Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada today...

>Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada today, urged Irvine (California) headquartered Blizzard Entertainment CEO Michael Morhaime and its parent Santa Monica (California) based Activision Blizzard’s CEO Bobby Kotick to withdraw the Devi skin in the video game, as it trivialized Hinduism’s highly revered goddesses.
>Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, said that in a video game set-up, the player controlled the movements of Devi, while in reality the devotees put the destinies of themselves in the hands of their goddesses.
>Moreover, Devi and its movements depicted in Overwatch did not match with characterization of the goddesses in the scriptures, Rajan Zed noted.
>Zed stated that Blizzard Entertainment needed to follow its own “core values” which included “lead responsibly” (As one of the world’s leading game companies, we’re committed to making ethical decisions), as in this case it was creating confusion in the minds of community about Devi by misrepresentation.

He's right you know. A Jesus Christ or Muhammed skin wouldn't be tolerated, yet Blizzard thinks it's fine to pick on Hindus. I haven't played Overwatch but Blizzard needs to remove the skins ASAP.

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Fuck the Hindus. They got Clone High canceled. 13 years later I am still fucking mad.

I agree desu



it's a shit skin anyway

Keep in mind that Hi-Rez Studios dealt with this same shit when a small bunch of American Hindus got mad at Kali's FAITHFUL representation in SMITE and demanded the entire Hindu pantheon be removed from the game. Hi-Rez, as tastefully as possible, told them to fuck off.

but its thost fapable skin ever and im not even playing overshit also
>american hindu
just btfo faggot

Doesn't seem like an unreasonable position.

What a stupid americunt show

>We've corrected the devi skin to accurately reflect her heritage.

why can't shitskins just be cool like egyptian pagans and not give a fuck about it?


Canuck actually

Maybe their """""""gods"""""""" will smite the unbelievers

lmao no jk nothing is going to happen at all because it's a made up bunch of fantasy nonsense followed only by uneducated retards


>it's a "you can't sample my mythology cause poos still believe in it" episode


The "offended" spiral keeps spinning.

It doesn't matter, stop caring

Ghandi is a character and they found a humorous portrayal of him offensive.

>An article in Maxim Magazine depicting Mahatma Gandhi being beaten up by a muscular man sparked outrage in India.[9] Clone High was caught in a crossfire when citizens in the country conducted internet searches on the Maxim article but also found out about the show's Gandhi character on MTV's website. This sparked an outrage in India over the show's depiction of Gandhi.[9] On January 30, 2003, the 55th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's assassination, approximately 150 protesters (including members of parliament) gathered in New Delhi and vowed to fast in response to Clone High.[10] Tom Freston, the head of Viacom (owner of MTV), was visiting the network's India branch and was "trapped in the building," according to Miller. In 2015, he recalled that protestors "basically threatened that they'd revoke MTV's broadcasting license in India if they didn't take the show off the air".[4]
>MTV offered a quick apology, stating that "Clone High was created and intended for an American audience", and "we recognize and respect that various cultures may view this programming differently, and we regret any offense taken by the content in the show".

tl;dr, a show that wasn't even broadcast or made for India got Hindus so booty blasted they literally trapped the MTV CEO and threatened to kick MTV out of the county

i do indeed see what you did thair

But it wasn't even the real Gandhi, just a clone

>some nobody from Nevada getting mad at nothing

>I haven't played Overwatch but Blizzard needs to remove the skins ASAP.

You sound like such a faggot.


I'm Hindu and I don't give a shit. Devs wanted to do something unique and they did, I'm glad they were allowed to do it.

>speaking for a religion as varied as Hinduism
Zed sounds like a faggot.

I would love a Jesus or Muhammad skin for the game desu.

Imagine Reaper as Jesus, damn straight.


She's just wearing a costume who cares


Devi's not even a specific goddess, simply a representation of a feminine divine. There were multiple Devas and Devis...

Does she poo in the loo?

Because Cleopatra is black?
I saw this coming ages ago, when they first showed it off. Reminds me of the thing that happened with SMT. On that note, I wonder how Indians feel about Bandai's portrayal of Agni, the god of fire

Underrated post.

you cheeky cunt you

How long until a buddhist monk sets fire to themselves over Zenyatta not being a pacifist?

Why would anyone make an article about this. All you're doing is spreading some stupid shit that can potentially remove something from a game.

she isn't literally a hindu goddess she's just wearing a hindu themed costume

>my made up fairy tales need to be respected
I believe in a god who makes fun of other gods and questions their existence. You cannot do this to me now.


>a skin representative of Shiva
>"picking" on Hindus

Yeah ok.


Zenyatta isn't strictly Buddhist though. They wisely made him a blend of Buddhist and Taoist ideas like the Jedi. Now the east will just laugh at him instead of complaining.

Well if a Jesus-themed skin for Reaper was available it would be the same thing.

You know because he's back from the dead.

Lmao Buddhists aren't pacifists.

Doesn't matter to crazy religious people. Imagine how pissed Muslims would get if South Park had an episode about a clone of Muhammad using a similar story to that episode of Star Trek TNG where they cloned the Klingon prophet.

I wouldn't mind if they removed it as well. It breaks her coloring and profile too much.

A Jesus skin would be tolerated it's just not exotic enough for the anti-American developers at Blizzard.


Hindu'a complain about anything Hindu related in video games.

This isn't news or important.

People would get pretty cross


yeah, but when the executives tried to explain that they said that ghandi's will would be so strong that he would be exactly the same as before or some crap.

a jesus skin wouldn't really cause controversy, a muhammad skin would probably see some sandlads visiting blizzards hq to culturally enrich them though.

>Jesus Christ or Muhammed skin wouldn't be tolerated
I wonder...

>Moreover, Devi and its movements depicted in Overwatch did not match with characterization of the goddesses in the scriptures
So if they just changed the name it would be fine?

Hinduism is the forgotten middle child of religions so they try to get loud at any incident of relevance for attention. Just give them what they want so we can forget about them for another decade or so.


I'm a Christian and I really wouldn't care if they had Jesus as a character or costume in a game. That would actually be pretty cool, depending on how they do it.
Most characters based on religious figures in Digimon are incredibly broken, so they'd probably be happy. Granted, I've never heard any other Christian say anything positive or negative about Jesmon, as everyone's too concerned with Magnamon and the Extreme Jihad.


What are some games that show either Jesus, God, or Mohammed?

>"omg that polygonal model doesn't depict the things i want to, REMOVE IT REMOVE IT REMOVE IT!!!
Sure, not unreasonable at all.

>A Jesus Christ or Muhammed skin wouldn't be tolerated
You mean a muhammed skin wouldn't be tolerated.

>im-fucking-plying everyone wouldn't buy a Jesus McCree skin

I will also never not be salty about this.

First thing I thought about while readin OP


Probably. Seems like it's just Devi skin and not Goddess skin. Change the name to Spicy Curry and case closed.

>get offended by a skin for a character
>not offended by the actual ghandi robot or the trailer depicting his assassination

With this and Clone High, I feel like Indians just don't like the idea of Westerners doing this kind of thing.
I haven't heard of any hubbub about how I can abuse Hindu gods like silly in SMT games.

Jesus was in either Persona 1 or 2 (don't remember which one)

Are we going to pretend anyone cares about Symetria when there's two superior brown girls who are fit too?

Hindus are all bark and no bite, unlike the Muslims who might actually suicide bomb your studio.

SMT has Jehova I guess.

>Cowboy statesman Red McCracken, in a statement in Nevada today, urged Irvine (California) headquartered Blizzard Entertainment CEO Michael Morhaime and its parent Santa Monica (California) based Activision Blizzard’s CEO Bobby Kotick to withdraw the Cowboy skin in the video game, as it trivialized The Old West's highly revered gunslingers.
>Red, who is President of Universal Society of Cowboys, said that in a video game set-up, the player controlled the movements of McCree, while in reality the devotees put the destinies of themselves in the hands of their revolvers.
>Moreover, McCree and its movements depicted in Overwatch did not match with characterization of the cowboys in the scriptures, Red McCracken noted.
>Red stated that Blizzard Entertainment needed to follow its own “core values” which included “lead responsibly” (As one of the world’s leading game companies, we’re committed to making ethical decisions), as in this case it was creating confusion in the minds of community about Cowboys by misrepresentation.


How does it feel to make a good post on Sup Forums?

> 150 people

That's barely a protest. Like, ok, I can understand if Iceland or one of the islands north of Australia could only pull that much, but India has no fucking excuse for such a poor turnout.

They did though, with the new SMT game.


They will protest a foreign cartoon that they never saw, but they won't even do anything about the pooping on their streets.

> Edgelord Jesus Reaper
> Crazy Mohammed Junkrat

Symmetra's coolest skin would be forgotten in an instance

>in a statement in Nevada today
>it was creating confusion in the minds of community about Cowboys by misrepresentation


Pretty much.
This bullshit needs to stop, and it won't stop.

Someone do something.


that's actually not faithful.
kali doesn't wear a bra

I know nothing about Smite, but that's a cool character design.

that's not shiva you dumb cock
it's kali

Does anyone complain about stuff in SMT? They have gods from pretty much every religion.

Jokes on you, I would love a Jesus Christ skin for Mercy and a Muhammad skin for Junk Rat. I say put them in.

>triggered hindu

shiva's a man dumbass

Most smite designs are pretty cool, too bad that it can't be said for the game itself

First off you're mixing your religions bro.

Second, however similar the Omnic stuff might be to existing philosophies in the end it is only informed by them and not intended to reflect any one existing spiritual practice.

Why don't they just kill SMITE then? It's covered in hindu shit.

>Muhammad skin for Junk Rat

He better say peace be upon you after he blows someone up


>Country that literally worships toilets instead of using them, makes decorated huts out of cow shit and drinks cow piss as a cure all, and has an entire temple dedicated to being way too close to and even eating with hordes of dirty rats
>Deserving respect or even a say in first world matters

i'm not hindu
i'm just knowledgeable on the subject hindu pantheon, religion, and hidden teachings