The Last Guardian is actually getting released before MadThad

>The Last Guardian is actually getting released before MadThad

Thanks, Ueda!

When is he getting released anyway?

The Last Guardian more like The Last Disappointment amirite?

>It was just a prank bro

September 2018.

>10% of your lifetime in jail for possessing digital photos and videos of past events that in no way affects anyone or anything other than your mental state

He also disobeyed court orders which got him into more shit.

Nigga, he was out on bail and violated it by literally taunting the cops on his public Twitter account over the fact that they didn't find his backup HDD of child porn.


>5 years
I know Thad's a fat manlet, but he's probably live to be over 50 as long as he stays away from that pink lemonade.

Why are his eyes like that?

>defending a pedophile
I hope you die a violent death

wtf thats not very progressive and tolerant

That nigga is retarded as fuck.

Yet another black man wrongly imprisoned and kept down by the racist system. Why do you Americucks keep allowing this obvious bias to happen?

All black people are stupid.

>one eye on the loli
>one eye on da streets

t. feminist.
Thad is a meme now, stop hating.

nah man its systematic oppression worse than slavery

>Black man.
>5 years

Its about right senpai.

CP is fucking cancerous. Its harmful because kids get harmed making it.
Loli and drawn CP? I don't think so. I judge that on the "no one hurt? no problem" clause.
I mean guro gets drawn all the time, and that shits not banned under the same rule.

CP isn't produced so people can download it for free anymore than games are made for people to pirate them. people who pay for CP should be jailed but if pirating a game is a lost sale then pirating a CP picture should be the same as saving a child

>CP isn't produced
It is?
Having it or being given it for free by other CP people encourages its creation by some of the more disturbed and active pedophiles.

Yeah if all he had was drawn stuff he'd be fine. It's not illegal in the US to have drawings. He had the real deal.

itt anti-sjws want to put away folks for life just for possessing cp, I dont agree with it but thats just overly harsh


Do you think it is produced just for money?
Those people do it for fun too. Pirating does nothing. You are pretty much enjoying the suffering of a child.

It what? what are you trying to say?

>muh anti-sjws

the fuck you get that from this thread, sperg

>CP isn't produced so people can download it for free anymore than games are made for people to pirate them
But people make games for free all the time. People make art for free all the time. There are a lot of people who enjoy producing media for free to share.

so enjoying CP isn't going to change the fact that there are child predators out there no matter what you do about it. I jerk off to car accidents, doesn't mean I should go to jail for that either

Are you incapable of reading two words.
The question mark was because I was rather confused as to what the fuck the guy I was replying to is on.

Are you a pirate now?

Fuck off, Alison.

>being antipedo makes you feminist

Piracy is not a lost sale. Plus, if you like a pornstar, you're going to be looking for more of her and looking forward to her new scenes. Child pornography is incredibly fucking harmful and you don't want to increase the goddamn demand for it Just having it around is pretty fucking harmful

People don't make car accidents for the intention of wanking though.
Raping children.

You are a fucking retard if you think those two things are comparable. One's an accident and non-sexual in nature. The other is completely intentional and supporting it encourages it.

I look at porn with ad-block on though. I'm actively killing the porn industry

piss off you fucking retard, not every goddamn question in life is based off whether one's pro or anti social justice, and especially not on a videogames board

personally if laws being harsh means fewer children are harmed then it should be made even harsher.

it's stupid
but he could have avoided all that shit by not being a huge retard and bragging on facebook about his cp

Is thad still doing hard time? Been a while

t. feminist.

No you're not. Viewing content for free DRASTCIALLY supports it more than ignoring it or getting it removed. Piracy is nothing more than free advertising.

So he used Tor to download his shit anonymously but then cocked it all up by bragging about it in Facebook? Seriously?

Good argument, pedophile.

It was legit CP right? Not 2d shotas? This is important

Actual cp. And the dumbass was carrying it around in a USB and talking about it on Facebook.

Legit shit. Dude was nuts, it was like he was doing his absolute best to get tossed in jail.

if i remember correctly he was caught, then released on probation or something and used the moment to brag on twitter about ow the cops havent found a hard drive or a USB, then got slammed back in immediately

guy's a fucking retard