Are there any other JRPGs that can come close to the Persona series in terms of story and characters?

Are there any other JRPGs that can come close to the Persona series in terms of story and characters?



go on

I hope so

No, not even close.

I don't know

>Literally Hitler is in the games
>Can fight mythological entities/religious figures from pretty much every single culture
>female characters are sexualized

How come SJWs haven't started freaking over these games yet? Does anyone else worry they will take our Persona from us?

yeah, there are JRPGs that come close (or even exceed) the Persona series in terms of story and characters.

Hope that helps.

earring man: happy end
tatsuya: rekt end
maya: happy-ish end
mc: rekt end
yu: happiest end
phantom: ???

As long as they don't take away Chie, I'll be fine

Five words.

Final Fantasy 7 is the only one

Literally tied for greatest RPG ever made with Persona 3 FES

Sjws don't actually care about games at all. They just cry about whatever happens to be in front of their face at the moment.

Niche jap games with virtually no mainstream media attention like Persona fly under their reeeeeeeedar.

Until Persona 4 came out anyway. They just ignore the "problematic" stuff because they think Kanji is gay and Naoto is trans

SJWs don't care about P1 and P2, they only know P3 as the edgy one and P4 as "the good one"

Persona 3 and onward are hardly niche

sjws get lesser known jrpgs than them censored all the time

>Until Persona 4

I take it you've never encountered the sjw Persona 3 GAME THEORY about how Fuuka must be a trans girl because she has short hair.

>not even fucking kidding

more like sleepy journey

more like green peace

That was made after the Persona 4 bandwagon started

Quality post. Ten outta fuckin' ten. Not even sarcasm; fuck threads like this.

>Story, characters
I too was fond of angry mexican and obstinate blonde bitch

This is why SMT x FE turned into what it did

Nintendo was scared to have any of their IP be associated with religious themes

Blame Nintendo for that fuckup of a game

Megaten wise I thought Digital Devil Saga and Raidou did decently with creating characters, def more so than Strange Journey.

Well aren't you a little edgelord.

That's not sjws, that's Nintendo's long standing US release policy since literally the NES days (Devil World).

And it's not because they're afraid of offending sjws, it's because they're afraid of offending backwoods retard religious zealots (for some unknown reason).

DDS is the supreme Fatlus story.

>it's because they're afraid of offending backwoods retard religious zealots
Nope, they don't want to scare and offend soccermoms
soccermoms are the ones who buy the consoles for their kids, after all

So why did they push for a crossover with SMT in the first place then? The entire fucking game is centered around religious themes you stupid cocksucker. They are SJWs, doesn't matter if it's soccer moms or tumblr queens, 2 sides of the same coin.

I like Persona but it's definetly not even in my top 20 JRPGs. And let's be honest here, Persona 3 and 4's story sucked pretty bad. Characters were good though.

Which is why Nintendo owns Bayonetta 2.

That's just some random moron projecting their insecurities and other garbage unto her, Fuuka is not trans nor whatever stupidity anyone on tumblr says.

>So why did they push for a crossover with SMT in the first place then?

To make money. Are you literally retarded? The fact that they have and always have had a "no religious shit in the US versions" policy doesn't mean they won't still release games with them, then simply censor the US version (and still make money off of it).

If you think soccer moms are sjws you are too stupid to reason with though. Their only concern is protecting their little Billy from unsavory things like blasphemous crosses in his videey gaymes, not any sort of social justice.

Name three jrpgs better than Persona that aren't Jackie Chan.

>funds Bayonetta 2 ( a game where you goto Hell) and keeps it exclusive on their platform

I don't think that's the case user. Besides, the story that TMS tells is interesting because it sheds light on some of the dark aspects of the entertainment industry.

I'll give you triple that and they'll all start with the letter "D".

Dark Spire
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha
Devil Survivor: Overclocked
Devil Survivor: Record Breaker
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest IX
Digital Devil Saga (Both parts)
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention

>10 examples
Whoops. I gave you an extra game.

>the sjw Persona 3 GAME THEORY about how Fuuka must be a trans girl

Utter retardation. Who are these people? I must burn them with styrofoam, diesel fuel, and a match.


Your parents must have been strong. I'm sure dealing with you on a daily basis was nothing short of a psychological Tour de France.

Fuck off Nintenigger

SJWs like you are going to lose it once they actually try the games and realize there are even Muslim deities in the games you stupid nigger

Does Bayonetta have Muslim themes in it? Didn't think so retard


Megami Tensei
Megami Tensei II
Shin Megami Tensei
Shin Megami Tensei II
Shin Megami Tensei if
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner / Soul Hackers
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2
Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku
Shin Megami Tensei: Nine
Shin Megami Tensei Online: Imagine
Majin Tensei
Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis
Jakku Burazāsu no Meiro de Hīhō! - a.k.a. Jack Bros.
Devil Children: Red Book / Black Book
Devil Children: White Book
DemiKids: Light Version / Dark Version
Devil Children: Book of Fire / Book of Ice
Devil Children: Messiah Riser
Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible - a.k.a. Revelations: The Demon Slayer
Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible II
Another Bible
Last Bible III
Last Bible Special
Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE

There you go.

>Tokyo Mirage Censors SJW

Yeah, play a real shin megami tensei game and you'll see.

You just copypasted every other SMT game besides Persona, very funny

>Shin Megami Tensei IV
>better than anything

Why do SMTfags defend a game that took Persona's shitty dungeon hallways into mainline and even fucked up and made its fusion system more casual than P3/4 by letting all demons learn every skill?

>You just copypasted every other SMT game besides Persona
Woah... I didn't notice that liytle detail.

What's it like having an IQ of 250, you mad genius, you?

Hey, ask a shit question, get a shit answer.

Thank you, thank you, you're too kind.

>not getting the joke

OP confirmed for ethered

Because you're a Persona fan, I'm just going to assume you're actually retarded.

Persona 3 took assets from Nocturne, which actually started using those weird dungeon layouts.

The pretending to be retarded thing is overplayed man. Not a good look.


Xenoblade Chronicles

It's sarcasm you fucking cromagnon. Here, let me explain it in a way you'll understand:
>Ooga booga demeaning and condescending use of words ooga booga. You no heterosexual. You big faggot, oooh ooooh!

>want to play DDS
>already know the gist of the story

>it's a purseowner thread where OP thinks that persona is the holy grail of gaming

I don't think you know what you're talking about actually.

Nocturne had puzzles in the dungeons which made them a lot more interesting than just hallways with enemies. Obelisk, the park with the fairies, the jail thing with the Kaidan demon following you, all of them had some gimmick to make things interesting. It's understandable Persona 3 took those out, because of the emphasis of the game wasn't dungeons, but you can't defend SMT IV making its MUH HARDCORE RPG roots completely casualized.

Oh and nice dig saying I dare to be a Persona fan when you're going to be playing the fuck out of P5 too because it actually has the main effort of the studio behind it and designed its dungeons to be more than hallways. At least I don't have to lie myself about what I like.

>Oh and nice dig saying I dare to be a Persona fan when you're going to be playing the fuck out of P5 too because it actually has the main effort of the studio behind it and designed its dungeons to be more than hallways

Don't stoop me to your level.

I don't bother with Anime sloppy-seconds for a plot, and I certainly don't sit in a little plastic bubble shielded off from the world trying day after day to convince myself that a shitty JRPG franchise is good when I know damn well it isn't.

It may be a bit of a shock, but people have developed good tastes by accepting that some games are just outright garbage, like you. You know where I'll be when Persona 5 comes out? At home playing Dragon Quest VII and SMT4:F.

Go ahead and feverishly reply to this post my little precious dumpling. It won't change the fact that you're scum that will always be below me.

>muh anime boogeyman

Hard to see you at a level above me when you admit to shoveling shit into your mouth and happily preferring an inferior product. Enjoy the waifubait in Final, I know I did when barreling through the same repetitive braindead hallways with overpowered demons from the new auction.

Does that shithead Arthur expect me to trust Jack's Squad, like seriously not just leave them behind to be nuked into oblivion?

Because seriously fuck that shit.


Copy Pasta of here:

Don't be an elitist. That goes for you too, . Enjoy the games you enjoy, and if someone else doesn't enjoy what you enjoy then shrug your shoulders and carry on.

And before you ask, my first "SMT" game was Revelations: Persona. That game introduced me to the rest of the long line of SMT games, and I have learned to enjoy most of them on their own merits.

Never got into the Devilkids games.