Star citizen

Star citizen

What's up with this game?
Is this shit P2W?

Just your average kickstarter scam overpromising while underlivering.

I don't want to build a game.
I want to build a universe.

Sounds legit


To play Star Citizen you will need at least one Game Package on your account.

Well I guess that answers that question....

Friendly reminder that those fags got their game funded so they can make console version. They betrayed the master race, refund now!

is it true that if i become /fit/ girls will like me?



It increases the chances sure but you still gotta undo the years of beta in you.

And trust me, that is much much harder than getting /fit/

>deep squats

>Not going ass to grass
I assume you're not into girls because If you're already a pussy, why would you need another one.

No retard, those are to get alpha access while helping them fund development. Won't need that when it's released.

Believing random ass green texting with no source. Good job user.

do you think he likes video games, Sup Forums?

milk is literally perfect

>ATG meme
not everyone's trying out for the Olympics.

oh you're retarded I see

It's so hard to keep exercising. I mean, I've done everything to keep me motivated. Thinking of doing it for the women, thinking of doing it for the cute anime girls' approval, etc.

How do you guys motivate yourself? I dont even go to the gym since I'm too shy to go there alone. I just exercise with Tae Bo and rehab shit doctors gave me for my back problems.

here's my experience
>get /fit/ with my friends
>lost my virginity same year

You get drunk, you take an opportunity to """"""jokingly"""""" flex your muscles, you invite yourself over to a girl's house to """""watch movies"""""", you kiss at the good point in the movie, you acquire sex.

And getting /fit/ is really satisfying, too. After a workout you feel good.

All this said, you don't NEED to be /fit/ to get sum fuk. Fat people can get a whole lot of sex if they have confidence. But it definitely helps and it's better for you.

Additional tips: Be clean, use deodorant.

>workouts make you feel good
But I hate exercise.

>How do you guys motivate yourself?
By not being a namefag. Does wonders.

Fuck off, idiot. I probably could ATG more than you will ever be able to despite only squatting to parallel.
This retarded ATG meme needs to fucking die. No reason to do this unless you are training for olympics.

They will like you better yes but your face is still more important. So shave that unibrow and stop eating fast foot to get rid of your acne.

No. Getting fit tends to make people like themselves more, which in turn raises confidence in a way people notice.

Don't get me wrong, there are women that love muscular guys but there are plenty that don't mind if a man is portly. The main thing is your mental state and what kind of body language it causes you to have.

Nah, lad, all this confidence bullshit is just that, bullshit. A not-so-attractive guy who is confident ends up with even less pussy than if he was just a miserable sack of shit, because to other people a confident uggo just looks goofy at best and unsettling/creepy at worst.

Going to a different place helps to put me into a different 'mode' or something.

I can't work at home and I'm not good at exercising at home either, because the space feels meant for other things like shitposting.

So going to a gym could help. Going there would be good as exposure therapy as well, to get you used to going places.

>Getting fit tends to make people like themselves more, which in turn raises confidence in a way people notice.
This is correct
This is incorrect.

Chicks like you when you're fit (to a point). 100% of women prefer fit guys to tubby guys with 2 exceptions: girls who have weird sexual fetishes because they were raped by their fat uncle; girls who are so fucking insecure they cannot be with someone attractive.
You should avoid both anyway.

You're conflating women finding personalities attractive as well with women only finding personality attractive.

It's p2ptd (pay to play tech demo)