I hate this motherfucker so much.
>Decide to butcher the townspeople
>Decide not to butcher the townspeople
What the fuck do you want from me?!
I hate this motherfucker so much
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck this shit, I'm going back to OB64. Dio is a bro, and Destin in the best MC in the series.
>The March of the Black Queen, Let Us Cling Together, Person of Lordly Caliber & and The Knight of Lodis are the only Ogre games we will ever have
It hurts.
What a fucking good game
Vyce is the funniest nig in the entire game.
The only time I felt genuinely bad for him though was his dumbass being used as zombie fodder on Chaos, and crying to be put out of his misery
Vyce is a flat character only designed to showcase the branching path mechanic and how things can vary depending on what route you choose.
Person of Lordly Calibre is my favourite game of all time. I'm not just saying that like people throw it around these days. Sincerely, I have spent more time in that game than any other and I can literally pick it up and play it any day.
They fucking cock-tease you at the end of episode VII with the "To Be Continued", but Square and Matsuno will never do anything with it ever ago.
>We will never see episodes 1-4 or 8+
>We will never see the Ogre Battle
>We will never see the eventual war between Zenobia, Palatinus, Valeria and Lodis.
I want to kill myself.
>What the fuck do you want from me?!
He basically just hates you and wants an excuse to fuck you up. The slaughter is just pretense, and what he uses to justify his actions will alter his personality.
I fucking love this game so much, why are we one the dark timeline where there are no more
I remember after beating the game and worlding back to chapter 1 to do the law route his random as fuck face turn from being evil bitch faggot into remorseful sad Ramza type just made me drop the game.
Btw, what is the Canon route?
Is there one?
Are their multiple if you consider the world/wheel mechanic?
It's just weird to me that if you refuse the massacre then the Walister win with little resistance and everything proceeds from that point on smoothly for the Duke. But going with the plan means you barely skate through the war and only win through some shenanigans where you essentially raid Russia during the winter and actually win
>There's blood on my hands... How long til it touches my heart?
I dunno, Sup Forumsyce the Contrarian is alright on Law when he finally chills the fuck out, but yes, his shift on Chaos was just too downright cartoony.
Essentially he is three characters, a judgemental emotional brat up until the choice, and them he transforms into Algus or Ramza depending.
I believe Law is canon because it leads to the Princess ending which is canon I've been told.
There is a line in OB64, a throw away line about Valeria which I think leans towards the Law route because it talks about the problems Lodis is having there.
Yeah, I went Law first, and now I'm going back trying to fill out the whole tree on the Tarot and like Vyce seems like a real cunt in this one. At least I have him in my party and Ravness.
Only finished knight of lodis, cant seem to get into march of the black queen and 64 for some reason even though I find them interesting.
Why arent they making more of these games anyways?
I kind of like to think that Denam chooses neutral, then Chaos and then finally Law.
Law definitely seemed to end the best, while neutral is Denam just fucking up royally
Quest got bought by Square. There's your answer.
>Btw, what is the Canon route?
>Is there one?
There won't be a canon one as long as SE continues to sit on the IP while having the TO PSP remake team continue working on FFXIV.
There's the post-game storyline however, that enters fan wish fulfillment territory with various What If storylines that tries to clean up the messier sad parts of the game. The deeper end of this content can't be accessed unless you're on the Law route because it requires certain characters to be alive in that playthrough/timeline, so that probably says it all right there.
Anyone has the official shot of the female lich?
I really like this political fantasy genre and I wish there was more of it.
Also, Matsuno is one of the only people I see treating undeath with some interest. It's still pretty cool to me that you can become zombies, then skeletons then ghosts.
Or that you can become a vampire or a lich.
Also, what is best Ozma build? I've got her running around with a whip
Yeah I just double checked.
Thamuz says to Richard, "If Valeria finds out the secret of the ultimate power, they will gain even more power."
Now considering how LUCT is Ep.7 and POLC is Ep.6, I like to think they are going concurrently. I mean, we know in the timeline they are close. At the end of MOTBQ Destin and the Zenobians go north to Palatinus to prepare it as the bulwark against Lodis, where Lans, Warren and Canopus go west to Valeria. I take from the line that since they will gain more power, they are hearing about Lans's failures or the struggles of the Loslorien to maintain control there. Since uniting under Catiua in the Law Route makes them the strongest, I would say it's canon.
Take away the shitty job level grinding, and this is probably the best TRPG out there. Really damn fun.
Dual dagger is best on anyone that can do it.
I wish there were more people like Matsuno in the industry. He has created some of my favorite games of all time and I don't think there's a single game that he's work on personally that I would call bad.
The way the designs the gameplay along with the right blend of fantasy and political intrigue make his shit favorites in my eyes. While FFT is my favorite game of his I still love TO greatly as well.
I love y'all niggas. Thanks for playing rad games.
My Ravness tears shit up with two 1H katanas.
I think her damage is in the 770s on my current file.
I loved the plot and the setting, but something about the gameplay didn't really draw me in LUCT, the game was a chore to play most of the time. I still finished the first route I got(chaos), and while I generally love Matsuno's games, I'm not really motivated to go back to this and finish other routes. I've even forgotten the story details of the one I played already, feels pretty bad.
Here's a post-game content conversation for the PSP version of Tactics Ogre.
LANSELOT: What will you do, Denam? Rumor has it you turned down an official command.
DENAM: Yes...I feel it best if I not linger here in Heim. Though it was for Valeria, there is no denying the blood I've shed. While some vaunt me as a hero, there are many others who would resent having me for a protector. Being here would only bring that resentment to my sister's doorstep, and that I cannot risk.
LANSELOT (pulling his sword out again): Many years ago, a man of great courage came to Xenobia's aid. He defeated her enemies, vanquished evil, and saved us all. When the warring was done and a new kingdom firmly rooted, the man and his small entourage departed the castle. That eve, he said much the same as you.
LANSLEOT: "My war is over," he said. "Let those who remain rebuild what has been lost."
DENAM: Yes. He laid the foundation...
LANSELOT: I would have left with him, then, but Warren stopped me. Thinking back on it now, I believe I remained in Xenobia so that I could come here, to Valeria, and meet you.
DENAM: What happened to the man who left? Where is he now?
LANSELOT: A good question. I heared he made for the Sea of Lhai. Other than that..
Either OB64 begins at this point, or Destin has been doing a good job staying undercover helping Magnus
Gimme a sec, I'll find my artbook
Nevermind, not in the PSP LUCT book.
It's hard to find, but I know it exists, you can see her lips.
I beliebe LUCT and POLC run concurrently in the timeline. Due to Destin's age not changing much between the two games. From most sources I read and from what other people have researched, essentially they are going on at the same time but just in different parts of the world.
more games need World Tarot, fuck restarting a game to experience other routes and possibilities, just let me bounce around the timeline as i please.
I liked it but the fact that I completely sucked dick at understanding the mechanics and strenghts of the characters paired with me choosing the chaos route immediately (and missing out on miss thighs) led to me eventually dropping the fuck out of it.
Got some tips for ogre battle 64? I've reached a point in which most enemy units are filled with promoted characters such as paladins, clerics which spam healing plus, cockactrices, nigger ninjas and so on, I feel like most my units have fallen behind as I cant promote them into better classes. Should I spend money on training? I got plenty of money but Im worried I might need it later on.
Do you care what ending you get?
It's poor writing to make a character like this
But it moves the plot
Ehhh... his games are an acquired taste, not something you can market on a regular basis. He tends to bloat his games with tons of weird stats and variables without paying any attention to intuitive design. And that's not even going into how badly you can break some of his games if you know what you're doing.
No idea how alignment works, Im just killing most units I meet for the experience.
You can solo the game with one party, hell, even one character if you prepare properly, but if you just want to experience the story and not the mechanics, and don't care about your ending, you can just over-level one party and have them steam-roll. The best party is 3x Paladins in the front, and if you get it, a Lich and a Princess unit, lead by her. However, and Paladin and 2 casters could work. With enough fighting, if you can get a Book of Bane and and Book of Flame, they can use combination magic which can one shot bosses, until you get Draconic books for them, when you'll be wiping parties. If you care about what ending you get, and still want an easy time, make a strong unit and kill everything except the boss and DONT liberate any town with it. Make 3 teams with different alignments Law-Neutral-Chaotic, then capture the towns after. Remember do not ever capture green towns or let them be captured.
Vyce is there to show consequences for your actions, even if it is a rather poor way of executing it. Particularly with the World Tarot, and seeing that he just chooses the opposite of whatever you do when it's available at the choice of killing the miners.
The nicest part of LUCT to me is that at least my name gets represented, since it's a literal who name.
I just googled like a motherfucker but found nothing.
>The nicest part of LUCT to me is that at least my name gets represented, since it's a literal who name.
Alignment is different than Chaos Frame, which determines your ending. Typically alignment will always move the way you don't want it too. If you're OVER the level of the enemies you are fighting, your alignment will move the opposite of where it currently is for that class (knights go chaotic, wizards go lawful, etc). If they are equal in level, or lower, they tend to go the way they should for the class, as the next progression for the class tree always requires you to either go up (for knights to paladins) or down (wizards to arch mages). Additionally, killing fleeing units will usually lower ALI and killing all undead units will raise it. It's really just a matter of level most of the time, but also the alignment of the units. If you kill and all chaotic unit and you are higher level, you're going to get a chaotic boost, if you are lower level, a higher lawful boost.
Knight of Lodis is treated like a side story, but it takes place before the other 4 games, and as such is sometimes considered to be Episode 4.
Then comes The March of the Black Queen, Episode 5, and its Gaiden, Prince of Zenobia, which take place at the same time.
Then Episodes 6 and 7, PoLC and LUCT, which, like you said, take place at roughly the same time.
HOWEVER, the biggest thing effecting your ending and chaos frame is the choices you make. Any time the game gives you a choice of different stages/routes or to recruit someone or anything really has huge consequences on the ending. Getting the best ending isn't hard even if you just use an overpowered unit to take everything if you make the right route choices.
this will be your bible.
I had no idea you could spare the bosses, most of the time I just attacked the enemy leader and ignored the rest.
>do not ever capture green towns
Guess I already fucked up.
So in FFT Ivalice was a feudal/medieval setting that happened after the collapse of some greater society that had all sorts of technology.
Does Tactics Ogre Battle Planet have anything like that?
Ozma wrecks shit. Lawful route all the way.
No, the most advanced tech they have is basic firearms.
the Ogre games occasionally bring up an ancient civilization of dragon mages or some shit (the creators of Draconic magic in OB64 and TO, and the creators of the Palace of the Dead) but the PSP port adds a bunch of throwaway mechanical gizmos/weapons found in the PotD attributed to some ancient Daedalus dude, no doubt retroactively inspired by Ivalice. Probably the only sign of 'ancient civilization super-tech' that exists in Ogre outside of purely magical constructs.
Otherwise, the most advanced tech in Ogre so far are firearms, developed independently by a sole nation and are treated as a wholly novel, brand new technology never seen before.
Isn't the Ivalice timeline something like:
FFXII -> Revenant Wings ---> FFT ------> Vagrant Story
>named dark knight uses a gun to show it off during a cutscene
>just throws it away after using it once
I'll never understand that
Why are they so broken, Sup Forums?
Because he uses a hammer!
This game has some extremely tedious sidequests. And the hoops one has to go through to get the results they want are Dark Souls tier. I beat the lawful route, but gave up on the Temple of the Dead. And there are two more routes, temples, weapons and sidequests that I am nowhere close to getting.
I love LUCT but because battles eventually take 2 hours to finish I could NEVER finish any route because I can't spend that much time playing SRPG battles, it gets far too dull.
Is there anyway to speed up combat? Only strategy game with slower combat is probably Jagged Alliance 2.
the temple is the optional dungeon, chapter 4 is essentially the same regardless of the route you took to get there, you can see this in the world tarot timeline.
He went all" Look at this wonderful piece of technology that can kill anyone without any effort, mostly you piece of shit"
Then he fired the gun by accident killing a Dark Knight in the way
>blood and piss.jpg
"I think I'll smash your head with an hammer."
I swear Barbas actually whipped out a sword in the original in that scene, and that the PSP version corrected and poked fun at it in a rare moment of self-awareness. That or he said "REAL KNIGHTS USE SWORDS" then proceeds to pull out his hammer. Amazing either way.
the game honestly did went overboard there, I ended up doing all the CODA stuff and PotD twice and just left it at that. The game had crazy shit like all the higher tier spells hiding in those temples, those special unique enemies found in certain rooms that drop uber gear once fulfilling special conditions etc.. All of which was completely unnecessary since you could shitstomp most things using the right build and mediocre upgraded gear. Just not worth it.
My tinfoil hat side makes me think they did it on purpose as practice, testing the waters before the same PSP development team went on to work on FFXIV ARR, seeing what grindy shit they could get away with.
I was under the impression it went off accidently or jammed after he murdered his own dude.
>2 hour battles
Do enemies just get that strong?
Or are you not super optimized murder machine yet?
Try playing it on PPSSPP, fast forward and cheats really help with the obnoxious shit.
>Do enemies just get that strong?
Not him, but due to the lack of uniques some maps were pretty bad on Chaos. I remember one of those fights in the sewers right after the route split being fucking obnoxious.
one of my all time favourites
Oh yeah. Any map with an octopus wrecks my day.
Those things are literally hydrogen bombs