I'm alone in a house with two bored girls, one of which is dutch and the other french, and I'm just here, playing personas 4 on my vita.
I'm alone in a house with two bored girls, one of which is dutch and the other french, and I'm just here...
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Go ask them if their bored user. And offer to hang out with them. Unless their family/ugly"uninteresting then continue playing persona.
>2 bored chicks under the same roof
>ownes and uses a vita
Any hope for you is already lost, keep playing
go to walmart and buy wii and few party games
and booze, always works
Sounds like you made the proper choice to me user. Persona waifus are superior to any 3dpg
Talk to them. That's the only way to start your social link.
do it and post results
Help, they are sitting in front of me now
Man the fuck up and do something about it, damn. Fucking whip out a smash bros or fucking rock band or do something to interact and show you have some merit as a human being.
Unzip your benis
But user you can now re-enact your favorite Persona game by shooting yourself in the head
Drug them and make super silly puzzles for them to solve or they die
Is not my house
man up and break out twister OP
You've made a fine choice. Don't let anything stray you from your path.
jesus dude, just be a fun guy occasionally and you'll totally bang at least one of them.
whip out you huge cock
What connection do you have to them? Why are you in their house? How old are they? Details user, details
I made one of those laugh when we played persona dance all night together. Do you think I have a chance?
This. Putting women in death traps is a good way to break the ice
I'm staying with a host family in japan. They are also staying here.
They are both 17
Play Persona 4 naked on the couch sitting kinda like Chie in pic related.
You're guaranteed a response.
Are they cute?
Just throw those bitches into a tv and then everything will be better
what does Chie smell like?
buy some 3 bottles of wine, cook them dinner and then make out with whoever shows you interest
never noticed Teddie in the doorway in this pic
girls are gay
Pics or it didn't even happen.
>french "girls"
Get a Wii U and throw Splatoon in there
Just chat with them a bit. If you're on a Vita you don't even have to stop playing, just be sure to put it down every once in awhile to either really listen to something or put emphasis that, while multitasking, you consider what they're saying more important.
You're a teenager living with teenagers in Japan, as long as you're mildly attractive you've got enough of an advantage to attempt to build a rapport with at least one of them.
I have nowhere to play games but on my vita. I'm in japan right now.
Open a dialogue, ask why they came over, te;; them about why you came over, offer them a snack if you have one.
Or alternatively, tell them to fuck off and keep playing that vita. Do whatever, fuck women.
No reason you can't order a Wii U unless you're broke underage b&
oh wait
Tell them you they are cute
Post results
So all 3 of you are staying at a host family's house? Then you should be hanging out with them all the time. There is literally no better excuse.
It feels weird because we are all living in the same house, but I guess you are right.
There's also a canadian girl in her but she is ugly as fuck.
They just arrived today.
Whereabouts in Japan are you?
Might be able to give you a few neat places to check out with them.
Call the dutch girl a "kanker sletje" Dutch girls love if you name them that.
user if you're an amerifat I wouldn't bother with the dutch and french girls. The jap women love westerners from bongland and burgerland, go talk to them instead you have a much higher rate of success, also those 2 girls are going to be living with you so if you fuck up it makes everything way more awkward. Just don't sperg on those 2 and sperg on a jap girl instead.
Just don't sperg out or treat any of them different from each other, be friendly to all three of them.
This user has some pretty cogent points.
I'm not an ameritard.
Details user, we need fucking details.
Yeah it always work, crack a joke and they open their legs.
At least it worked for me.
Don't try to bang the French, Canadian or Dutch chic, get friendly with them, be nice, but that's it. They are your new wingmen, play your cards right and they will help get you nip pussy.
I'm a mexitard but I look asian.
Don't listen to any of the normalfag advice, you are in Japan. You should ignore real girls, get some loli eroge and spend most of your free time fapping to it.
At least that is what I've been doing since I moved here over a year ago.
>in Japan
>probably a country he visits
>with two girls from the trip
Just ask if they want to go out and do something.
If Yes it's good, if No stay at home playing.
Also from where is the French girl, I might be able to help you.
Just ask them to walk a bit, explore the city or the area.
So a Mexican guy, a French girl and a Dutch girl are sitting in a house. Have you heard this one? Oh yeah they're in Japan, stop me if you've heard this one before.
*Seinfeld theme plays*
The Mexican tried to get the French pussy, sperged out and finally went playing Pokemon GO in Tokyo streets ?
What's it like being a pedo?
That was the first thing I did here. Actually, I was in akiba yesterday.
She is from Lille
No Pokemon GO in Japan yet, otherwise that would actually be a decent idea.
Seriously though OP, find somewhere to go, ask them if they want to go and check it out.
Not Op but genuinely curious why the fuck does it matter?
I would rather play video games than go to parties and shit is talking to girls really even that fun?
>its a normie pretending to be "nerd" episode
No user, but you do it for the pussy.
This is like a particularly bad doujin.
Sex is better than video games?
Also no I'm not even trolling you genuinely curious here.
I'm a good looking guy and wanna know if it is worth the effort.
Hopefully like a bad doujin or harem anime, the girls throw themselves on him anyway even though he's a sperg.
Stop right there.
There's a 90% probability that her mother is also her sister.
Those fuckers from the north procreate with their own family.
Keep your genes user, stay away from her.
Fuck no, but there's no reason as to why you can't have both, and both is better than one.
OP here, I wouldn't know
Why is that nobody ever decides to fap and cum on their faces? Like this
I wouldn't know user, I'm a virgin.
Also even if I'm an actually pretty decent looking guy, only 5/10 girls asked me out.
I don't have the will to go get 7+/10 ones, so I remain alone and happy.
My only friend left in this town accepted the confession of a literal 2/10 (think the hazel witch when she was younger, but basically as thin as a skeleton) just to not stay alone, and she has had him on a leash for years. I admire him, he's the living proof "better than nothing" is bullshit.
I'm afraid of ending up like this
I actually think he is the living proof of "better be alone than in bad company"