What are some good reload animations?

what are some good reload animations?

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Postal 2 shotgun


Yeah when I reload the condom that fucked your mum last night

operator level


People are going to shit on these since Sup Forums has to pretend everything about Uncharted 4 is bad.

>hands too slippery to even pull out the magazine

Quantum Dream was truly a revolutionary game.

If I had a Broken Butterfly webm I would definitely post it

Quantum Break*

i am retard


The second one is pretty bad

The first one not so much, you fucking sonygger


Have it in a mystical format of a bygone age.

Not a good game but guns were good, not sure if that counts as a reload but it's still pretty much gun porn

what games let me reload like this

is he fucking autistic

You are for taking it seriously

Those special ones from Battlefield Hardline.

Ok I'll accept that he was just demonstrating several ways to reload but that foot thing was pretty dumb.

Battlefield Hardline had really nice easter egg reload animations imgur.com/gallery/3wIlg

i fucking love the guns in this game

this game has like blizzard cutscene quality graphics


He sure is in the spectrum.


Bless you user

last light had most enjoyable gun system of any vidya
