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Street Fighter V top 8

Winners bracket
RZR|Fuudo (R. Mika) vs. MOV (Chun-Li)
Yukadon (Nash) vs. RZR|Infiltration (Nash)

Losers bracket
HM|Eita (Ken) vs. LI Joe (Nash)
HM|Go1 (Chun-Li) vs. AW|Nemo (Vega)


First for Jade announcement

xth for killer instinct best fighting game

In b4 Mika is censored in SFV Top 8 to appease Mickey Mouse

Why do people hat Mortal Kombat? First time watching EVO btw.

Yo, is there a chat or something?

Sonicfox will never achieve anything in SFV unless the top players all get killed

This is probably the last year they are going to hold the championship sunday outside the convention hall. This was a fucking mistake.

sorcerer battle

Objective facts.

Really slow, boring, and non-flashy

This thread

>Aris with crowd jokes
Nigga just doesnt forgive


It's alright he can live off all the NRS tournament cash prizes.

>xth for killer instinct best fighting game
on Xbox one.

You mean like by a Tsunami?

KoFXIV on PC when?

Fuck off back to furry bitchstink microshill

Lol why does WB and NRS bother to have pots for tournaments? Just send /our/ boy Sonic Fox a check in the mail every season

I'm sure the event will get shit for ratings on "real" TV, so there won't be the pressure to have a big presentation next year.

He won't achieve anything until FANG becomes a viable character.

And Windows 10 store


how long until sfv starts pls?

Who won KI?
Did they reveal a new character?

I can't believe apology lost, goddamn it

Depends on if MKX lives and how much of a mess Injustice 2 is competitively

Or they all get the stds from Ricki


It's fucking 9 am and they're playing mortal kombat. I'm sure the house will be packed when Melee starts.

Fucking this

look at the schedule you lazy shit

10 hours, not including delays



Sleep won with Gargo.

Announced Eyedoll

PS2 emulation is already good enough


10 bongs

Gargos won KI and Eyedol was revealed.


There will be no delays since its on espn. Everything else will be way clear of the main stage.

It's just not logical to release it as an exclusive, especially when they released the previous games on PC. I thought SNK wanted to make money on this game?



>Fightan on PC

Oh okay.
Thank you, esports.

How can people support Mika players honestly? They should all be dragged to the streets and shot.

The hall will get more filled up as the day goes by, and they're only on ESPN for SFV so thats all they need.

I would be shocked if MKX returned next year, that game fucking tanked in competitors from last year

We still got a massive number of attendants this year, we might need a stadium next year too. It's not evos fault normies don't like video games save for pkmn go

I hate these fucking announcers

he still did pretty gosh darn good with his rashid.

10 hours? great that's 4 in the morning here. so much for that. thx evo

Eh, NRS will always have an audience with the casuals so their games will at least survive for like a year or so.

I really want to see what happens if they get thrown off

smashfags are already raging about no helpers for changing their diapers

reminder to scream at capcom for Rashid buffs

yfw you realize that Mortal Kombat is the modern Shaq Fu

needed to go to bed before SFV finished yesterday
wtf happened here? Just a mistake?

>The stadium has like 50 people in the crowd currently

Looking forward to seeing it packed tonight.

>Mortal Kombat goes down in popularity
>Killer Instinct goes up in popularity
>Evolve has almost a million players
>Pokemania 2.0
This has been an interesting month.

>Jason and Alien being in MK made me interested in getting the game
>They are the most plain and boring characters in it



>hating lord Aris

only ones who should be shot are ken and karin players


injustice 2 will be there next year

until a week ago i thought it was gonna be multiplat what the fuck

>minimum delay
>no online paywall
>much better graphics
>stabler framerate
>use literally any controller you want
Also, most modern arcade games run on Windows.


Summoner Quan Chi is a meme.

It'll probably be Injustice 2 next year.


>3AM SFV finals as usual

Has Aris raped anyone yet? I don't understand why they let him attend after what happened in 2010. That poor girl hasn't been seen in tournaments since...

>This big ass arena
Oh damn son esports is real
It'll be interesting to see how filled up it gets and how smelly it gets after smash

UltraDavid is looking old.

that's great but you'll have no one to play against


This doesn't look right...I don't think Joe and Nemo played each other

Joe and Nemo were both sent to losers in the set they had to win to qualify for winner's top 8, and then Nemo beat Xian and Joe beat Kazunoko. So they're both in loser's top 8.

I don't play fighting games much, but is Mortal Kombat supposed to be boring to watch?


What's the point of this stadium if it's 80% empty?
Looks pretty sad and anti-hype.

www twitch tv/st_ultimate/v/78499362

And here's the VOD of the developers showing him off.

Wow is DC comics good again?

I always find people to play though.
Third Strike on fightcade has more players than Third Strike Online does.

Yeah I wish consoles were just deleted from the world, all they do is hold us behind

The smash community has indeed been doing everything in their power not to be invited back next year. Both games too. I figure that will be their "last straw" and show their real power levels. Hopefully they don't sperg and start chanting melee during the matches.

Early morning Mortal Kombat dude, give it time.

>kekking at le ps2 meme
Anyway, it will eventually be on pc, SNK knows that China has internet cafes. They might be looking for companies to port it over. I'd say by the beginning of next year or holiday season we should have it

Is the arena full of people yet?


It'll be full for SFV on ESPN2

>make some noise
>deafening silence


They don't have a stadium this year. There's a difference between an arena and a stadium.

Street Fighter will fill it up.

cringe anouncer

why is the player setup still side to side?

wasn't there a call for evo to change the setup so players are away from each other to prevent sneak button glances?



>Make some noise!