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Games literally ignored by Sup Forums
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I guess it's too hard for Sup Forums
such a great game. what's with devs being too retarded to understand the basics of a fun 2d shooter game?
What do you mean?
I like the game but my biggest issue is that it's really buggy on PS4. As in, I had to start a new file just so some of the solo missions would trigger.
Great games, shame they were not really talked about.
Moreso, this post I'm typing currently lasts longer than that game you posted. Shit's way too short. It may as well not exist.
>train level
fucking bliss
fuck this game is good
I mean, to complete it I got this much out of it.
fuck forgot pic
This game was even shilled here what the fuck are you talking about. Played for an hour and refunded. Muh pixelised graphics, no crosshair, no jump/land sounds, 1(2) weapon(s), pre-set waves, mouse acceleration.. Like for what? 5 euros. Okay thats not a lot but if you wanted you could just play a game with actual level design, more-than-5-enemies, multiple weapons, story, music and all that shit but no you come and say that this indie piece of shit is worth of playing.
Half of v doesnt even know who this man is
Devolver Digital General?
Pretty solid turnbase game with a nice setting and atmosphere. I swear I never saw a thread for it, not even shitposting.
It was more or less the Survival mode from Serious Sam, except that one came for free with the game and had more gameplay options.
Chill man, it's a five dollar game. Plus there are jump/land sounds and there's no mouse acceleration.
Sorry to triggered your autism.
I just played Dropsy for the OST. I regret nothing
>endless fire emblem shilling
>this classic gem gets no love
the fucking godtier MONACO
Never saw a thread about this game.
Fucking love this game. Great soundtrack, too.
OP here
you should check out this one mates
Gunslinger gets brought up quite often, what the fuck are you on about?
>press X to freedom
did you press F to pay respect already?
Beyond it being on sale and played to get some badges or some shit, nobody seamed to stick around with it. It's a great game.
I played it through to the end. If you're gonna make a breakout clone, that's basically how you do it.
Probably not for everyone. But if you got a lot of shit on your mind this game will help you relax.
Oh lord, dare I even ask?
looks fun but hard to justify buying games like that when there are free flash games with he same concept. Threw it on the wishlist will check it out on a sale.
My nigger
I used to have a fear of deep sea when i was a kid so the second world fucked me up it was awesome
I suppose because it was meant to be a new dungeon keeper, but ended up taking itself to seriously.
Definitely wait for a sale. I'm the second guy and I got it for $2.50. It was worth that but definitely not its original asking price of $10.
The game runs like shit during the last stages, especially on consoles, i dont get how a game like this can get less than 5fps.
one of mine all time favorites, i love this game.
Pretty much
i was going to laugh at you but i think you may be right
does it need time to pick up? i played 30 minutes and got so mad. this shit was so unfun. does it need another try or is this really it?
Probably. You either like it or hate it.
damn. I like relaxing games but walking around trying to place objects in 3d space and smearing blood onto a clean floor is not my thing. oh well thanks anyways.
Because Unity.
literally this, but last patch fixed it (the one that adds bruce lee and whatever)
i did a Hard difficulty run of the patch, and it runs like butter
It hurts
fucking finally. i might play the game again.
GOAT publisher.
Why the shitty tumblr noses on every character?
I liked everything but the ending.
How? Honestly, what's the appeal? Not dying and doing time consuming things with no clear goal?
I played it a little bit, since I kind of like survival games.
It was pretty fun, but nothing worth actually discussing. Don't Starve Together was cool, but it came out way too far after the game came out for me/anyone I knew to really be interested in it.
This game is crazy fun if you are unto rouge likes. Just killed my last past last night
You're right, but Gungeon is just a textbook on bad design.
>implying people discuss video games here.
There is a thread here right now discussing fucking RELIGION. People don't make up memes for no reason nah dude.
Oh yeah, the :D or D:< faces on everything gets kinda tiresome.
I occasionally see it in gems of the Wii or failures of the Vita threads, but never a thread for itself. Fantastic game with lots to do, see, explore, conquer, and benevolently rule over.
>latest dlc update added tumblr noses
I've never heard of that game until now
Someone will always say atelier _____ is better because ______.
But Sophie is pretty comfy.
Atelier series on PC never ;_;
Drunks in real life get tumblr noses. It seemed fitting.
>Drunks in real life get tumblr noses.
Fuck off this is terrible
he's from wwe right?
Does new releases count? This is a lite version of Wonderful 101 and Kirby Mass attack
Get Dont starve together. Its practically the same
My favorite game for the wii, I wish I still had it.
Wait, it DIDN'T originally have these? I saw it on Steam with the clown noses and ignored it because of it.
I never hear anyone talk about these games
Nah c&c m8
This. You can get the game plus season pass for less than 60 now and it's fun as hell. Better than first Battlefront and almost on par with Battlefront 2.
>You can get the game plus season pass for less than 60 now
>almost on par with Battlefront 2
Never get a job in advertising.
Unteralterbach. A surprisingly humorous VN even if you don't know the krautchan memes.
I'm pretty sure it was always like that user
and for good reason
Its a good time m8, quality reboot. Plays better than the originals, started with slightly less content but now it was plenty tbqh
>Still shilling for this game months down the line
Are you a ronin marketer or something
Lel I'm posting in an ignored game thread fuckboy
>Plays better than the originals
This is how I know you're a fucking dumbass,. Call me when they bring back HALF THE FUCKING GAME BACK for free and add actual classes.
I truthfully think this game is better than overwatch. I regret spending 40 fucking dollars on overwatch. Community is horrible. Balance is fucked. And they can't even do their two game modes properly.
Classes were shit, now you can make your own. Game has more content than original and almost as much as 2.
Does new star wars media trigger you user?
Ahhh mah nigga
They cant even keep their /vg/ general up. The updates are pretty slow. Like 2 months per content update.
Beating Satan first two forms with hin on ironbro was surprising as fuck lol
Might've been in /b but I've seen a couple threads this gets brought up in. Good games
Yep you're a retard. Call me when an actual campaign, galactic conquest, the prequel material and modding tools are out. Until then, it's never going to be close to the first game twelve goddamn years ago.
How lobotomized does someone have to be to think paying $120 for less features and content than a decade ago is a good idea?
Lets be Really that bad? Lets forget is a sad souls rip off...As a action game is that bad?
Im kinda tempted tô buy on ps4 because the ultimate edition use tô have a good discount time to time
>getting this triggered over a star wars game
>needing single player in a multiplayer game
Do you have no friends?
Does mom not give you enough allowance to buy new games?
It's worth $10 if you're fiending I guess.
I fully agree, ̶ w̶e̶ ̶ they are the best publisher around....
Bought their entire games yet?
Is this worth getting into? IS there a series of these games or just this one?