Is PS4 the cancer killing Sup Forums and video games?
Is PS4 the cancer killing Sup Forums and video games?
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No you and western developers are.
No, console wars are. It doesn't matter what system you play games on so long as you're having fun.
What exactly is wrong with the PS4?
People who go around calling things cancer are the real cancer.
....this also means I am now cancer but oh well
Bloodborne is game of the millennium, fuck off fag.
yes, doesn't help that it's actual good games sell like shit
Yea with paid online
It's too perfect.
Paid online.
lack of exclusives.
gimmicky controller features.
We're talking about the PS4 here user, not the Xbone.
the Xbone controller doesn't have dumb gimmicks though
What are you 12? This your first generation?
The ps4 did nothing wrong besides being the best of this shitty ass console generation. And that's not even saying much.
Stupid ass Online fee/PSN+ like the 360 had
Multiplat machine like the Xbone
Movie games like the ps3
Stupid fucking led light.
Battery life on the controller is shit
UI can be annoying to go through
Despite all that. I really like my PS4/Wii U.
How is any of that killing video games or Sup Forums? Paid online was a thing before the PS4 came out, lack of exclusives is subjective and I disagree with you on that one, the gimmicks on the controller are optional for 99% of the games and most games still just use the basic controller and being underpowered doesn't matter since games don't fully utilize the hardware.
Some do.
too bad the controller gimmicks can't be turned off and eat the battery like crazy.
Sony literally ruined a perfect controller design for no reason
No, PC and SJWS are
>fallout 4
how accurate
>console can be easily hacked
>still boring as fuck unless you're a cookie cutter, hive-minded jrpg weeb or nigger
>No Bloodborne
This is why black lives don't matter.
>gimmicky controller features.
It literally is just a normal controller with some new buttons. You're failing to understand what the term "gimmick" has negative connotations for. A feature becomes a negative concept if it gets in the way of traditional game design.
Nothing on the PS4 controller gets in the way of traditional game design. Start is replaced by Options entirely and the touchpad replaces Select as a general use input method. Nothing is lost. The only other new things are the Share button, an entirely optional screenshot button akin to Steam's F12, and the light, which I'll agree is shitty because it wastes battery. Hardly enough to call the entire controller gimmicky though.
The lightbar can be dimmed and it's just one LED, that's not why the battery lasts only 6 hours, it's just a mediocre battery,
Buy a high spec one if you want 20 hours.
I get like 4-5 hours out of my PS4 controller, I guess if you play for longer than that it can get annoying. Thankfully you can just connect it via USB.
Western developers are the cancer of vĂdeo games
No you fag.
The Ps4 hasn't done anything wrong, whereas the WiiU was a gimmick again, and the Xbox one fucked itself over 3 or 4 years ago and never recovered.
The reason Sup Forums doesn't like is because it's the popular console now. And now you've went and made an entire thread to fit in on an anonymous meme board.
Eastern developers are boring samefags tho.
Literally giving rice to asians.
How's RDR PCuck?
Home of the Generic FPS
No Games for three years
Mandatory paid online
No backwards compatibility
Tons of gimmicks, Camera, PS move, PS VR
The list goes on.
can you play RDR on PS4?
They just don't make ads like this anymore
It's the God singlehandedly saving video games and Bloodborne is its Prophet.
>Home of the Generic FPS
You mean the same games that are also on PC/Xbox One and partially even the Wii U?
>No Games for three years
Objectively wrong. It even contradicts your first post.
>Mandatory paid online
As I already said, that's nothing new. It was there before the PS4 was released.
>No backwards compatibility
It does with certain PS2 titles.
>Tons of gimmicks, Camera, PS move, PS VR
All optional. Don't like them, don't buy them. Camera / move controls and VR were also not introduced with the PS4.
>The list goes on.
I'd like to hear more then because so far the OP statement is still wrong.
if you only own a ps4 or only own a pc and are proud of it you should leave Sup Forums desu
Hells no. PC has become such a fucking hassle and will become even worse as hardware and graphics go crazy. I like the idea of standardized hardware. Playing stable pc games on day one will become a thing of the past. Granted, after 3 years I generally switch back to PC as the graphics get too shit to enjoy.
No. PS4 is keeping video games alive, or at least try to keep them as they used to be. Microsoft is slowly giving up and Nintendo went down the shitter, and I don't see them getting back in track with the success of Pokemon Go. PC and Steam is currently the biggest cancer, it attracts the most cancerous people, has the most anti consumer shit and its culture is destructive as fuck. I like my PC and I love playing video games on PC but what is happening with the cancerous PC gaming culture won't end well. It all started in 2012.
Unfortunately the only major """good""" vidya company left is Sony and while I appreciate their effforts to keep video games good by funding games and trying to push VR into the mainstream they are backpedaling faggot jews that will backpedal and do 180 any time.
its a console