
I have no one to blame but myself and you shouldn't blame anyone but yourself either you millennial piece of human shit. Stop blaming shit, take some fucking responsibility for your actions.
In college I had a 4.0 grade point average and I wrote all of my papers and did most of my work the day before they were due.
If you take a serious approach to learning things throughout life you'll find academics easy. It has nothing to do with video games.
If you have to work your ass off because you were too busy smashing puss to worry about schoolwork-faggotshit early in life then that's just the trade you've made.
I played video games constantly and never had problems. I also didn't get blackout drunk or join a frat that wanted me to shove cucumbers in my ass.
The fit thing and work though, yeah, there aren't shortcuts you can take there. Gains and workplace advancement only come from actually giving a shit, and I can't be bothered to care.
You're the only thing holding yourself back. Stop looking for excuses.
I try taking my academics seriously but I just can't for some reason. My last semester was a total disaster. I just lack the motivation to do schoolwork outside of school. Didn't even look at the books I spent nearly $200 on for more than I say at least 2 hours over the course of a semester
>you will never learn to animate SFM porn
With a bunch of cameras you could probably manage body mo-cap, but facial animations are still fucking impossible. I wish things like facerig weren't dogshit, it'd be great to make lewd faces and have a qt girl model do them back to you.
Why can't animation be easy?
Mate it's not videogames, you just use them as an escape.
If you didn't have access to games you would use something else, like shitposting, or getting drunk, etc etc.
In the end the only one to blame is yourself.
Try harder. I've seen some stuff with still decent facial animations
>Have video games held you back in life? Like becoming fit or getting good at school or work?
No, I did myself
Video games inspired me to level myself up
Not really. It was the Internet that fucked me over.
No. I spent a hell of a lot of time modding Morrowind in university and I still graduated with first class honours.
>OP blames outside factors for why he can't perform
Remember OP, its everyone/everything else's fault, never yours.
Great body but the manface and dyke haircut kind of ruin the design.
More like life help back my vidya.
I held back life myself
He's a woman. Of course he'll make excuses. He's always made excuses.
I bet OP has a high pitched voice.
the only thing that can hold you back is yourself
"I do X too much, and so..."
instead of
"X is causing me to..."
Now I spend 2 hours in the gym every day and 8 hours online gaming, instead of 10 hours online gaming. Feel better, look better, still an addict.
love this meme
>Now I spend 2 hours in the gym every day
How did you find the motivation?
Nah, I mostly held myself back by playing videogames.
Horrible, just horrible. She looks like a transsexual Donald Trump with too much makeup on
nope. games are not my problem. jacking off is.
video games are holding me back from killing myself yet because i am not very good at them they also keep pushing me to kill myself every day
She looks like Sarah Jones
If I never played videogames I would probably be a much better person (more focus on study and developing personal skills) but that's the fault of myself, not the game.
If someone is overweight it's not the food's fault.
Literally fucking Google the name
i dunno man, would you say the same about drugs or gambling?
"it's my fault for getting addicted"
yea right, maybe it's your fault for trying it the first time, and your fault for not stopping, but videogames being this addictive and no law preventing it is whats ruining our lifes.
are you a bernie sanders supporter by any chance?
Whats even worse about your ironic reply is that people around the globe actually think this way. That laws needs to be made to guide us through our lifes.
I remember Wolfenstein ET completely fucked my grades for a couple of years, went from being Honor Roll student to nearly having to retake like 9th grade or something. I got back on track tho. Not much apart from that, but if I put all the time I put into vidya into something else, I could have done great shit so far, such as improving my Russian/German. but really, I don't have massive amounts of motivation for those, so the time would have just gotten wasted anyways in most cases. So no, for the most part, vidya hasn't held me back.
Yes it has. However, I feel video games - amongst a myriad of other factors - has helped my perspective in life. The benefits are what you make of it. If you're going to look negatively at your hobby then perhaps you've outgrown it.
I'll take the bait, soft/non-physical addiction doesn't count. I get bored fast as fuck without games to play, but I can manage weeks without the stuff. I'm not gonna go fucking cold turkey over the fact that I can't get fucked over by my teammates again in Dirty Bomb/WoT.
That's silly. Being good at video games goes hand in hand with being smart, which means being good at school and at work.
too accurate. longest I lasted on nofap was about a week. gone back to 1-2 a day. hate myself. I'm still a functioning human being, tho. I'm a normie as far as my friends/acquaintances are concerned.
That's because you have no self discipline and developing it now would take years of supervised practice. Your parents should have done that but didn't.
Now if you want to learn something then you need a single, focused, short term crash course on something that has real applicability. Look around for corporate trainings that lead directly into internships or some such. IT companies tend to have those.
Video games get me I'm shape because every time I get salty I go knock out some pushups or run to calm myself down
They've held me back from offing myself
>Secondary school - study all time for exams
>Get kind of average grades and some bad which disappointed me
>College - study all the time for exams
>Average grades again
>University - depressed and apathetic by final year
>Every piece of coursework and exam I flunk doing until the night before its due
>Get best grades I've ever got
I didn't even begin my dissertation until 12 hours before the deadline, and this was whilst I was watching streams on Twitch and walking around the campus lake once every hour
And I still got one of the best marks in my course.
Not really. I'm more than able to put my game down to serious when it comes to getting fit or getting good with school.
Nah if anything it helped. Helped me connect with people. The first threesome I ever had started while I was playing Silent Hill with two girls
The only thing that holds back people on their site is their mindset.
Vidya, anime, internet and weird don't transform you into weirdos - you do, by thinking that you've become one.
>blaming the games and not your own weak will
If it wasn't vidya it would have been D&D. Or books. Or something equally casual.
*weird porn.
>mfw play vidya daily, 3-7 hours
>watch a lot of animu
>jerk off to traps and weird shit
>have a cute gf
>pretty good job
Maybe if you fags didn't treat videogames like something extremely important you'd have a decent life. I can spend literally whole week playing games and no one would ever think thwt I play that much vidya because I behave like a normal person.
Post more. I need Johnny and Cassie for reasons
i guess success is just about the drive and confidence
Quite the contrary.
Vidya characters inspired me to improve myself.
Ryu inspired me to get fit for instance
But it literally takes an hour of being confident to get laid. Anyone can be successful, even shy silent fags.
Same here senpai, I started working out because of Snake.
man im glad there are people willing to help out another user. kudos man.
>I also didn't get blackout drunk or join a frat that wanted me to shove cucumbers in my ass.
Being drunk doesn't make you do retarded shit, it just has you "not care" about anything.
None of them did, the only thing holding you back is you, my man.