Why are there no convoy based games?
Why are there no convoy based games?
Desert gunner.
There is a game called Convoy
it's bad though
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
explain to me exactly what the fuck a "convoy" genre? Explain this to me without sounding like a pretentious retard
I never said it was a genre
i like wrecking convoys in silent service
>without sounding like a pretentious retard
You first
OP didn't ask if there were any good convoy based games.
So what? Op asked for it. Now he has to play it.
OP. What's the difference between a rail shooter, and a convoy game? Or possibly a rail shooter on a train?
I like wrecking convoys in sniper elite and [spoilers]watchdogs
Blast Corps?
If you have friends, euro or American truck Sim multiplayer
This. One of very few games that work well on mobile.
It's only apparent in the background and not gameplay , but Valkyria Chronicles 3
The convoy missions in Watchdogs were actually really fun to play. Bad thing the game is not that good.
Literally the Banner Saga.
He asked you a question that you may choose to answer any way you like, you chose to answer it with an irrelevant swivel asking to do something 'first', which just denies the point of the question, really
How the fuck do you make a convoy game, mate?
I really liked everything except the main story, I had tons of fun with all the side missions
I guess it would be a rail shooter if your only option is to play as the gunner
Perhaps a multiplayer game where you're groups of 3 people in each vehicle with different roles trying to work together. Perhaps like Arma but with missions and a drop-in drop-out system
Convoys doesn't really have to be a rail shooter though.
In a real military convoy the mission can quickly change by the circumstances.
During nights you could have recce missions while the convoy has set up camp, or maybe you have to dismount and clear a small village by the route for your convoy.
Just some examples.
literally oregano trail
I'm sure ARMA3 has some convoy gameplay
The convoys are the best part of Mad Max by a long way.
Whenever I've tried to set up convoys in ArmA games the AI inevitably gets confused by a rock or a lamppost that's too close to the road, and all the vehicles panic and start breaking formation trying to drive around it through trees or get stuck sniffing each others arses
Uncharted 1 has a jungle convoy chase. It's basically just a turret section where you gun down trucks and bikes chasing you.
Uncharted 2 has a snowy mountain convoy chase where you leap from truck to truck, killing the occupants as you go, ending a turret section of blowing away the rear end trucks of the convoy.
Uncharted 3 sees you chasing a desert convoy on horseback, leaping from horse to truck to truck or back to the horse at will, RPGing turret trucks, and ending in a fist fight on a crane truck.
Uncharted 4 sees a muddy Madagascar convoy chase that starts off with you dragging behind the rear truck on your rope, fully capable of shooting and somewhat steering your drag. You can climb along it to reach the truck, leap to a new truck, drag behind another truck, leap to and commandeer a jeep and back to a truck only to commandeer yet another jeep at anytime. It ends in a motorcycle escape with a very pissed off turret truck chasing you down.
It's kinda fascinating that they kept such a specific set piece throughout the entire series and constantly evolved it with different changes.
ARMA AI is pretty awful at doing what it's told unless you force it.
You can get convoys with players but you need quite a few, like twenty or more.
Metal Max