Remember he's vulgar, crude AND ENTERTAINING... If the media wanted to sell a reason to FEAR DedSec, HE'D be a GREAT REASON. His name is THE EDGE.
Remember he's vulgar, crude AND ENTERTAINING... If the media wanted to sell a reason to FEAR DedSec...
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I reach these kids
>Anonymous hacker who operates in public eye
>Loads of distinguishing tattoos
I'm sure the people writing this game are literally ten years old.
As a programmer, this triggers me in so many ways.
V_~ is cute. Porn when?
what the fuck am I looking at
jesus it's like a corporate committee had a fucking aneurysm
This is girl/homobait.
Holy shit is this game written by 4th graders?
homo here, no thanks you can have him
As a gay dude, adrenaline junkie attention whores are just about the bottom of the barrel for me. Just screams daddy issues.
To be fair I think this would be cool if it wasn't made by ubisoft and didn't take itself seriously.
>Watch Dogs will never be Saints Row but with the Deckers
Why am I reminded of this?
Did Coldsteel get a job at Ubisoft?
I bet you're into bugchasers, dude.
But guys look at these hacker tattoos, they are sooo awesome! I wish I had the courage to have them...
Cant wait to hang out with ColdWrench the Hackhog.
Just poz my neghole up, senpai.
Last time I thought/saw this I was on Sup Forums in 2006.
Drink bleach ASAP.
fuck, man...
I can't wait for them to unveil "Youth Market" for their next character.
What the fuck
I'm pretty sure the only people who liked this was because of Not-Wile E Coyote and Not-Roadrunner porn
Fuckkkk dudeeeeee
This is some mega cringe
The designer must have never seen tattoos in their life if they think that having any of these are acceptable. Most of that looks like prison tats.
What you aren't living with your hacker friends in abondened sub-way tunnels while wearing glampunk clothing and listening to hardbass non-stop?
What are you GAY?
This is
This is incredibly embarrassing. It's so embarrassing I feel second hand embarrassment for the dev team when looking at it.
>vulgar, crude AND ENTERTAINING
>green color theme
>against big corps
They obviously lifted his character from WWF's D-Generation X
Just waiting until he blows something up and does the crotch chop like Triple H
to be fair it was really good porn
What's their names so I can hit up e621 later?
I'll never forget that E3 thread.
I dont care if he's edgelord mc edgy edge.
He's cute and I want him inside me right now.
PS i give it two hours on release for him to be front page of /y/
this is so stupid
No i live in a fucking dingy room that smells of unwashed men and stale fast food. This fucker is the very image of the people we hold in disdain.
>Hems jokingly called the wrench because he's the wrench you throw into people's gears to bring the to a halt
>he's also smart, nihilistic and with a twisted sense of humor oc donut steel
just use loonatics and coyote
>4channers calling this shit embarrassing
>they will never ever look into a mirror and realize how embarrassing they are
Your butthurt is showing.
It's hard to look in a mirror when all you can see is fat and dorito grease.
>10/10 Edge
shit, forgot, actual title search is loonatics_unleashed
fuck off dev
>you cant criticize anything because i assume you havent criticized yourself!
t. tattooed cuck
Honestly this guy should have been the protagonist, it would have made more sense to have a dedsec focused story played through a person who we know nothing about.
But nah
have a nigger with a snapback
>hes the wrench you throw into somebody's gears
He's the perfect twink idfk what the problem is.
I bet you faggots like to kiss girls too.
How many layers are you on?
If you think that the character in the OP is even remotely good, or even mediocre, you aren't old enough to be browsing this website. You should also probably check into some type of children's hospital for a possible head injury.
50 rupees have been deposited into your account.
He could kill lions in that suit
You guys do know this game is satire and mocking these type of individuals? The game is to make lulsec as comical and ridiculous as possible to remove any fear from them
This is like written by a 14 year old
>They jokingly call him "The Wrench" because he's the wrench you throw into somebody's gears to grin them to a halt.
Fucking really now?
>edgy alt-right teen spewing "cuck" everywhere
>not cringey
I feel partly to blame for this, because I would have thought this was so badass back when I was 16.
You're talking about the only interesting character that's been presented so far, including the last game. If they had made him the main character instead of whatshisname this game would have more than zero chance of being fun.
Maybe in 1992 that would be considered edgy. Then again any outfit that isn't a graphic tee, hoodie, blue jeans, and skate shoes would be called either edgy or some other buzzword because what ISN'T called edgy nowadays?
hes a nigger though
so therefore no-no
jesus dude
Why didn't they let us write it?
A lot changes in a year, eh?
This guy is literally oyster from Tim and Eric
So, why does he wear the mask anyways? If he's willing to let people see his tattoos, I mean.
That's what niggers are for, sir.
This and playing bass.
Nobody cared who he was until he ;)
Because he is a big guy.
>lefty 23 year old fat body saying everything is cringey
>not cringey
get ready for this bishie to be the face of vidya yaoi for the next year or so.
>WD2 marketed to appear edgy teenager b8
>is actually a ruse and it turns out to be one of the most self-aware critique of twenager angest
I want to believe
Nope, you're wrong, niggers are for basketball and bass.
What did he mean by this?
>implying this isn't going to be Aiden
/tg/fag here. My hacker is named "Brick". :)
>everybody who disagrees with me is a lefty numale cuck!
How's summer vacation?
Guys...what if he is Aiden Pierce
>everybody who diagrees with me is a edgy alt right winger
we can make assumptions all day long dude
He's actually the long abandoned son of Aiden X.X
No, because satire is dead and buried for this generation of faggots.
Don't you have a BLM protest to go to?
Except you've made it clear you're an alt-righter with your cuck and tribalism memes.
>goes from boring muh daughter hacker to a mask wearing attention whore
I can see it.
He sounds like a teen and has the body of one as well, Auden looked mid 30s and was a good deal more buff.
>hurrdurr if i call him a leftist again i win
>lives on the edge
holy shit, this has to be a joke.
Stop chimping out like a dumb nigger then.
>the most boring main character turns into the most memetastic side character
It would be the prefect ruse