EVO 2016 DAY2 aftermath



>Watching multiple streams
multitwitch DOT tv
docs.livestreamer.io/ (optional GUI: github.com/bastimeyer/livestreamer-twitch-gui)

>main streams (might change, use your head)
srkevo1 (Street Fighter V)
srkevo2 (Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3)
srkevo3 (Street Fighter V)
srkevo4 (Mortal Kombat X)
capcomfighters (Street Fighter V)


Friendly reminder that KI top 8 was GODLIKE




Reminder: Infiltration has a pocket Karin

The dream may live on.

twitch st_ultimate

Saucey suite featuring eyedol

Nobody cares

SFV grand finals in 17 hours?

Ponytails are the fucking best, I thought I wouldn't play this shit after they fucked up Ibuki but god damn that Chun is perfect.

Here's your Evo 2016 KI MVPs

HOLY FUCK is that costume in the game yet?
MY DICK IS FUCKING DIAMONDS! Holy shit I think Im going to be propelled to the moon by jizzing with the power of a thousand suns.

what mod or costume is this?


Eyedol walkthrough about to happen on twitch /st_ultimate

Something like that. OP has time table synced to your local time.

What's funny is that it's a mod. And it looks better than many Capcom paid costumes.


the semen demon one

>Drunk shin tristan and Keits on Saucey suite
Racism and shittalking confirmed

I don't care about the costume, I just want the ponytail.


seriously, can we get a rolling sticky for Day 3

>Ono just randomly hanging out behind these two faggots and decides to sign the prize to multiply its value by 10,000


Ono signing skate decks and stealing drinks on stream.

What sream?

>smash and SF in the same thread

Nobody gives a FUCK about retards playing on stage, but people give a fuck about those TITTIES!

twticht tv/crosscountertv

Melee player here, I played a decent bit of SFIV and enjoyed it a lot, but I'm hesitant to get into SFV at the moment. Worth it?

>yfw Mika in her sweet alt costume on ESPN

Shame we lost the Cammy player. Would've been all the more sweeter.

Not to mention overwatch babies will complain

The nonstop salt of melee getting fucked over because SFV has to be on time will be glorious.

>sick of the bar fights faggots
>about to switch to hype Eyedol walkthrough stream
>Ono shows up out of nowhere

God damnit. It's like he knows.

eyedol is a very big guy


I am filled with sadness.

Its fine

Streetfighter is just as slow as Smash 4 is

fuudo is still in it

>Eyedol is a stance character

>3 Nash in top8
>Chun and Ryu are the real top tier guys

Yes. Just take the step. You can't cling on to a party game forever. SFV isn't perfect and Capcom is retarded but it's still the core 2D fighting game.


Wait till $20

So Ross and Killian are doing Capcom Fighters tomorrow while Sajam and James Chen cover twitch?

>eydol is a stance character
>you just randomly switch stances and you have no control







>Eyedol can punch himself in the face

Is that batmans belt?

is KI getting another season? game looks dead as fuck tbqh.

Yes Fuudo is the Mika player. But I was thinking about Kazunoko's Cammy.

Ross and Killian are on ESPN2. Sajam and Chen are srkevo1.

Capcom Fighters never shows grand finals outside of Capcom Cup.

Ono get off Sup Forums and fix SFV.

Thanks, sad I can't hear Ross and Seth commentate then.

Reminder that a Tekken announcement might or might not come.

Bamco is being very unclear here.

What fighting game are you playing tonight?
What are you plan on watching tomorrow?

>Eyedol is stance chacter
>Random switching
>Only way to manually switch is by punching yourself in the face
Keits you fucking madman


After the shitfit Smash fags have been throwing about EVO, they don't deserve anything nice


Just curios, what happened to David? Is commentating on more than one game too hard on the throat?

He isn't a good SF commentator. Also a massive SJW so fuck him. Let him commentate western games instead.

>After the shitfit Smash fags have been throwing about EVO
why? what happened?

Chun is still the best character in the game any other opinion is wrong

I've heard a bunch of negative stuff about it and so I'm not too sold. If I have time in the coming months I might get it, otherwise I'm thinking . Though how long would the price drop take?

M 2 K B O Y S

Tekken 7: SAINT (Korea)
Smash 4: Ally (Canada)
Pokken: Tonosama (Japan)
Killer Instinct: F3|Hollywood Sleep (USA)


>no south america
that's happens when you have no KOF

Europe has a chance with Melee. But I think Armada is gonna choke.

I need an Eyedol version of this.

The usual whining, muh setups, muh projectors. I hope wizard kicks them out because both of their communities are shit. At least the pokken players didnt whine

David isn't picked for top 8 in SF very often. Killian is almost always picked for SF top 8s at Evo and Capcom Cup.

3 rupees have been deposited into your designated bank account

China took KOF and will do it next year too

You can find it for cheap on PC if you look around. It's already discounted on Steam.

Fighting games are niche as fuck in Europe outside of Smash (which isn't even one). Europe already has an SF EVO win. Does America?


And don't forget to buy Street Fighter V on PS4™ and pick up the $25 Capcom Cup DLC!

Please don't buy the PC version where you can get all the DLC and colors for free. Sony Deserves your money! #4ThePlayers!

Please I need to feed my familyand we're running out of spots to shit on the street


Glad I'm not the only one who caught that

>Stream immediately goes down afterwards

Still, they did a great job of making this character unique/not shit

IG is GOAT at fightans. Too bad they suck at Batman ports.

Smash autists are ruining EVO.

Why aren't we giving the air time to fighting games like VF, DoA5, KoF and so instead? Feels like a giant insult to fighting games to dedicate so much time to party baby games.

I love fighting games but my continent doesn't. It's fifa/nhl hell here.

KI is the only fighting game where you get called shill for talking about.

>They actually managed to make Eyedols design work
Keits I'm sorry I ever doubted you

Look you just listed all the games Yankees hate.

Who even said anything about SF? You're the one that keeps bringing in these pathetic game wars. This thread can even co-exist fine with Smashfags but for some reason, KI shills even manage to make autists who shit in pools seem bearable in comparison.

convince me to not upgrade to win 10

This isn't the KI shilling thread. Fuck off with your dead furry game.

It'll give you cancer.

Penis cancer.

USA has multiple SF2 and SF3 Evo wins

>talk about KI
this whole game war is getting dumb because it's part of a console war for starters, don't be dumb user.

>Geoff The Hero is at the KI Salty Suite
This is gonna turn into a clusterfuck I can feel it.

He looks kinda shitty, like some random mid boss from an rpg

>thread is going fine talking about numerous fighting games, even Smash and Pokken
>suddenly KI shills invade and thread goes to shit
Just like yesterday. Are you going to make posts saying "OMG I GOTTA GET W10" now aswell? It's fairly transparent what's going on.

>Eyedol has a Necalli stomp

Aw shit my boy Geoff on mic

Smashfag here. KI players are trying to talk about the game and one faggot is calling them shills and furries. You are literally the most retarded falseflaggger. I'd take KI fans over Sonyggers like you (Who also shitpost that Smash is a "Party Game").

Your thread shitting is as much an embarassing failure as Playstation All-Stars.

>SF3 Evo wins

No they don't.

It's so sad nobody plays Virtua Fighter. Game is so damn good and actually entertaining to watch. Shit looks just like fucking kung-fu movie. I really want Sega to revive it with VF6 or something.

>game is almost dead
>a few guys like it and talk about it
Dumb user.

None of those draw in people and viewers like the big three.

KOF 14 got air time.

VF and DOA5 are right fucking out though, same with something like Soul Calibur.

If they could draw in the same kind of viewership they would be put on the main stage at prime times, simple as that.

It's why MK and Injustice had a popular time slot early on. Huge numbers.

>Jwong already proclaimed as the winner of Grand Finals.

I didn't get to catch any of his matches but wasn't he knocked out already?

Seriously though, where the fuck is the link to this mod? I haven't seen it anywhere except these threads on Sup Forums.

So what are the chances of Kazunoko cheesing everyone to death with Raven tomorrow?
Also Pokken was pretty neat. I wouldn't mind at all if it stayed next year and smash was gone.

>implying anyone shitting on KI isn't a capcuck

Tekkenbros are cool, NRSbros know their game is worse but are too self-loathing to quit, and Smash/Pokkenfags don't hate anything but Street Fighter because you shitters never shut up about them.