and I kept telling all my friends on the bus: I beat Contra before breakfast.
And I kept telling all my friends on the bus: I beat Contra before breakfast
Go see Ghostbusters, James.
he did something with his life, you?
He got hounded by feminists for saying he didn't want to see a shitty reboot with a fat unfunny bitch and an ape
How are his wife and her son holding up?
he made a movie, that's a life achivement, plus he has a daughter and a big dicked friend, those are life achivements too, OP on other hand is just a faggot
>Ghostbusters Hellbound could have been a thing, but some SJW wanted Paul Feig's shit instead
>Charlie Day and that Jesse Eisenberg could have been Ghostbusters
Yeah and your virgin in Sup Forums. Get over it man.
I did something with his wife.
Well on the bright side this might be the last thing Fieg ever directs
>he made a movie, that's a life achivement
Anyone can make a movie, now try making a movie that is not completely shit and shameful.
Also I'm pretty sure the baby wasn't his and something went wrong with the birthing process, she is literally retarded.
Not to be that guy, but i'll never understand people that want their dick covered in other persons cum...was it a good experience?
I never watched his movies, but I heard they were decent for the audience it was targeted for.
So that makes it worse considering how pointless it all is.
Does Mike have a real job?
He's a veterinarian.
>Also I'm pretty sure the baby wasn't his and something went wrong with the birthing process, she is literally retarded.
I don't know why people keep memeing about this when everyone know it's wrong. Is it because it's edgy and gives easy (you)s? I mean, I did respond to it.
Saying the movie was terrible is correct though. Can't really defend that.
Your mom's baby went wrong and literally retarded, but shes still content on loving you
Okay, even if it was his daughter and she wasn't retarded then is it such a big achievement to have a daughter?
That's a low bar.
Damn that looks like someone I know from college.
Yes. Especially if you can support her.
There's a reason society looks down on dead-beat dads.
Well at least he's not riding deep into psychosis. A kid gives you different life goals.
>That George Lucas gobbler
Jesus. Never mind the sad, submissive look and rapidly receding hairline, that's probably the worst part.
Psychosis or not, I think we'll be getting some sick ass Counter Monkey 2.0 material soon.
Get hype.
>The shitty Ghostbusters movie flopped.
>Only brought in $45 million on opening weekend with a 300+ million dollar budget.
>Sony thought that they were going to launch a "Ghostbusters Cinematic Universe" with this movie.
>a new spoony video soon
Hl3 will be out before then
Considering half the people who post here will die virgins, then yes, it is an achievement.
>wanting to watch counter monkey
>wanting to watch spooky
Get some self respect, you cuck
Wanking over her doesn't count.