I'm happy an oppai loli is finally going to be in a fighting game.
I'm happy an oppai loli is finally going to be in a fighting game
>oppai loli
>he's THAT retarded
if a loli got big tits it aint a loli
What's the point of a loli if it has oppai? It's just a short girl/woman/lady at that point.
She's not a loli, though. She's a high school student.
Game? Please no blaze blu
>tfw you are shit at fighting games
Oppai loli licks ryotas penis
Just play with the BB General. You can beat 95% of the people there just from knowing a couple of simple BnBs and when not to mash.
I feel you brother
The point is my dick.
>oppai loli
stop thinking of lolis as limited to girls 10 or younger
13-14 is still loli range
girls have breasts by then
>Oppai loli
yea but not like those.
most grown women have less tit.
But she's just a shortstack.
Then again. I know you don't care OP. That's okay.
I dunno dude, some girls grow 'em real big real early.
There's something in the water, I'm tellin' you.
big titted loli is horseshit and just accept it you like young looking grills.
>oppai loli
But isn't that better than liking old prunes?
I love this doujin. Is it just those 4 chapters?
Loli = prepubescent you dumb shit
Es is a short stack, not a loli
>13-14 is still loli range
Only if they haven't started puberty you dumb memester
Not oppai enough desu
>oppai loli
>loli means they haven't started puberty
Where are you getting this idea?
You know that girls start puberty very young, right? Around age 8-10.
>Being smart about it
Japs aren't smart about it, and they coin the terms these days.
I reverse searched and found nothing. Sauce?
>call it a loli cause i wanna be cool
It's not a loli and 9/10 times you fags call something a loli, it isn't.
I think he recently added a new one.
>You know that girls start puberty very young, right? Around age 8-10.
Maybe in America where you get hormones from every food, usually it's a bit earlier than males but still in the 12-14 age range
Just like on sadpanda!
Do a better search. I already found it.
wow you are fucking stupid
who was that retarded sjw game rewiever that called sorcerress from that bit titty game a loli
Except that the whole point of a loli is having a undeveloped body.
What you call "oppai loli" is a fucking dwarf with big tits.
Then share, because I tried as many reverse searches I know of both images and it all came up nothing.
you know, im with you, but theres really no point arguing this, its fiction anyway, it doesn't matter.
only thing that matters is that tags dont get shit up
it's almost as if drawings don't have to conform to real life so it can be a underage girl with big tits if the artist so pleases.
Just like how girls can have cocks if the artist wants..
crazy how art works, huh?
Posting cropped porn without sauce should be a crime.
In this case reverse google search finds archived Sup Forums threads in which one poster mentions another doujin by the same artist, and searching through their history finds it. Still, were it not for that archived thread this shit would be impossible to find and that's not fair.
Get good, shitty.
instead of reverse searching the image, why don't you use tags on sadpanda like any smart person would do.
Samefag harder.
You're a hero. Thanks.
Oh, fuck off. I'm not typing "loli" into sadpanda and sorting through 500,000 doujins.
>loli oppai
>59 pages
Because retards cannot into panda
huh let me see
>oppai, loli
>30 thousand results
thanks user
Sp a shit
There are at least 4 other tags into those two pictures alone you mongoloids
Why is Sup Forums so stupid? Is it the video games? But yall don't even play them, you just shitpost about them.
Well you can draw a dog and convince yourself that its a cat but guess what? It will still be a dog.
Oh please enlighten us then, user
your example is to the extreme and makes you look retarded
more like
>Draw dog with cat ears
>call it a dog
Still a dog.
i don't know that
draw a dog with horse cock
is it a dog or a horse?
Hint: read the fucking text in the images and used the mound of shit you got between your ears, you can restrict the results down to 4 oreven half a page if you are a bit smart
>draw dog
it's a dog
Draw a girl with a penis?
Is it a girl or a man?
>ryouta 0 results
>too young to be loved, some old bands song
Fucking delicious.
Blasted yourself Smh Tbh Fampai.
>draw girl
It's a girl
but it can get a horse pregnant
Does this mean futa isn't gay?
Not that user, but there are a lot of doujins on sadpanda that are woefully under-tagged, so just searching tags doesn't guarantee you'll find it. Searching cropped porn is also basically impossible in google image search unless someone else used that image in an archived thread and someone gave the source there. Be reasonable mang.
You are clinically retarded
Sorimura Youji
I pity the fools who fell for the puritan DFC loli meme and zealously reprise themselves from enjoying one of the hottest things in hentai.
It's like saying "Hurr, bitch lolis are shit cuz they are not moe"
that as well as maybe, but i still deserve a good fap fap
What's the point of this thread?
dumb spoonfeeder
thank you
Little girls with fat tats.
everyone can't be a cunt like you
Whatever you want it to be,
As long as you don't like futa on male. But some people like pegging... I don't know anymore. I guess everything becomes subjective then.
go back to Sup Forums
to expel bodily fluids
Nobody deserves anything, this is a doggy dog world and retards like you are diamond dozen
Holy shit, it literally took me 3 minutes and 2 searches in sadpanda to get that doujin
>Oppai loli, english
>Got an artist that looked very similar to that pic
>Oppai loli, english, Sorimura Youji
>Got 3 doujins that seemed to have that very girl in it
>It was the 2nd one