Artificial difficulty: The boss fight: The videogame: The franchise
Artificial difficulty: The boss fight: The videogame: The franchise
git gud.
There's a glitch where the fight becomes significantly harder on high refresh rate monitors
Is there a way I can turn down my refresh rate?
It's a luck based boss fight as far as I remember. Just keep trying till you defeat him.
or figure out his pattern of flight and place yourself strategically to hit him in specific bits to avoid being cut off, however the above is quicker than this method.
Just watch somebody beat him and then try it yourself.
On your GPU control panel you can lower it, just set it to 60hz to not have the bug happen
I beat it a few weeks ago. Took me about 4 hours till I got lucky.
Yup, I've compared my fight against a YouTube video; I can attest to this. Other users have also reported the same situation.
>tfw I still beat it on the refresh rate-artificially increased difficulty
(cont.) of course I was only playing on Normal. I dunno if you can even defeat it on Nightmare with the refresh rate glitch happening.
It takes less than an hour if you keep trying.
Little known fact: You travel upward faster than downward during this fight.
This is PROBABLY intented so that you can get yourself in position at the top of the area and get a good series of strikes on Dark Fact while heading downwards.
>luck based boss fight
He never changes his trajectory throughout the fight, git good.
Who's the best character in all of Ys and why is it Toal Fact?
He never got the goddess pussy.
I actually beat it on Nightmare with the refresh rate glitch but it took me way too fucking long.
If I knew about the glitch earlier I could have saved me like 3~ hours of frustration.
On the other hand Boss rush was easy as fuck to me since it's only normal difficulty, even with the glitch.
I'm pretty sure the fight was harder in the original YS, I remember it being easier on pc.
I hate the boss fight right before him way more.
*steam version
Toal is the fucking SHIT.
>barrelling through Darm Tower on nightmare with Toal shredding ass nonstop till everything's dead
DOOM level murder highs in a fucking action rpg.
At least he got a place named after him.
That fight was cancer.
this nigga on PSP on Nightmare mode
>Luck based
>artificial difficulty
you both have realized the boss moves always in the same pattern every time, right?
he was simple
Nice bait.
Both Facts are way funnier to use than Adol.
I fucking hate the focus on Adol in general, he's boring as shit gameplay-wise.