Why is TF2 so fucking shit and dead right now?

Why is TF2 so fucking shit and dead right now?

>public fucking matchmaking
>no auto-balance
>ctf and payload race are the only good modes, all the others are fucking time-wasters and no one wants to play defense
>Soldier still overpowered and a fanbase meme treasure that should not be touched

No wonder Overwatch shits on this fucking zombie game hard.

Other urls found in this thread:


I last played it two years ago. Games die. Move on.

>you need to pay AGAIN to access the competitive mode
>Or just give us your phone number goy

Go fuck yourself valve. I hate overwatch but still, modern tf2 isn't better.

>ctf and payload race are the only good modes

Holy shit. Kill yourself. Literally.

Matchmaking is fucking awful because there are spastics everywhere and without autobalance half of games end in a complete stomping because none of your team's 7 snipers/spies refuse to change class for the entire game.

I actually agree on ctf though. Thanks to matchmaking people actually play the objectives, and ctf is very solid when everyone's actually focused on the intelligence. Everyone can be helpful in ctf.

>implying these modes aren't the best in public matchmaking

They aren't. Your opinion is garbage and belongs in the trash, not on the internet.

> you cuck :^)
>because they are gay and boring

Jesus Christ, work on your bants. The only thing gay and boring is replying to you.

I am still right

Now I am off fucking your imaginary wife

Valve killed dedicated pub servers cos freakin matchmaking, that's why.

>cp is shit

i will send my condolences

>Tfw i still play sometimes
>Tfw i need to find a new multiplayer game that is not shit

Any recommendations?

>have to buy something new every major update to access their content
What's the fucking point? I have Premium, and I even bought the fucking game before it went F2P. That should be it.

>Soldier still overpowered

Literally only bad players think this

How is he even overpowered? He's just insanely good and probably the best class in the game.

Demoman is way more dangerous if played by a very good player.

Medic, demoman and scout are all better, you're just trash


>ctf is good and not the glorified deathmatch mode
This bait is not even worth the time it would take to upload a reaction image.

>I'll give Valve all my credit card and banking info, but I'll never let them have the super secret data known as my phone number!
Gabe isn't gonna prank call you, dipshit

>tf2 is dead
cant wait for this meme to pop up again
>No wonder Overwatch shits on this fucking zombie game hard.
now I hope you dont think overwatch doesnt has its flaws too

I suppose, but for the average person I'd say Soldier is at least one of the best. He's piss easy to get kills with.


I never used my credit card and banking info to buy shit on pc, I use paysafecard.
I'm not a fucking dumb anime poster like you.
get out, trash.

>soldier is op
>not demo or sniper

I don't think that means what you think it does

>>I'll give Valve all my credit card and banking info,
yes, this is projecting.

Stay dumb and post more chinese reaction pic.

soldier is balanced vanilla, but needs unlock nerfs

in the hands of good players:

top tier: scout=sniper
mid tier: demo=soldier (roughly)
low tier:

the game is just too old, too messy, and unrefined

stay paranoid and enjoy paying more money for things I get for free

I'm not paying it at all, why would I want to play competitive on a fucking 9 years old game ?
I'm just showing valve nonsense.

scout is the best class in the game because of his movement and killing potential, and he just got better thanks to the medic buff

the only thing that can reliably kill a top tier scout is a sentry

you're paranoid faggot
no one will even care about fag like you in the firrst place

you care enough to get mad and respond to my post

Valve has moved onto to bigger and more popular games
and so should you
3k hours here, the game had a good run but it's over

anyone can say "3k hours here" i wanna see a convincing looking screenshot

I wanna say I miss it, but the community has already moved on

I agree: Scout is just hands-down the best class atm. MAYBE Sniper as well, but Soldier is definitely a good and fun class (rocket jump kills are so satisfying). Medic and Demoman are class cores iirc. I don't know about the skill level for Demoman since I can't hit SHIT with the grenade launcher, but they can deal some serious damage that's not to be laughed about.

>game ?

>space before question mark

Confirmed ESL third-worlder who doesn't have a valid phone number he can use. You blew your cover.

you wut m8?

The game is out since fucking 2008, come on


But Overwatch is casual shit.

Several people have thousands of hours in tf2, it's not even that impressive anymore if you've been playing it for several years.

>dumb english cunt not putting space before a question mark

I live in Paris, 16eme arrondissement, call me a third-worlder again you fucking peasant.

Comp mode is amazing and it's all I wanted from tf2 again, people taking the game seriously and playing to win.

Take a wild guess

Because of restrictions to viewmodels in matchmaking.
Fucking weapon viewmodels being forced at 54 and no way to change it makes me hate it. Thank god it's not your actual fov or I would never play.

It wouldn't be so bad, but match making forcing you to have your viewmodels on too is awful.

yeah but it doesn't punish abandoners properly and it keeps matching me to fucking Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo.

I even got matched up against a fucking RUSSIAN the other day while living in Australia.

I like the mode but the flaws are fucking massive and need to be fixed NOW.


there are options out there

Then minimize them, there's not going to be a Scout the size of a bug sneaking up on you with min models.
But yeah, it is shit.


I think the mini ones are shit.

Decent but to casual for my taste. Probably due to the ults rubbing me the wrong way.
I'll just wait and see where that one goes, probably back into the shit house.
You mean Stillborn?

Je suis tout de suite allé voir si c'était quelqu'un que je connaissais

À quelques centaines d'heures près tu aurais pu être lui


I don't really see what exactly is wrong with this update. I jumped in on a casual payload match and everybody was actually contributing to their teams, despite their skill level. Adults, not just kids, we're even using their mics as a means of communication to actually win the game. No friendlies, no hard pubstomping, no mid-game autobalancing, no forcing switch to the winning teams to cheaply win, not even AFK's at all. I can understand that this update is going to give a brief toll on community servers, but it's not like custom gamemodes like VSH and Dodgeball servers are going anywhere for a long while. I think this update should've been here years ago for how much I'm actually enjoying the matchmaking mode.

most games are dead within 5 years. TF2 just benefited from being developed by a shit lazy company that essentially quit shortly after releasing it.

PC gamers are stupid and will pay the same shit for 10+ years until a sequel from their lazy worshiped devs finally make a sequel, which has finally caught up to them with devs just never fucking making the games they are waiting for now.

finally, overwatch, a game that's basically a clone, but set in modern times with more waifus releases. normally, nobody would give a shit, but this game had the benefit of being developed by another one of those "legend" tier PC devs, so the gamers overlooked the facts and decided to full embrace it.

and I'm sure they'll move on to the next slightly updated version of this in 2026 when some other company that seldom does their fucking job shits it out.

You seem cynical as hell. Also
Opinion discarded.

I think they make projectile weapons look very odd and I don't like it.

Alright Muhammad, Immigrating doesn't count.

>I think they make projectile weapons look very odd and I don't like it.
Eh I can agree with you on that one. It's really been fucking with my aim, that or I'm just rusty because I haven't played in 2 years.

>public fucking matchmaking
How is this bad
Was always ineffective and cancer

I only play Zombie Fortress and x10. Sometimes Freak Fortress, but mostly zf and x10.

yep, third-worlder

This desu, the only actual flaw with the update was the inability to choose maps that is now fixed

>I don't really see what exactly is wrong with this update.

Well, I'll tell you what's wrong.

>people getting matched to fucking Timbuctoo because, unlike the old server browser, you can't specifically select servers from your region
>Waiting times, when with the old server browser you'd join just as soon as you could load the map
>People who leave aren't replaced because there's no autobalance and the system to replace them doesn't work correctly
>Competitive matchmaking has the issues listed above, but also has no penalty for leaving other than time, so people just abandon games when they are about to lose, wasting everyone's time
>Righteous Bison got nerfed for no fucking reason actually probably because valve made fire suppress healing by 25% and was too LAZY to bugfix that on Bison, so they replaced its fire particle based projectiles with Pomson projectiles and made it totally shit and is now an even bigger joke

Apart from these things, and others which already happened but were patched out in the last week, the update was good. But these flaws are so huge that they taint the whole update honestly. They've hurt their own game more than Overhyped ever could by killing off perfectly functional Valve pubs.

>third most played game on steam
>dead game

They "fixed" the bison because the 3 people who work there are retarded and think that the weapon's purpose was a glitch. I am so mad at this, I would've used it again but now that's gone

>played by f2p, brs and valvecucks

nice post, user

>played by x

It's more like

top tier: medic, demo
high tier: scout, soldier
mid tier: heavy, sniper
situational tier: engineer, pyro
spy tier: spy

Snowplow and PASS Time are fun
>complaining about anime on Sup Forums
Where did it all go so wrong

no. This is a tier list for 5CP by the way.

sniper is top tier because theoretically he can delete every class in the game instantly, even if they come out of uber. If maps are not specifically balanced around Sniper's strength, a DDS-wearing Sniper will totally dominate.

scout is top tier because he's the best DM class, the best objective capturing class, has a bunch of seriously broken unlocks.

Medic is a stupidly powerful support but he's still a support, without someone to buff he's not much good.

Demo's strength is overhyped and much of it is a holdover from the days before the radius nerf. He's good but he's not THAT good anymore, now that Scout can properly counter him with the smaller, more easily dodged stickybomb explosion radius size.

The classes in the middle are still a bit ambiguous.

The only "situation" Pyro is useful for is for stalling/diverting enemy Ubercharges. For anything else, another class could do the job better. That situation takes up 8 seconds per game, then competitive players switch off Pyro as quickly as they can, shudder, and then go and wash their hands.

Spy has moved up in the world since the movespeed buff, which allows him to overtake all classes that he would never be able to catch up to before running in a straight line. This is why I place him above Pyro. At dreamhack some guy got 3 picks in a row. He's still shit, but he's better than Pyro.

PASS time is ruined by Engineers. ):

and this is why none of you faggots should have voted heavy



I'm French, you Parisians are fags.

Demo with loose cannon stalls Uber better than pyro does

>trusting Valve, the same guys who nerf pyro because pubbers cry about him being overpowered, to rebalance Pyro well
I'd rather have more guns for heavy which had the exact same shit for years

I bet they're gonna add a sandvich reskin and some shit shotgun that does 10 damage if heavy wins