Acquire any legendary skins recently, Vee?

Acquire any legendary skins recently, Vee?

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which is best pharah skin? Mechaqueen or one of the raindancer?

I got that one, hate it though because Pharah isn't native American.


why not? they actually changed her head shape to look like a native american, And it's not just a re color of a egyptian to look that way.

no, and for some reason I've been playing really badly as of late, not sure if people have just gotten pretty good or I just suck

Zarya artic skin

If only i wasn't a shitty Zarya player

I have Raindancer but refuse to use it.
I'm just waiting for Mechaqueen or the recolor.

i have the islander skin for hog but i think his mud skin looks much better

This next one will be the one

Nice try blizzard marketing.

Can't afford the game mate?

listen anons, i just got 1,000 coins, and i dont have any of the legendary skins i really want
now do i spend them all, or wait? i hear waiting will help me get moar shit in the long run, but idk

Pharah has no bad skins.

But mechaqueen is the best.


Have at least one for every character bar Zarya and Winston.

Yes I am a dirty loot box buyer but I have money to spare and it makes me feel less sad if I have nice things.
Keen for the summer skins release. Hopefully Zarya McCree mei and soldier get good skins.

I've unboxed Roadhog's Toa skin and Torbjorn's Blackbeard skin. They both suck and I'll keep using the defaults.

In honesty, Pharah's Mechaqueen is the only legendary that doesn't look like garbage. Some of the epic skins are alright but the defaults are usually best.

Got two Mei legendary skins in a row. I don't use Mei at all.

wait, they say that new skin before the end of summer or at season 2, which is in august

If you're about to roll over the level 100 mark and get a bunch of loot boxes in a row from the low xp requirements for level 1-10 I would wait, you may get the skin you want from those crates.
If you don't really want current skins, wait till the summer skins drop and see if there's something you like more.
If you really want a skin then go for it.

No, in Romania we don't have Overwatch