Why are fucking russians such cancer in online games?

why are fucking russians such cancer in online games?
why are they all such fucking self entitled unskilled stupid stubborn sacks of dog shit?
this moron insists in playing widow no matter what even if he is constantly dead (and i mean respawn go near fight die immediately respawn rinse repeat) tell him to mother fucking swap that he is dead weight what does he swap to? fucking genji OF COURSE
why is this piece of dog shit cancer even allowed on europe server
russia isnt in fucking europe

i wish America nuked the living shite out of russia back during the cold war
literally melt all russians in nuclear fire and cleansed them from the fucking earth

fuck you all cheeki breeki communist cancer

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я лyчший в игpe y вac нe хвaтaeт нaвыкoв aмepикaнcкoй coбaки

Russia stronk
capitalist swines weak and homo

Maмкy ибaл бypгep)))))))

Kek his name is 'Skil'

>using google translate ever

fuck off r*ach

I have nothing against Russians outside of vidya, but in vidya, holy fuck are they the most obnoxious motherfuckers ever.

Pretty high up there with BRs.

Just tell me where are you from, OP. And I can say if the problem are the ruskeys or not.

why do yurotards talk shit about their teammate? does your entire continent not have the brain power to realize that matchmaking means you are the same skill level as this russian? which from the sound of it, make you dangerous retarded that you should probably be locked up because you are a danger to your own safety

Ce ля ви, OПчик, sucks to be you. Heчeгo игpaть в дepьмoвyю игpy.

>russia isnt in fucking europe
>american education


git gud cuck


Hy, дык, a хyли, винить тo кoгo-тo нaдo кoгдa cocёшь, дaжe нeбo, дaжe aллaхa.

Hayчиcь игpaть пидpилa

But user. Russia is not in Europe

russians>butthurt belt niggers

Yes it is. It's both an European and Asian country.

Because they're also cancer in real life.

Russia is in Europe and Asia, regardless, most Russians are Europeans

>I have nothing against Russians outside of vidya
then you have never met Russians

Second post is definitely not google translate.

Russia is close to Europe geographically, which is thy the ruskies are getting on your european servers with low latency

name 5 good games made by russians in russia

>some meanie beat me in a video game so i'll make a thread on Sup Forums to pout in

But what if he is of ukrainian?

he didnt beat me you stupid autistic retarded sack of dog shit
he was in my team

please tell me that image is satire

no fucking way am i getting flooded with russians in online game again? im so mad even csgo&dota are now trash coz of this and OW too. thanks a lot faggots theres no point for VoIP now when ALL IM GONNA HEAR IS FUCKING CYKA BLYAT AJSHDFKLAHDFKHDASKF

I don't care about anything in this thread but that image is fucking retarded....

maybe you're just bad at video games

Хyя пичoт))

> it's own money
Well the education part they got right


Really? Russian gamedev was pretty big back in the days. Space Rangers, Parkan, Allods, Etherlords, Бpaтья Пилoты - the list goes on. Shame it has died and became mobile cancer.

Impossible, they work for like $50 a month, no way they could afford $40 game, computer and internet connection.


Don't blame America, OP is a Eurofag.

Neither have you, Brad America

>Space Rangers, Parkan, Allods, Etherlords, Бpaтья Пилoты
Nu i nahui ti suda eto govno pritashil ebanko?

>american in charge of understanding regional pricing

That's because 99% of all widow/genji players are fucking garbage. I have no idea if they are all played by slavs, but that's a sad fact.

40 euro is even more kek

>the price will keep the third-worlders away



Alright, alright.
Everlasting Summer, Story of the Lionesses, Bloodbath: Kavkaz and that one flash game that cost 10 million rubles, that simulates 90's russian arcades.
Okay now?

I really do wonder why BRs/Russians etc. are so obnoxious and stupid online

Like, I've met a few in real life and they didn't seem aggressively stupid, definitely not to the same degree, why are they so fucking bad in games?

I don't even know what you're talking about but I'm going to weigh in with a guess and say Pathologic

>Bloodbath: Kavkaz
Literally an unabashed Hotline Miami ripoff
Do ruskies have no shame?

All games should have cross regional servers, except brazil and russia are put on a containment server.

because you stereotype too much

They are still less numerous than in tf2 or Dota 2.

Этo мeм, ты, дип

I used to think like that. Then I got a retail job. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Niggers are hood thieves, Spics don't speak English and love the Fifa, and Russians all act tough shit like they own everything before they've bought it.

Russia did nothing wrong, why west always on poor Russia, west did more bad than little Russia


The BR and Russian player base will always be a mystery user. Two massive communities that speak their own language and often get their own servers yet they INSIST on playing with the English speaking world.

We have two types of people: upstanding rich folk and unwashed masses. Former don't play video games, the latter do, because it's, like, the only entertainment they are able to afford. And the ratio is about 10:90.

I have, I'm European

you should see the russians on vacation/trip to finland, bulgaria and many other places
they're worse than aids

thats because russians and brs dont want to play with russians and brs

Because russians are Europe's niggers. What would you expect out of a nation full of drunkards, script kiddies and incest porn lovers ?

Well tbqh incest porn, specifically with a blackmail theme, is p. patrician

Russians love incest porn? Wow, I always held them in extremely low regard but I'm going to have to re-examine some of my prejudices now. That shit's as patrician as it comes.

>two 'incest is patrician' posts in five seconds

>hate incest porn


>incest porn lovers

>this is the country Sup Forums admires

Other games are original, but you should thank your gods that you don't know of them.

>America is third lowest
How is this possible?

Rusnya can't into games.

it's always fucking russians

Is Stalker from Russia or one of the satellite states that manage to break free from the place after the Soviet Union collapsed?

The latter, I think.

Ukrane. Metro is also from Ukrane. But they moved to Malta, no one wants to live in this shithole.

Just looked it up, it's Ukranian. Top fucking kek.


The game was made by a ukrainian team, I think.

>"Why is he allowed in European servers, Russia isn't even in Europe"
So let me get this straight... you'really talking shit about American intelligence, and you can't infer from that statement the OP isn't American?

hehe xd


No, I mean supposedly we fucking invented bronies, but according to this our MLP power level is among the lowest.