Where is the hype?

Where is the hype?

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i would buy this shit so fast on PC

Hype gets killed if faggots just shitpost the threads.

Gonna pirate it on PC. Looks like cheap trash so I don't expect much.

I have arachnophobia and those ants don't make things easier. What should I do?

>Looks like cheap trash
So you've never seen EDF before, huh?

Day one buy for me

If my GPU can hold until then

No the game is confirmed shit

im hyped for the splitscreen action

that just makes your experience with the game much cooler cause you get to blown them up

yes i agree its cheap trash, now lets stop talking about your mother and discuss this game instead

This franchise is the Musou of shootini games.

Sick burn m8, what are you, 12?

I'm buyin it tomorrow

12 and a half fag

why the fuck do they release this shit on a monday fucking fuck I have to work late all week this week fuuuuuuuuuuck

It's a great game, though my PC is shit so I'll
stick with the console version.

Hope the PC release will get more people to talk about, though I'm sure there'll be people trying to derail threads with reddit tier console war shitposting.

Just don't take the bait and enjoy the game, guys.

You're new here, right?

Yeah theres always a platform war derail in these threads

>EDF games are still alive

I didn't even know.

this shit will be gud dunno the hate m8

Which EDF is this? I can only see 2025 as the latest release which is semi-old at this point.


>cosmetic weapons that'll be obsolete almost immediately

Almost all of that DLC is weapon shit that gets outclassed by every single weapon in the base game.

Wish the anime girl tanks weren't shit though.

Is it true that this is getting jap content too? And the PS4 isnt?

What the help D3? I support your game.

These games look fun as all fuck but giant spiders and ants scare me for some reason

To save our mother earth from any alien attack,


From vicious giant insects who have once again come back

>it's true

Why ninja drop this game? Fucking steam, put this shit on the front page.

Is there anything new on the pc version? 4k EDF?

I'm sure they will delete the meme games from the frontpage and advertise EDF right? Right... ?

We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack

I'd be happy with no framerate drop EDF

Do we know a price yet?

It's not even out yet why put it up

You can't even pre order

35 bucks

It's worth it for the online co-op

Wonder how many Sup Forums users will play with me

It's out tomorrow

arent the edf games popular in japan? Why are they still being made on a 10 dollar budget? Gameplay looks fun but fuck if it doesnt look like a ps2 game

If the ants are triggering you, you should probably stay away.

Game has 3 different spider types and they frequently come into play.

>mfw people were literally begging for this game since January on xbox live

>ignore shitpost
>remove aliums
>don't be delayed come monday

Is it any better that a 12 year old has better taste than your shit opinions, user?

Okay, so around 46 ausbux. A bit more expensive than I'd have liked but not too ridiculous. I'll pick it up if the port is decent.

If it runs better than the console version I'll probably get it.

What are the chances of this being well optimized?

mod them into something you want to kill.

might i suggest Tracey Morgan, or Donald Trump?

I think it's got more of a cult following than being given actually popular. The die hard fans as shown on 4chin, odd how they can't deal with shit post like most other smaller fan bases.

just telling you PC friends out there to not blindly trust Sup Forums when it comes to EDF.
the game can be fun, yes but singleplayer isn't very enjoyable, it's simple and repetetive. make sure you know what you're buying.

Is someone piloting that mech, or it is only ever AI?

Someone is piloting it.
You can see the name of someone in the mech along with their lifebar.


are the controls still as clunky as they were in early titles?

>What are the chances of this being well optimized?

Price? Just refunded Skyrim so I'll have $30.

>Slap the PC "equivalent" of the PS4's hardware in there and call it a day
System requirements on Japanese games don't really tell you anything

It'll be simple as fuck to run graphics, looks like they've tested it on an i3, but I suspect even a 5ghz Intel is going to stutter at cities being leveled with 500bugs in tow.

You can have 2-4 people riding the same mech and operating the guns

Ants aren't arachnids
There, you're healed

>buy game on PS4
>play until chapter 34 or so
>lose interest and stop playing
What do I do to make the game more fun?
I'd love to mess with more classes after sticking with Fencer for so long but they have shit gear compared to the stuff I have for him.


Can co-op unlock the missions you complete for further solo play?

PS4 uses a 1.6 ghz bulldozer cpu

This is asking for a 3.2 ghz quad core at recommended

In any case this game will need a decent cpu at the most. It's not graphically impressive but there's a lot of things going on at once and many enemies.

As long as the gameplay is fun I can handle repetition.

well about that... it's just shooting a ton of big things.
and the shooting is PS2 era 3rd person shooting where your character is centered and there is no cover.

i just want this game to have a big community, the reason i stopped on 360 is because online was basically DOA

like lost planet?

hmm kinda, that's the game i would most compare it to.
like lost planet 2 but with worse graphics.

yeah, 12 inches deep in your mum

>Sup Forums shits on musou in general
>Sup Forums likes EDF, which is just musou with guns
what gives, Sup Forums?
I enjoy both

Then we're golden!
Same. I think people are pissed because Berserk's now got a musou instead of a DS game (which would be shit as DS doesn't fit berserk)

I have.... bad news

You get to annihilate your fears with nuclear weapons.
I really don't see the problem.

The game has a shitload of variety. It only comes across as dead simple when you play on low difficulties because the enemies don't move and attack fast enough to make your tactics count. Playing on Inferno really brings out the variety in tactics you have to use depending on the mission.

If Sup Forums can stomach the extreme repetitiveness of Doom 4, they'll do just fine with EDF. For fuck's sake, in EDF you actually have to think about enemy positioning and the best times to aggro them instead of having no choice but to let the game just teleport them willy nilly. Then you also have the aspect of destructible buildings which can either aid the player by slowing down enemies and providing cover, or hurt the player by impeding his movement and line of sight, depending on his playstyle, depending on his weapons and depending on the enemy composition. EDF has a shitload of tactical depth compared to neo-old school shooter garbage such as Serious Sam, Painkiller, Shadow Warrior 2013, Doom 4, etc.

Can I stay at range and annihilate them with fire and artillery.
Because I fucking despise spiders when they're really close to me or filling the screen.
I could walk through diablo's spider dungeons and see archanids in total warhammer but stuff like having them in your face in skyrim would make me panic, I had to always be zoomed WAY out in third person to fight frostspiders.

Where's the webms

Nigga have you never played EDF?!

if those webs they throw hit you, you'll ragdoll and get dragged uncomfortably close to the spider

Mostly, yeah.
Eventually you'll probably get caught in a web and be forcefully dragged towards them though.

Is there ever a reason not to pick a flyer?
The mobility seems way to good

No cute girls no buy

They don't deal too much damage compared to the ground units.

Their arsenal of weaponry tends not to be as powerful as the ground units.

Wing Divers are cute girls.

Wing diver is cute dammit.

Wing diver is probably the easiest and has some fun powerful short range weapons. But in coop the other class strengths really shine. Wing divers make the best distraction and crowd control with op close range weapons.

because being a walking tank and using huge FUCK YOU weapons is cooler than being animeshit

at least i hope so, never played edf and i'm looking forward to being a fencer

Yes, there's a class just for that. You can also summon giant mechas and nuclear missiles

Here's my air raider friend blowing me the fuck out with his guided nukes

Fencer is faster on the ground if you know how to play 'em.

There are cute girls in it though. Cute girls in skirts and pigtails that fly around and shoot lasers.

>Heavy sweating.

Fencer has faster ground speed when he's dash canceling.

As mobile as Wing Diver may seem, she's is totally outpaced by insects on open ground where there are no buildings to slow them down. Also, her weapons are reloaded by consuming the same energy she uses for her jetpack, so you have to pace yourself when you attack and make sure you save enough energy to fly away when you need to reload.

Wing Diver is quite overpowered, yes. They also have some of the best weapons in the game, despite what some anons told you.

Fencer can be faster, however, if you know how to dash cancel (pic related)

At the end of the day, just play whatever is fun for you. Some classes are shit in specific missions while others shine.

Those pigtails are plasma vents user. They also in flightsuits and wear high heel heelies.

is this online?

The fun pretty much comes when you play coop so, yes.

Is this some kind of japanese mech game with huge ants invasion ?

So is there any real reason to play singleplayer?

whats so bad about tracey morgan?