Lowest settings thread. Get posting.
Low Settings
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Someone post that super low graphics witcher 3
that is not low settings
go lower
you first nerd
Only got 4x AA going. That's it.
Post games on lowest settings but at 1080p so we can actually see how ugly they are.
No, this is Morrowind.
THat... that looks really fucking good.
That's skyrim right?
Where do I get this mod?
Hmmm. That seems to actually give the game a pleasant cartoon like aesthetic.
Almost like a first person Torchlight
Woah, is this No Man's Sky?
>there will never be a first-person runescape
i'd play it.
arma is one of the few games i can't stand low graphics on because the first person camera is covered in fucking vaseline
toaster approved
ultra slav +
how you pull it off?
>there will never be a survival/crafting game with this kind of art style
The community's always been making reduced texture mods. Apparently a huge part of the playerbase is running on lunchbox Cold War laptops. Fps before all else masterrace
Genesis and Super Nintendo version of Heretic
In the chivalry expansion the pirates face looked like whatever this is on low settings.
aah, the good old times of trying to make the game run on a barely 3 years old FX5200
i fucking love the combination of low-poly with smooth lighting.
so how did they achieve that?
Damn, that is actually looks good
I would fucking murder for a first person 07scape.
silky smooth 900 fps
>29 fps
world of tanks is magical